My dreams...

"Maybe I am feeling left out. Why don't you give me some sappy love and I won't resent them theirs, hmm?" Tang said in a low voice, meant only for Jia Li's ears.

She turned beetroot at the sudden change of topic and said hurriedly, "didn't you say you wanted to walk to the hotel? Why don't you wear your shoes and I shall get my jacket."

"Wait, what is wrong with you big brother? After walking with you to the hotel, she would have to walk back alone. That's not acceptable," Chu protested.

Tang gave her a retarded look, "I really wish you would use your head sometimes. Who said she would walk back alone. I would come and drop her back, right? I am not doing this for me, but for her health."

This time he got attacked by both Jia Li and Chu for his remarks.

Groaning, he finally managed to escape their clutches, "I will be waiting outside for you, Jia Li."

She locked the house and came to where Tang was waiting for her.