Quiet, Lonely & Fearful

"What the hell does she mean by well matched with Ying? How did she get that impression? I think it's that slimy cousin of Ethan who is responsible for such a rumour. Which reminds me, were you supposed to join us yesterday for the pre-wedding dinner?" Tang wrote to her.

Jia Li looked at him in surprise and asked, "how did you know? Eric had invited us but Hui and I both thought that it was an event meant only for the closest relatives. So we met them outside for an early dinner."

He snorted and typed again, "I knew it. That slime ball had told Ethan that his boss along with his date were going to join us for dinner. How dare he refer to you as someone else's date? Who the hell gave him that right?"

"Calm down. You are behaving like a horse in a snit. He must have meant 'date' as a generic term of me accompanying Ying Hui and not in a romantic sense," she explained.