
Hunt The Boss Part 1

The announcement rang out in the whole continent of Resurgia. Even NPCs can see this notification. Sometimes, these notifications can change the views of these NPCs which can make them revere or hate you. Taming a monster successfully is quote a deed but taming a boss is quite a feat indeed. However, on players this will incur jealousy on me. As I said before, humans are greedy creatures.

Gryphon is known for its tier as a Heroic Mount. Once tamed, no one can tame another one. Also, from what I can remember, owning the Gryphon will allow you to get an audience to the king in the kingdom of Resurgia which is located in the Holy Capital. After taming it, I tossed a hind leg of monster meat that I prepared earlier which the Gryphon immediately swallows.

A panel appeared before me.

"You can name your newly tamed monster!"

Hmmm, a name huh? I have not been a good name giver and I can tell that I am terrible when it comes to naming sense. However, since I need to name this mount mine, I need to really do it. I look at its gender and I found out that its a female. I decided to name it with a simple one and not some cryptic one.


Are you sure you want to name her Leona?


Of course, I accept. I really have no naming sense buy I guess its still a bit better than names that usually end with a "-y" on their names. It seems that Leona was happy with her new name as she squeals and flap her wings.

I checked the stats panel of Leona.


Level: 0

Rarity: Heroic Tier

Type: Mount, Battle Pet

HP: 5,000/5,000


ATK: 99

DEF: 99

DEX: 99

AGI: 99

INT: 99


Head: None

Body: None

Feet: None

Accessory: None


1. Cyclone: Conjure mighty gusts of wind that destroys enemies in its path. Will get stronger as the level of the caster increases.

2. Tornado Blades: Conjures swirling winds with bladed gusts of wind to slice enemies on the vicinity.

3. Iron Wing: Temporarily strengthens the power of the wings and can cause stun to enemies.

4. Resize: Uses the mana of the owner to resize its size to a miniature version. Can return to original size back to miniature version and vice versa.

Note: Other Abilities will appear as the level increases.

I only heard it on the forums that the stats of the Gryphon once tamed will all start at 99. The stats are quite strong. Also, their levels will go reset to level 0. Which is why, being a heroic tier mount is quite a luck. Also, its skill "Resize" is quite convenient as it allows me to carry Leona and kept her without worrying her size to bother others.

Also, looks like I need to also start my blacksmithing ExJob. Equipments of mounts are only obtainable by players creating them. They can't be purchased in the market. Just like Players, mounts increases their capabilities if they have worn some equipment.

Since it is getting late, I decided to ride on Leona to reach Rosha town. I first struggled to find a comfortable position at the back of Leona before I grasp the proper way. It became smooth sailing after that. It takes at least 10 minutes of flight to reach Rosha Town. Quite fast compared to horses that needed at least half an hour to reach the town.

My arrival causes commotion to NPCs in the Rosha Town. It might be to the fact that its the first time they encountered a Gryphon into the town. Fear grips their emotions but after seeing me, they bowed down to me. I checked my reputation in Rosha Town. It immediately rose to Friendly. If I happen to beat the boss that is disrupting the cemetery, my reputation might raise from friendly to relative.

I didn't let Leona stay in her current size and made her shrink around the size of a cat. After she did, she just hovers around my shoulder. Quite convenient indeed. The town is big though not that big compared to the capital but could be considered enough to wander around. There are all kinds of NPCs around and there are some players here that seems to be just wandering around. I was still cloak and wearing the mask and Earrings of Anonymity so nobody will recognize me except for those Blue Sky members who are present during the talks with Harmless Sparrow.

I didn't dawdle and immediately asked the NPCs around to show me the way to the town hall. Of course, I already knew where it is, its just he rite of passage in here, or else it might make some sort of trouble I am not expecting.

With large strides, I arrived the town hall. Quite medieval in fact but quite good to see. Its like an ancestral home or some sort of historical place. Moreover, it doesn't seem to be like it was neglected, in fact, it was more like being maintained. In the past that I remembered, this place is almost collapsing might be due to the poor performance of the player who get the quest in the past. I didn't waste my time and entered the town hall.

The hall was still the same as ever, though it was lacking of those broken debris hanging on its ceiling which I remembered to be around it. There are countless of NPCs around that seems to be on businesses that I have no idea. There are also those NPCs issuing quests to the reception to be sent to the Holy Capital Headquarters. Quite busy in fact. Kind of remembered the reception centers in the real world. The hall lacks players so nobody will overhear me.

I immediately go to the vacant reception counter and asked a short haired lady NPC.

"Hi, can I have an appointment to the town mayor? I was sent here as the representative to the Holy Capital Headquarters," I told her.

"Can you show me the proof?" She asked.

I pulled out the invitation letter to the Miscellaneous bag and hands it to her. She looked at the insignia on the letter and after confirming its authenticity, she returned the letter back to me and bowed down.

"Please wait a moment, I will ask if he is free today," she said and goes upstairs.

I didn't mind waiting. After a few minutes, she returned with a frown. I can't help but also frown.

"I'm sorry mister, Mayor Bruno seems busy at the moment, please return tomorrow. He said to me that he will be free to see you tomorrow," she said apologetically.

"Okay then, no worries. I will be back tomorrow then," I said and bid farewell.

Looks like I can't enter the place yet. According to the rules of the cemetery in the past, obtaining the Cemetery Pass to enter the cemetery is needed to avoid conflict to the guards who are guarding the entrance.

Looks like I have to rent a room for now. This town has an in so I can stay here. I didn't plan to stay too long and decided to only spend a night here. Since I have no better to do and the monsters in the area are all situated in the cemetery, I have no other choice but to practice my Alchemical Level.

I need to raise it to fulfill the next task of Simon. My expertise level is still in level 5. Which could be the best way to raise it? There are still a few items that are inside my ingredient slot inventory. My inventory is divided from different slots. Weapon Slot, Ingredient slot, Miscellaneous slot, Accessory slot, Armor Slot and Scroll Slot. I forgot to mention that even though I had a 15 slots every inventory, it can be expanded. Last time when I bought the Cloak of Midnight and Mask of the Oni, I also bought a few bag expansion which can expand the maximum slots of my inventory to 30 slots. Every inventory has a maximum 100 slots and they are locked and can only be unlocked by certain level of bag expansion. Wait, why am I explaining this? I am getting off the topic.

Back to the alchemical process. Yeah, after wandering around in my 30 slot ingredient bag, I didn't find any good items that can be processed. There are a few items but they can't raise my level easily, the amount is too low. I groaned and decided to drop it first. I checked the time and it was almost morning. Even though I already have the attachment for the food, not going out for. a few days will be suspicious enough for Riko who is staying with me. I can't let her know that I am also playing.

With that in mind, I decided to log out. It was still 5 in the morning and I decided to train my abilities. Despite having a slow pace, it was already enough. I can't bring the effects of memento Mori here, this is real life. If I have to learn the magic, I have to diligently train my mind and body. After making sure everything is stabilized, I go out into my room and I found out that Riko is already out cooking.

"Huh? You woke up too early," I said to Riko.

"Oh, good morning Manato. Well, I have been playing the game for quite a while but I still needed to return earlier. I only have three days left to play from day and night. Next week is already class time you know?" Riko said reminding me of the upcoming week.

She is right, only three weeks left before classes resume. I have to return to class to and stop playing the game sometimes.

"So? Is that a reason to cook breakfast?" I asked her.

"Well, this is the time I am free. This next days, don't include me in the portion of the food. I will be playing straight in three days without eating," She said.

"That is bad for your health, eating is needed, don't keep on playing!" Of course, I feigned ignorance.

"Silly, you are not watching the news are you? The Reality Verse released the add-on so that players won't be having problems for not eating while inside the cabin!" She excitedly said.

"Oh, is that so?" I said nonchalantly, clearly not interested to continue the conversation.

"Manato, I don't know why but you seemed getting a bit of a jerk these days, change that attitude or you won't get a girlfriend!" She said as she served the food.

After that, we eat breakfast together. She also washed the dishes before going back to her room to begin her "seclusion". Since my problem is gone and also, the three days left is also a hindrance in my hunt against the boss, beating the Lesser Purgatory needs to be done this three days. So that is why, beating the boss in the cemetery is the first step to begin my plan.

After making sure that everything is fine at home and Riko already resumed her game, I decided to also return to the game. Once more, I arrive to the room I just rented in. Now, I am stuck. What should I do to spend my time?