Mei Zhen's voice trailed at his expression but she didn't remove her hand from where it lay.
Impatiently, Tang took her hand and placed it back in her lap.
"I will be extremely busy in the coming few days. Work related travel may happen more frequently as well," he told her in a patient voice.
At Mei Zhen's nod, he continued, "during this period, I want to ask for your understanding and non interference. If the new project goes well, it will have long term benefits for all of us."
She was relieved that he had been busy thinking about work instead of that woman. And she was thrilled at the prospect of becoming his confidante. This was the first time that he had discussed work with her and sought her help.
"Of course I understand. You don't worry about anything and simply concentrate on your precious project. I will be here to support you," she said warmly.
Tang gave a start at her choice of words but then smiled, "yes, it is indeed precious."