"It is a miracle that I am able to sit in front of you, being able to see you, and talk to you after my past actions," Tang said gratefully.
He continued, his voice breaking on the next set of words.
"When I should have protected you, understood you, taken up the responsibility of your well-being, I did everything but that. By the time this realisation hit me, it was too late. You had walked out of my life and that too without a word or a backward glance. More importantly, you had walked off with a scar both on and inside your heart. And it was all because of me. I don't know if either of the scars can ever be removed. For the longest time, I couldn't face my own self. I drank myself into oblivion every single night out of shame and guilt," his voice had gone hoarse with pain.
His eyes were brimming with tortured tears.