Old Relatives, New Connections

To the Li family, money mattered more than blood!

Li Yimei was three years older than Sam but was still too young to get engaged, atleast in Irene's opinion. She herself had been the same age when a fellow graduate student had fallen in love with her and proposed. She had accepted, quit her studies and followed him blindly. Till date that remained her biggest woe.

But, the circumstances were vastly different between the two of them. That was whirlwind love while this seemed like a pre-approved, planned association.

"How long would we have to stay there? I have my preparatory exams starting in a month," Sam's sulking voice broke her reverie.

"Just for a week, my love. Unless, you change your mind and fall in love with China," her mother teased her gently.

Rolling her eyes at the near impossibility of such an event, she braced herself for what awaited her.