
Against The Queen

The Green Spider Queen has three berserk skills that is harder to avoid and cannot e cancelled. Once you drain its first HP bar or exactly 250,000 HP, she will unleash the first berserk skill and that will be called Web Thrashing. She will spit out a huge amount of web, covering the entire floor and any creature or player who tries to step into the web will get entangled and the boss will start thrashing its metal hard legs into the area where the most players are stucked in. The damage are quite big which is not a laughing matter.

Once you successfully chip off 500,000 amount of HP that the Queen has, she will relinquish the second AOE skill. It is called Poison Sanctuary. The queen will become weakened at first before it will use the skill and convert the ground into poison pool that inflicts 200 HP per second as long as you are in the area. The more you stay there, the slower you move. Moreover, she will heal according to the damages you got in the Poison Sanctuary This is the most troublesome part of the skill as you will struggle to chip off the HP bar you worked hard to reduce.

The last AOE skill will only activate once the Green Spider Queen has only one HP bar left or in other words, she only have 250,000 HP or below than that. It is called Insect Instinct. From what I can remember, she will remove her carapace and break it into pieces. After doing so, she will use the broken shards as a weapon and throws it to a certain area where she will stay and recuperate. This might not be deadly but it will be hard as she will stay in the area where the shards are and the shards can inflict 500 HP per movement which is really bothersome. The area it holds is certainly strategic due to the reason that it has a distance. Melee players have trouble since attacking her means 500 HP loss per movement. Magic also don't work since the magic is always out of range against it.

These skills are certainly not a good thing. I don't have a backup, equipment are still sh*t, and that will be a very tiresome work to do. However, I am not giving up that easily. Those skills do not intimidate me.

I switched my weapon into Magic Knight Sword and quickly cast the skill Flaming Sword causing the Versatile Weapon to light up and covered in flames. I also activated the skill Concealment alongside with Silent Sprint.

When I entered its agrro range, it looks around, sensing me. Of course it will not be able to attack me yet unless the Concealment effect ran out which is still 10 seconds. Closing the gap on this spider and mine, I swing my weapon to the Green Spider Queen alongside with the skill Shocking Lightning on my other hand. A series of damage appeared.




Too weak! This damage output is too weak. However, it is alright. Dwindling it slowly is needed to destroy its patterns of attack. The Green Spider Queen let's out a low growl before it starts its attacks to me.

Thankfully, I am able to find its pattern and knew how to deal it. I move my legs and sprinted towards it, and once more, I swing my Flaming Sword but this time, I casted a skill.

"Earth Fissure!"

This skill might be ineffective but it is enough to startle the boss. Several cracks appear on the ground and the feet of the Green Spider Queen fell on the cracks, causing another series of damage.






-Target was inflicted with Daze!

The damage output did not reach the 100 threshold however, it is quite good enough to have dealt enough damage. I was also lucky enough to inflict Daze to the Green Spider Queen.

I made a move once more and used my Flaming Sword to deal damage. I did not stop attacking until its daze status disappears. With my hit rate raised with 15% due to the Core of the Elemental Slime Necklace, I can execute 10 hits in 2 seconds and my skill casting is quite fast too. The cool down is not a problem either.

The Daze ran out and I failed to evade fast enough and caused me to get hit by its normal attack.



My 1500 Health was reduced immediately to 500 after a single hit! F*ck! I quickly cast The Sanctuary of the Sick and heal myself using the Healing Heart Skill. The skill, The Sanctuary of The Sick is a skill that influence allows low health players to stay in the area where they will eventually heal. Healing Heart is a normal healing skill and once casted, a healing skill casted on the target will increase its effect making it a real good healing skill. That is why Healing Heart and The Sanctuary of the Sick are a nice combination in terms of healing! Problem is the 30 seconds countdown on Healing Heart and The Sanctuary Of The Sick has 2 minute cool down. That is why I prepared another healing skill called Divine Healing.

Divine Healing allows the player that casts it invulnerable against ailments for one minute alongside with the healing properties. It is also a good skill with small cool down which is only 10 seconds. It is meant for party healing but it also works solo. Later on, it will be nerfed since it is too good and clerics are particularly untouchable if the skill isn't nerfed. The invulnerability duration will only last 30 seconds and its cooldown now lasts for 20 seconds. Let's just take advantage of it for now.

In no time, my health returned to full. The Green Spider Queen did not allow me to relax a bit and quickly launch a poisonous spit in which I quickly evaded. If possible, I have to end it quickly but since the Green Spider Queen is quite stronger and has a large HP bar, moreover, has a higher level it is a very tough challenge.

I cast my Basic Fireball and swing my Flaming Sword to the Green Spider Queen. I did a strategic attack and slides underneath the Green Spider Queen. I remembered that this boss weakness is located under her thorax which is a bit hard to strike. But with my agile body, I don't need to keep on struggling on the hard armors on its legs and head. I struck my sword and also cast a Basic Fireball underneath the spider .



-3000 Critical!

I escaped before the Green Spider Queen can stomp me. I was surprised to see a huge damage like that. It even caused a critical in which I didn't expect since criticals are too hard to get usually.

The Green Spider Queen thrashed around, shaking the ground. It is too angry. I quickly made another dash but the boss is too clever and saw me through, attacking me.


That is a bit lower than its first damage to me but I did not care about it. I made another roll and get away from it. I cast the Sanctuary of the Sick and Healing Heart together, healing me back to full health before rolling away once more. This is harder than the usual. The boss is getting intelligent and hard to predict. I may say that this game is getting interesting as time goes by. And as far I can tell, this battle won't end too soon.

I quickly made my way again under it's thorax but this time, I used my Concealment and made a dash towards the boss. As usual, the boss did not notice my presence and I reach back my target.

"I won't hold back," I gritted my teeth and with a huff, I strike my sword to it's thorax.

"Earth Fissure!"

I used Earth Fissure inside the thorax of the boss. The game is using the principle of reality in which case, if a strong force occurs inside the body of a being, it will be forced to go out and explode.


The Green Spider Queen exploded and a big amount of damage appeared.


A series of notification appeared in my view.







-Player has successfully killed an Area Boss! Awarding EXP Box and Copper Equipment Box

-Player has successfully done a first kill in the whole world! Awarding Player Bladeheart with the title First Kill and Silver Equipment Box!"

I did not expect to create a one hit kill against the boss using that strategy. Though it was a normal thing for the boss to die by that, I still didn't expect it to die so easily. It might have to do with the Spell Amplification and the possible crit rate that I possibly triggered when I did the Concealment. And since it is realistic, the boss' blood rained down the whole place. The boss did not even get to release any possible skills to do an attack with me which saves me a lot of time. I don't want to keep on stretching my time and I successfully got the reward I wanted.

As usual, the drops are all laid before me. A few gold coins, a piece of Rare Armor and 10 Green Spider Fang that I am expecting. I look at the Armor stats and nodded in satisfaction.

"Venomous Armor"

Can be equipped in Level 14

Class: Warrior, Paladin, Holy Knight, Versatile

Rarity: Rare

Def: 50

Agi: 12

Dex: 21

Additional Stat: Poison Resistance 40%

Description: An armor that is said to be drenched in poison for hundred years and after being taken out, any wearer who wears it is said to be able to resist poisons. Can be dropped. Can be traded.

It's an armor that allows poison resistance alright. It is beneficial to me but later on, I will no longer need it once I find a better armor. I better have this get devoured by the Versatile Weapon instead of selling it. There might be some good skill that might appear if it was devoured.

I equipped it and looked at the EXP Box, Copper Equipment Box and Silver Equipment Box in my inventory. EXP boxes yield godly amount of EXP and as I remember, the EXP it can give the player is 1,000,000 which can raise me three levels more in my current situation. I didn't hesitate and opened the box, and I received the amount I am anticipating in.

-You received 1,000,000 EXP




I ended up reaching Level 20, the Memento Mori is sure doing a good job leveling me up! 300% exp increased is sure terrifying.

I looked at the Copper equipment box. Most likely, I will receive an equipment in Scrap, Normal or Rare randomly if I opened the box. Since I did not mind if I get a junk, I opened the box and sure enough, it is a Scrap quality.

"Pearlite Helm"

Cannot be Equipped

Level 30

Rarity: Scrap

Description: A helm that once dominated the Kamikaze Continent, however, due to the last war, it lost all of it's magic and now just a scrap. However, rebuilding it will return it's former glory.

When I read it, I was surprised. An equipment that once dominated in Kamikaze continent? That continent is filled with level 200 monsters and I never expected to find a weapon scrap here. This piece is definitely worth repairing. I decided to place it inside my inventory and I will store it in the bank later.

I looked at the last reward, the Silver Equipment Box. In this box, unlike the Copper Equipment Box, you cannot earn Scraps here but Normal, Rare or Super Rare quality equipment instead. I opened it up and I was delighted to see a familiar beginner armor that I wore in the past.

"Rakshasha Pants"

Can be equipped at Level 18

Class: ALL

Rarity: Super Rare

Def: 39

Agi: 20

Dex: 10

Additional effect: Weapon Attack damage increases for 20%

Description: A pants once used by a Rakshasha when he wandered the land of the living, ending up wearing a piece of pants. The pants was given a ritual and it acquired the necessary requirements to become an equipment by the Rakshasha.