Path to the Capital

I didn't bother wasting my time. Since I still have no chance to hide my name yet, I decided to travel towards the Main Capital of the Continent Resurgia. The world of the Alternate World consisted of 12 continents. 10 continents in land and 2 continents in the air. The continents are Resurgia, Sandurk, Aquagius, Luminos, Tiersshin, Kamikaze, Niubulua, Farcua, Vodos, Xurars, Aerous and Spatihous.

The continent that are accessible at first are the Resurgia and Sandurk while the others are not yet open. Months later, an expedition expansion pack will be released for players to explore the continent of Aquagios and in the upcoming years, the other continent will get unlocked one by one, leaving players to explore the world by themselves. The game is getting too expansive making the game even more popular despite reaching many years of the game run. Due to this, most people invested too much in the game to get rich. However, despite reaching 25 years, the highest leveled player did not reach the level cap at all.

Since my player name will get too famous if I go back into the town. There is no problem not taking the quests in town since there are no quests much there except for the starting players to get fully nurtured and safely travel to the capital. In the capital, the official difficulty of the quests begins here. You need to be as strong as level 10 to arrive safely into the capital without getting wrecked by the monsters in the way.

The reason why players needs to go to the capital is due to the fact that you can start officially make your guild here. Also the hidden quests and storyline quests are all present here and interacting with the NPCs here makes you think that you are talking to a real human since they also can go make friends with you without you moving.

My plan is to raise my friendliness level in the capital. The higher your friendship and reputation level in the area, the more influential you are in the game. Many players that are too influential in the city that unwillingly made trouble with other players made the NPCs to move and subdue the said enemy player. However, since you need to kill enemies before reaching the capital, many players needed to grind before they can enter the place of the players.

Its not a problem for me to hack my way to reach the capital. I can also level up and raise my proficiency with my weapons while I am there. No player will try to cross the safety road if they are not ready.

Since I still didn't have a good mount, travelling on foot will do. Unlike in most games, your stamina in the game is also the stamina of yours in real life. If you are not athletic in real life, you need to properly train to run longer.

I did not bother running in game since I prefer taking it slow. On the road, after crossing the safety zone, a red sign appeared in my vision.

"Warning. Leaving the safe zone and entering combat zone. PVP can be initiated here and monsters go aggressive against you if you enter their aggro range."

I didn't mind it. Its actually what I wanted. Many monsters in the beginning of the combat zone will start at level 5 and will go stronger, reaching up to level 10 that is why, grinding up to level 10 is the best way to reach the capital safely without dying. However, this technique that I came up is one of the most efficient way to stop wasting precious time in grinding on lower level enemies.

In the past, players grinding for level to safely reach the capital lasted for almost a week, making the capital bustling after a week of emptiness. If I could break that today, my name will be famous again. However, I needed them to panic to delay their growth and frustration on my strategy. It might last more than a week or more before they can reach the capital. That amount of time is enough for me to finish the necessary steps to avoid being stepped and betrayed like I used to.

The road towards the Capital might be made in concrete but it is infested by different enemies that are troublesome. Many travelers to the Capital needed to face these enemies to reach the capital and I am not an exemption to that.

TangleVines (Normal)

Level 5

Health: 1000

Attribute: Plant

A lot of these guys are scattered in the streets and usually attacks in groups. These monsters might be level 5 and health of 1000 but they are actually weak. I can't even believe many players fall victim to this weak guy, its really pathetic. I changed my weapon into a Magic Sword. I will use the basic skill of a Magic Knight against it since it one of the most effective class against it, second only to the Magician.

Gripping the sword, I activated the skill without chanting anything, causing the sword to be engulfed by hot flames. It is one of the basic skill of a Magic Knight, making normal attacks into flame attributed one. With my hit rate increased, I quickly striked the nearby enemy with a slash, attributed by flames.





Four consecutive strikes allowed me to drain half of the enemies' HP. I quickly backed off before I strike once again without even thinking twice. My reflexes might be somewhat advanced but its pretty normal. With my senses, I can dodge the attacks of the TangleVine without even being hit. I continued my onslaught and sure enough, I leveled once again after killing 10 TangleVines. It also dropped a few materials worth selling a copper.

Might as well change targets. I didn't spend my APs first. I shall save it until level 10. Sure enough reaching level 6 feel good especially if you are the only coveting that level in the whole world. Nobody in the world holds this level yet except for me. I walk once more to the concrete road filled with monsters. The TangleVines are not worth grinding as most materials they drop are pretty cheap and actually useless. The road to the capital is long however I can keep on walking without being tired at all. Before I reached halfway into the road, I saw another monster that I like to kill.

Living Rock(Normal)

Level 6

Health: 300

Attribute: Earth

This monster is basically underestimated due to its measly health points. However, these monsters hit so hard that a single punch can half your HP. Their defense are top notch too. You need an Earth, Plant and Water skills to destroy this guy. Magic Knights still got a hold into this.

"Earth Fissure!"

Earth Fissure is a skill that makes your sword as hard as a hammer, that is enough to slam into the ground causing fissures to appear. It is an AOE skill and a single slamming can result multiple damages to enemies in a specific area. This skill is specifically meant for high defense enemies since it also cause a debuff of reduced defense that lasts for 5 seconds.

And just like that, I arrived halfway towards the Capital. Travelling in foot in this game also helped me experience that I am one with the nature. Too bad there is limited nature spots now in this age as many businesses are rising and needed to buy land, resulting to clearing of forests. Thank goodness to the Virtual Reality, people were more focused on the game rather than using the lands to make businesses causing many nature enthusiasts and activists to approve the game.

It takes quite a few time before I took down the Living Rock. However, my SP gained in the battles are bountiful. I have only defeated 12 Living Rocks and my level has risen again to level 7.

I continued my little journey and as I arrived into the hill, I can now actually see the Capital Walls in the distance. However, monsters are not letting me go at all.

Orc (Normal)

Level 7

Health: 750

Attribute: None

These guys are all lump of flesh, they might hit a lot and destroy your HP bar, however, they are practically the same with the other weak monsters and killing them won't even break you a sweat. Their attack patterns are really easy to determine. I must try another weapon I have not used in the past and try to be a gunslinger!

The magic sword seems to be divided into two then settled into my hands, turning them into dual guns that the Gunslinger class is usually using.

The Orcs charges as I entered the aggro area of the Orcs and pulled the trigger of the gun.





A series of numbers appeared and most are criticals that allowed me to destroy the enemies are all the times that I hit their head.

I grinned. It actually worked! The strategy of killing orcs by dealing a huge damage to their head leads to easy experience farm. Its a strategy by one of my guild members in the past and I just used this strategy to destroy orcs and again, I earned a huge amount of exp. Due to the effect of Memento Mori which is not to be underestimated, I reached to level 9. I did not care what the people online are talking about. I need to stop the next enemy which basically claims most of the players HPs in the past.

Gate Guardian (Elite Mini Boss)

Level 10

Health 5,000/5,000

Attribute: None

This guy gives the definition of players of passing through. This guy practically spawn in front of players that tries to enter the capital. Basically, killing this guy permits you to enter the Capital if you kill him. Nobody needs to repeat on killing him once you killed him and he won't spawn if you defeated him. However, partying with people that haven't beaten up this guy will spawn him. However, it is practically useless due to the fact that players who managed to beat him won't receive anything, Experience or Drops. Its only a one time drop.

"Heh, I want passage to the capital, Gate Guardian!" I shouted to the towering mini boss.

"Defeat me and you can enter the Capital!" The Gate guardian immediately forms a battle stance.

In the past, players tried sneaking behind the Gate Guardian resulting to the mini boss to cast a skill called Divine Punishment. This skill is a sure one hit kill on players whatever level they are in. Its a skill meant to punish players that only sneak and avoid the challenge.

Of course, I have no intention on sneaking. I prefer fighting head-on, I will beat whoever blocks my way, not even a gate guardian that I defeated in the past or a random player.


Hey, second chapter update! Better update now than never. Before the connection gets bad, let's update some sh*tty chapters first.