
Mad Leveling

Around 11 in the morning when Riko returned with the guys to install the Reality Verse into the room that she occupied. I didn't bother with her and just keep my eye on the PC while scrolling on various websites. Two years later, PC will get phased out and will be replaced by portable PC which is already a hologram. Mg PC is quite precious to me since it is the same PC that I used to play my online games in the past. Of course, it has a sentimental value to a gamer. A gaming PC is a gamer's dream to get.

The installing procedure proceed smoothly and in just a few minutes, the Pink Reality Verse Cabin is already in her room. The staff responsible for installing the cabin leave immediately and Riko began her job to arrange her items into the shelves and put her clothes to the cabinets. Seeing the time is almost noon, I decided to create omelettes for lunch. I made also an extra one for Riko. According to father, food is also in the accommodation contract that Riko signed.

She appeared into the kitchen when I was cooking the third omelette. She was wearing a sleeveless pink shirt that shows her body curves perfectly and a short which perfectly reveal her slender, white legs. In short, she looks really pretty. I was tempted to stare hut that is quite bad and I am not a pervert. I have to held in the temptation. I regulated my energy and inhaled a mouthful of air which calms me down.

When the third omelette is done, I served all of the omelette into the table.

"You will be a good husband in the future, Manato," Riko smiled teasingly.

"Shut up," I groaned before sitting down into my chair to start eating lunch.

The two of us was too quiet. I can sense that Riko is trying to find a topic to break the silence. I, on the other hand, did not bother breaking it. I don't really care if she talks to me or not. Finally, looks like she found a topic that she can tell with me.

"Hey, have you heard about Alternate World?" Riko asked.

I looked up on her. I expected that question already.

"Of course, I have seen it on the TV, that Reality Verse of yours is the console to play it right," I said nonchalantly before swallowing a piece of the omelette.

"You should try playing the game! Its quite realistic and different from the online games you played in the past!" Riko said, excited to tell the story of her exploits.

"I don't plan to play it," I said bluntly, though, that is just a lie. I am actually the strongest player in the game.

"You must be thinking that the Reality Verse is quite expensive huh? Don't worry, I can let you borrow a Reality Verse," Riko said.

As expected, she tries to drag me in into the game, similar on how she helped me that time. However, I must decline this time.

"No thanks, as I said earlier, I have no plans to play it. I am resting for the next semester to begin. I can't flunk my grades this time," I lied. My grades are not flunking in any way, its just above average as I can't study too much due to the injuries from the bullies I received, though that is unnecessary right now since I already memorized those textbooks.

I stood up after finishing my lunch. Leaving Riko stunned on my response.

"What about this extra omelette on the table...."


I locked the doors in my room and once again, tried every countermeasure that nobody can sneak in and see me. After making sure everything is in my control, I log in back to the game. When I arrived, it was once again, Night time in the game.

I opened my skill panel. Having 16 extra SP to spend, I decided to learn some skills from every class. This way, I won't worry about gaining Class SP in the future. There are some. Opening on the Warrior Skill Panel, I quickly tap the skill, " Berserk" and learned it. Many players are already quite familiar with this skill. Berserk allows warrior players to increase their attack power 200% in a fixed duration of 1 minute, though the downside is that reducing the defense power of the caster 200% for 2 minutes. Its quite a downside if you don't know how to remedy it but I have already know what skill is needed.

I switched into the skill panel of the Paladin. I quickly learned the skill, Absolute Defense which raises the defense power of the caster for 300%. Its the perfect combination of skills needed for the Warrior and Paladin. My 17 SP are down into 11 since Absolute Defense needs 4 SP to learn while Berserk needs 2 SP. Since I have limited SP now, I switched the skill panel and go to the Assassin's skill panel. I quickly learn the Heart Stab. This skill allows Assassin's to inflict severe bleeding effect against enemies, and sometimes can cause the target to lose half of its remaining HP which only have 50% chance of triggering. This skill has a long cool down and I only have 5 SP left since Heart Stab cost 6 SP to learn. Quite expensive.

I decided to save the remaining SP. You never know what skills I might need later on. Closing my Skill panel, I look at my Versatile Weapon. It needs to devour another item however, I lacked the equipment to devour it. I can't let the Level 100 weapon that Almira rewarded to me either as it was an important weapon in terms of dual wielding. Looks like I need to find another weapon to let this one devour.

I left my room and headed to the Hostile Area, Lush Forest of Darkness. This place houses level 40 enemies. Quite a leap right? But If I want to raise my level and gain weapon drops, this place is the best place. Monsters here drop equipment of level 30 above. They are one of the places to grind if you want to earn different weapons and sell them for money. This place is one of the best place for me to level my Versatile Weapon's strength. Enemies do not usually appear immediately in this area unless disturbed or provoked. You can't even know if the bush you are passing by is a monster that is why, newbies are naturally victimized here. However, I am an expert and I have ventured this place many times.

I saw a purple bush nearby. I summoned a Fireball into my palm and throws it towards the bush.


The bush wriggled wildly. Its disguise cannot escape my eyes.

"Purple Bush Mimicker"

Level 41

HP: 7,342,/9,000

Attribute: Plant, Darkness


They might be normal plants in the first look but when you disturbed them, you will be wrapped to their roots and will be used as food for consumption.

This one is easy to kill. Even with a higher level than me, its not a problem. It won't be a trouble to me. I switched my weapon into the Magic Sword and cast flaming Sword. Let's kill!

Of course, the Purple Bush Mimicker is not something to be trifled with. Even though I knew its attack patterns, it managed to hit me which cost me half of my HP. That level of damage is not that threatening to me even though it cost me half of my HP. With an HP recovery speed of 500 HP per second, its quite fast. The reason my HP has a fast recovery speed is due to my high vitality. Also, I have not consumed a single potion for health recovery even once. Just like the Mana Recovery, natural healing can increase your health recovery more.

With a few swings of my flaming sword, the Purple Bush Mimicker is already killed. And just a single monster allowed me to level up from 37 to level 38. It also dropped an armor which is just a normal quality and is quite inferior to my current armor.

Cowhide Armor

Level 20

DEF: 30

AGI: 25

I didn't bother reading the description and let my Versatile Weapon to devour it. When my weapon devoured it, the Versatile Weapon gained an AGI stat which is an additional 3. Well, that is quite good despite only being a single digit. It might grow later on.

I continue my hunt in the forest and managed to find and kill 20 Purple Bush Mimicker. My level also rose from level 38 to level 40. This fast leveling speed is quite frightening. Even I think that my Memento Mori is like a cheating tool in the game. Additionally, the Death's Favorite also added another advantage of me to raise my Proficiency in skills, allowing me to upgrade them to stronger skills.

While I was looking at my stats, the trees are slowly circling me around. They thought I have not noticed them but they are already in my sight.

"Dark Trent"

Level 43

HP: 10,000/10,000

Attribute: Plant, Darkness, Poison, Curse


They might be normal trees at first look but beware when you are not looking They will do everything to make you their prey.

These monsters were quite strong. I am not kidding, they have strong defense and their attacks are quite strong, much stronger than the Purple Bush Mimicker.

I counted 30 of them in the vicinity. This is their tactics to kill a prey. Circling them to avoid escape. I quickly cast Concealment II and rush out their circle and took a few distance away from them. I quickly activated the skill Berserk and Absolute Defense. I opened the skill panel, and saw 8 extra SP. This is enough. I switched the panel to the Magic Knight and click a skill. I quickly learned the skill and closed the panel immediately. My Concealment II effect ended and the Dark Trents immediately targets me.

I begin chanting the skill I just learned.

"Oh holy mother of fire, give me the power to unleash your wrath unto my foes and vanquish the evil..."

As I was chanting the monsters are now closing the gap between me and them. However, the chant is almost done.

"...burn all those things that blocks my way," I raised my Magic Sword and points the tip of the sword into the ground. The Dark Trents also raised their whip-like branches and roots.

"Burn in Hell! Pyro Strike Inferno!"


The whole area around me shook and the enemies around me all have big numbers on their head.






Enemies burned altogether alongside with the surrounding terrain. Its not a problem though as I look at my Exp bar get filled again and again and my body glows everytime the Exp bar gets full. And with that, my Level have risen from Level 40 to level 52, securing still my throne in the top rank.