
Father's Arrival

From what I can recall in this hidden quest, the player who managed to trigger it was a level 150 Holy Knight. He was currently selling Flame Rocks to Almira which allowed him to trigger it. Since he was already level 150, getting Flame Rocks is not a problem. He managed to deliver 100 flame rocks to her, resulting to trigger the next quest. That time, his reward was a Rare War hammer with a skill to boost the power of the Holy Smite, a skill only players who managed to class up from Holy Knights can learn.

After accepting the same quest I have right now, he proceeded to the Death Desert to look for clues. Before he can find a clue, he needed to go and kill a Death Worm which is described to be really hard to kill as you have a time limit to kill it for 5 minutes before the worm will destroy the clue. Good thing he have three tries to do it. He didn't have time to kill it during his first and second attempt and he died trying however he managed to kill with the help of a Destruction Scroll which cost him a sum of money and a few reputation points. However, the quest awards him hefty amount of gold, another set of armor and weapon, large amount of Exp and a permanent 20% discount on Almira's shop. Moreover, he also gained a friendship reputation to her and to the nearby settlement in the Death Desert gaining additional perks in which he didn't mention. It was a very good discussion to everyone in the game as he shared it on the game forum.

Now that I have the quest, I need to get stronger and once I reach level 30, I can now proceed to craft scrolls which is an Ex job known also as Scribe. It needed to be level 30 as it is a requirement to become a scribe. Learning the Destruction Spell will take some time though not too hard to do so.

I spend the 7 hours of hunting the monsters of the Scorched Village. It was quite tiresome but I got lots of benefits. From level 21 to level 37. It was quite a leap though it was not quite surprising as I have the Memento Mori title. Though my progress is too eye catching, I don't mind now. I am excited to go and learn the scribe Ex job. This job is a moneymaking business so I will not be wasting my time on it.

From my hunt, I managed to collect 1000 copper coins, 200 silver and 13 gold. I also have filled my inventory of monster drops. Only one piece of drop is useful to me and that is the Rotten Scorched Meat which is dropped by the Scorched Zombies. They are needed for Alchemy Practitioners and Brew masters. Alchemy Practitioners can create Poison Extract from them and Brew master buy Poison Extract to create Poisonous Molotov Cocktails which is quite strong too. The others are useless and can only fetch money. I looked at the time in the real world and it is still 3:34 in the early morning. It is still dark at home but I needed to log out soon. Father will be returning and all of my effort hiding the Reality Verse Nexus cabin will be for naught if he caught me using it. I returned to the city and goes to the stores and sold the drops. There are no players there at the moment but if they saw me pull out lots of materials in one go, they might known me immediately as Bladeheart. I quickly returned to the inn after earning 30 gold and 1500 silver. I conversed to Lily and deposited another money as my time there is already a few days already and my last payment is already due to the date. I can't keep on staying there without payment. I deposited 4 gold coins there which is enough for a month long game time and month long food supply. I did saw a few players look into my direction and seeing that I have no name with me, they seemed confused if I was a player or an NPC though thy can't determine it easily as I have hidden my name. Just hoping they don't notice that I still bear the player arrow which is always present on all players.

I managed to return to my room without brewing any disturbance. Looks like the players did not notice me much or took a close look at me. With that, I lay to the soft and clean bed and let my weary body rest. I checked the Rankings and I was still in the top place. Second is Harmless Sparrow who is already level 14. The remaining players are below to level 13 but they seemed to reach a higher level to catch up on Harmless Sparrow. I checked the Forums and once again, I was the topic. Still trying to guess my identity and whereabouts in the capital.

After seeing that nobody have managed to saw me or noticed my cloaked figure, I sighed in relief. I checked my Stats and distribute my SP to my stats. Raising my STR, INT, DEX, and AGI. I saved the AP so that I can plan what skills I will try to learn on for the future. I don't need to hastily spent it out. Its only free AP anyway, I can earn it later on. Before I settle everything, its time for me to use the gold coins into use. I opened the currency exchange in the game. Gold can be exchanged into yen or any currency that you are in as long as it is a gold coin. 1 gold coin is equivalent to 5,000 yen. Its quite a lot of money and earning it is not a problem to me. I deposited 20 gold. I did not hastily spend all of my gold coins, there might be emergency situations that I have to face later on. I just have to wait for the confirmation in the real world to get the money in the bank.

When everything is settled down, I closed my eyes and logged out the game. When I woke up back in the real world, it was already 4 in the morning. I felt a bit invigorated though mentally tired. Having the Food and Nutrient add-on not yet installed in the system, it is just a normal thing to feel like this. Your body will feel that you have sleep for quite a while though you are mentally tired since your mind kept on operating.

Even though my body refuses to get up, I have to since that is just going to stick myself further into the cabin. I stretched my hands and legs, performed a few push ups and curl ups and immediately feel the exercise to take effect. I also began my meditation. I can feel my body lighten up with the warm feeling on my stomach especially on my dantian.

I tried to conjure a flame and to my surprise, I can now conjure it without any kind of catalyst! The first step to gain powers in the real world is this. Looks like the real mana in my body awakens after a few days of meditation and playing the game. Though I still can't freely control it on my own will, I can cover my fist into flames which will enhance my damage against others when fighting against them.

After my training, I will just wait for father to arrive and go to the kitchen to cook. There are some vegetables and meat left in the refrigerator. Seeing the weather outside is cold and fog is currently covering the neighborhood, looks like a hotpot will fit. As I was preparing for the food, a text message from the bank arrived on my message box on my smartphone. It was the confirmation of 100,000 yen deposit into my account. I nodded in satisfaction. Looks like I can now exchange this broken smartphone to a new one. Though that is still a small amount of money in this age due to then price increase, normal people earning that money easily is going to get uneasy to handle that kind of money.

After having the hotpot waiting to boil, I opened my PC and opened my Facebook, no one knows, there might be something that will occur. And just as expected, class will resume next week. Looks like my game time will reduce significantly. However, its alright, I will go on leveling grind this time around and reach level 60 before classes starts to avoid people from catching up on my level.

Just as I was pondering, someone knocked on the door loudly enough for me to hear.

"Manato, open up. its me!" the person outside the door said. From its voice, I immediately recognized that it was my father's voice.

I hurriedly go to the door and opened up. Father grinned at me and I was a bit taken aback when I saw the suitcases on his side. I am sure it is not his suitcases as they have flowery designs. It was clearly a girl's suitcase.

"You brought someone didn't you," I frowned.

Father tapped my shoulder and grinned.

"Don't get mad, she is a good girl and won't be a freeloader here, I bet you know her too, she was quite a beauty!" Father said.

"Tch, whatever, just so you know, I am against this but since you have already done, what can I do? Alright, who is it?" I uninterestedly said.

Father looks behind him and beckons whoever it is. I was startled when I saw who it is, and the girl was also startled to see me. No wonder father said I know her, its my class President, Riko Akusabe, the person who helped me gain a Reality Verse permanently in the past! She is an Alternate World player too! Why does my luck so bad this year?!