Evil Plans

"Err, do you mind if I accompany you to the kitchen? Probably, it's not the best idea for your ex-boyfriend and your ex-husband to be in the same room, alone," he said with a self-depreciating laugh.

She gave him an uncertain smile but nodded her head. She wasn't sure what he meant by that but didn't want to get into a conversation on that uncomfortable topic. She only hoped that he would leave before Wei comes else the situation actually may be combustible!!!!

"I see that you have a fully functional kitchen here. Seems like you have learnt how to cook," he said, referring to her non-existing cooking skills during their married days.

"Like they say, necessity is the mother of all things essential. Since I had to fend for myself, I managed to pick up a few things which ensure that I don't go hungry. Though I am far from your culinary skills level," she replied.