

Black Hue Waters and the rest of his guild members are all trying to get past the barrier of the dungeon but still, cannot even do a single thing.

"Its almost an hour since that masked man entered! Why the heck are we not able to enter at all?!" Black Hue Waters pound the barrier, only to make his arms numb as the invisible barrier vibrates.

"Why are you even agitated? That guy must have been sent to the Cathedral! No one would dare to solo a dungeon at all!" A flirty and bitchy magician said as she flirts with Black Hue Waters.

Just as Black Hue Waters wanted to agree, a loud voice echoed throughout the continent, letting the players and NPCs to hear it. Everyone stared into the sky as the voice boomed like the thunder.

"Congratulations to Player: Bladeheart for clearing the Lesser Purgatory for the first time! Since this is the first dungeon clear in the whole world,this will be marked in hall of fame in every guild hall! The following titles are given to Bladeheart for satisfying the requirements!"

Everyone, even the NPCs were able to see the panel of titles that Bladeheart won.

"First Clear!"

Unlocked when a dungeon is first cleared

Effect: Increase ATK stat for 10

Description: Clearing a dungeon is not an easy feat! However, you did it first in the whole entire world!"

"World's First Clear!"

Unlocked when a dungeon is first cleared in the World

Effect: Increase ATK stat for 30

Description: Clearing a dungeon is not an easy feat! Clearing it first is also not an easy feat, but you shocked the world by becoming the world's first! Are you some sort or God?

"Solo Abyss Run!"

Unlocked when you solo an Abyss Mode Dungeon

Effect: Increased Attack Speed 10%

Description: You are looking for a thrill? Then enter an Abyss Dungeon and clear it alone!

After reading the three titles and how to get them made a huge uproar around the world! Solo? He just did it! Clearing the dungeon? No problem, he also cleared it! The internet forums are also exploding with threads. Of course, who didn't know about Bladeheart? He is the only guy who dominated the whole Alternate World's rankings! Even in the worldwide leaderboard rankings, he is the top 1 as he rose from level 0 to level 55 in just a few days after the game launch! His leveling speed is terrifying! Even players who tried to grind levels without rest can only reach until level 25 at most before surrendering to mental fatigue. And now he defy the heavens!

Even NPCs are also disscussing his achievements.

In the Headquarters...

When the announcement rang, Simona was shaken and was stunned.

"I thought I have him discouraged! Who would have thought he will defy what I just said to him!" She shook her head since even she has no guts to solo an Abyss Mode dungeon, but just now, the person she keeps on having run a few errands for her is able to clear it.

In the Inn...

Lily was serving some water to a customer when the announcement rang. She almost tripped and the water in her hands almost fell, which luckily her daughter used Telekinesis, avoiding it from falling.

"Thanks, Lina,"Lily wiped her sweat before she served the water to the customer.

"What happened to you mom? Why are you suddenly on panic?" her daughter, Lina asked.

"Ah no, I didn't panic, it's just that, the announcement earlier involves someone I know," Lily answered.

"Really? You know that Bladeheart?" She asked and her eyes seems glowing.

"Yeah, he is a regular customer of our inn and I bet he will be returning back here soon," she smiled before returning to her work.

Lina on the other hand, seems really excited. Looks like she will be meeting her sensei soon.

Many more NPCs are also shocked after the clear of the dungeon. It just means that the dungeon's danger is also getting smaller and it also means that business is also here.

Front of the Lesser Purgatory...

Black Hue Waters and his guild mates were all stunned. What was that? First clear in Lesser Purgatory? What? Where are they? In front of the Lesser Purgatory! And no one has ever entered since even them cannot enter the barrier of the dungeon!





Somebody have already entered the dungeon and that someone appeared out of nowherere after a strange magic circle pop up from the ground. It was the player who wears a mask of an oni and a black cape.

According to the announcement, the player who just cleared the dungeon is...


"F*CK!" everyone gasped a mouthful of air, this guy was Bladeheart? He didn't even have a pro aura on him! His equipment looks like they did not even exude any kind of power!

They were stunned and could not even react on time as they have seen the first ranker in the game. Just as they were about to ask for strategy for entering the dungeon, Bladeheart raises his left hand and shouted.


A flash and a green magic circle appeared beneath his feet before he disappeared.


Silence filled the air. No wonder he goes inside the dungeon without even doing too much. That guy was Bladeheart.


After teleporting into the inn, I greeted Lily and quickly returned to my room as I was so tired. But as expected, my gold coins are almost 30,000 after the additional 20,000 gold from the treasure trove of the Lesser Purgatory. Now I am so rich! Quite rich indeed! But I knew that money that are easy come, easy go. But who cares? It's my own money, I can spend it whatever things I want to.

After arriving at my own room, I quickly look at all my stats. All in all, a few of my classes have risen their SP which will be helpful soon but I should not use them yet. I have to accumulate a few more and upgrade my first tier skills into second tier. Oh, that is right, that guy who issues quest with SP rewards. Since I have beaten the Lesser Purgatory, he should be available later after a few hours of dungeon clear on Lesser Purgatory. Some of his tasks are easy so I don't need to fully prepare on it. I also gain 3 Free SP and 3 free AP. I quickly used all of the AP available for me and spent them on INT. Higher INT increases Mana Capacity and Mana Recovery. I keep on using skills that have high mana usage. Even if my Mana Recovery can catch up to my spell casting, my mana usually get to the minimum. And since I am also planning on raising the skill levels, I should focus more on INT since equipments are all easy to procure and fill the gaps of my stats.

Oh, that is right, I have a few rare tier weapons in my inventory and mostly on Normal tier. I found a few scraps but they are considered mediocre and is not that good compared to the Pearlite Helm.

With that said, I decided to skim through the equipment but heck they are considered not to worthy, best, just use them as material for creating new weapons. Only a few Rare tier weapons and armors which will give me a few gold coins from Harmless Sparrow.

With the separation of those worthy to sell and material stuffs, I quickly call Harmless Sparrow. When her face appeared on my interface, she was a bit stunned since I am the first one to call her.

"Bladeheart! What you just did is quite a huge blow to our reputation as a top guild!" Harmless Sparrow pouted.

"..." Uh, that is not my business if you did not get the first clear. Isn't your job is too level up?

"So? Why did you call? For bragging purposes?" She asked.

Does she think we are really close that she knew what is my purpose here?

"I have a few equipments here from the abyss dungeon. I have no use on them and they just occupy my inventory, I am selling them in a bargain price. All of them are in rare tier and are all equippable by Magicians, Fighters, Swordsman, Druid and Ninjas. Around 20 pieces all in all, every piece should cost for 5 gold," I said. Well, they are really cheap but they are all in inferior quality and most of the people who equip them have mediocre stats and skills so I really don't mind selling them these in small price. In fact, it will build my trust level on Harmless Sparrow in terms of business.

"Wow! That is cheap! Are you trying to scam me?" Harmless Sparrow quickly became suspicious.

"No," I said bluntly.

"Or are you trying to gain my favor and try to court me out? Are you smitten with me?" She said and playfully licked her lips.

"F*ck off, I have no intention on courting you," I was just trying to build connections for my business and you now connect it with me, smitten on you? Even if you are pretty, I have no intention on chasing you!

"Are you perhaps a gay?" she raised her eyebrows playfully.

"Ugh..." motherf*cker, your father is gay, your whole family is gay!

After my interaction with Harmless Sparrow, she decided to buy all of them as she needs a few gear to give on her guild mates as preparation to clear the Lesser Purgatory. She even asked me for techniques to conquer the dungeon in a fast manner but I remained silent and I have not told her any kind of strategy. In the end, she did not further inquire and gave me the location and time for us to meet up and begin our trade.

After contemplating for a few more minutes, I managed to stash all of the items that are needed to be sold and those items that are needed and essential for making a few miscellaneous things. I summoned Leona once again and she hovered around me playfully. I pulled out a jerky that is dropped by a few monsters in Lesser Purgatory and gave it to Leona who happily chewed away the food. I still have a day and a half to play the game before the classes begins. Looks like it is time for me to begin on becoming a blacksmith. During my timeline, I was a Blacksmith so I am not a newbie on this. The reason I get this Ex Job is due to the fact that they can craft different equipment entirely without problems. Steeling my nerves on this, I decided to rest for a while. My fatigue already built to 78% so my movements are getting sluggish now. I lay down the bed and closed my eyes. Sleeping in the game is equivalent to sleeping in real life. I don't know how this Reality Verse works during sleep since you can sleep without problem here.



What? Who was that?

"Open...the box...."

The box? What box?

The surroundings are white and then....


I opened my eyes and looked around. Wait, its a dream? This is the first time I have a dream in the Reality Verse. Is it some sort f event? What box it is? That voice is familiar but I have no recognition on it. I shook my head before I stood up from my bed.

I looked at my stats and after my fatigue went down from 78% to 0% makes me relieved but my hunger and thirst bar are getting lower. Alright, let's just eat my fill downstairs.

I fixed my clothes and my weapon before I decided to go down to eat when...

Knock, Knock.

Huh? Someone is knocking my door? I quickly got cautious, but then, why should I get cautious? Nobody have known me yet except for those guys who saw me on the Lesser Purgatory and the guild mates of Harmless Sparrow, other than that, no one else. Fixing my mask and cape, I walked towards the door and turned the knob. Opening the door, I saw a woman clad in Battle Maid uniform...


Battle Maid Uniform?

Battle Maids are known as high capable NPCs that are loyal to their masters and are on par with Combat Butlers. They are also similar to players but you can have a strong Battle Maid if you are the one who put their stat points properly. But why does a Battle Maid here? Looking at this smiling Battle Maid, she look somewhat familiar.

"Good Morning Master Bladeheart, nice to meet you, I am Battle Maid Lina. I want you to hire me as a Battle Maid!"

That is when I remember her. She is the first Battle Maid I have when I was still a Magic Knight in my timeline, Battle Maid Lina.