Unexpected events...

He thought that Jia Li could be an asset in the future meets. But where was she?

She came running back, with a couple of shopping bags in her hands. Hui looked at her in askance. He had been waiting patiently outside the restaurant, post settling the bill and she had gone gallivanting?

"Did you go shopping at this hour, Ms. Lin?" he asked with displeasure.

She looked at him sheepishly and replied, "I know that we have eaten a sumptuous meal but five hours is a long time for me to digest that food and feel hungry again. Since we had consumed the snacks in the morning, I just picked up few…"

Hui threw back his head and laughed. Jia Li looked at him in surprise. Was this the first time that she had seen the Boss laugh? Did this mean that he wasn't angry with her as he had been a few seconds ago? Gosh, the man was completely unpredictable.