
Trabungko Snake

Everyone rejoiced from their findings. Looks like they found a good equipment drop as Harmless Sparrow began distributing the armor to them. The party began to roll if the equipment is an accessory or an armor that is equippable by any of them. I did not bother with them and only checked my titles. So fat I have received quite a few and there are also a few titles that I have not mentioned that I just acquired. Checking the effects of the titles will be beneficial on future fights. But I don't really have a suitable title to equip for the time being. Most of the titles I acquired adds a few prestige and reputation to NPCs but that is all about it.

Harmless Sparrow kept on nagging me to also participate in equipment distribution but I always decline and stay out of their ways. There might be a few items that I might find to like but in the end, this is just armor and accessories. I can pick them up again if I wanted to next time when I go dungeon diving alone.

After the distribution, we continue to look for the next boss room. I knew that it was not the same since this was the part where the hidden boss will appear. According to the guides, the Hidden Boss was called Trabungko Snake. It was more considered as a dragon than a snake but its characteristics are much more similar to a hybrid snake that has an appearance that is similar to dragons.

It needed particular amount of players entering the dungeon to see it. It never appeared in the past so I have no idea what to do against the boss but with countless of experience in gaming and better at grasping the situation, I was calm. If not for then fact that I need a group of players to play with just for this boss to appear, I might have at least hunted this boss alone. Yet, here I am.

There were insignificant monsters around but they are not that ferocious now. Most of them equipped new armors and accessories that have high resistance to confusion and illusion so most monsters became easy to kill. The Jungle of Deceit might be on Abyss Mode but the monsters were just a bit more abnormal than usual and their stats are much more higher compared to the Normal mode but that is all about it. Most monsters relied on deceitful acts and illusions to deceive players and now that most of the party members are highly resistant to confusion and illusion effects, those monsters are just jokes.

We were walking around when Lina spotted something.

"Master, I found something fishy on the shrubs around that wall," Lina pointed on a few shrubs that looked like it was ruffled by something big.

Harmless Sparrow heard this and since she was nearby on the patch of grass, she is the one who inspected it. Her eyes grew wide when she discovered something.

"Bladeheart! Its a secret passage! There is something here!" Harmless Sparrow said as she looks giddy. I look at the system map and nothing was out of ordinary.

I approached the shrubs and checked it myself to confirm and just like Harmless Sparrow said, there was a secret area here. I have 90% chance that this secret area is the secret area that was mentioned in the guide I have read in the past. If the passage was found but the amount was exceeding or lacking from the perquisite amount, the Trabungko Snake will never appear and instead, only two chest would appear. If the number of players would be satisfied, the Trabungko Snake will appear and the treasure chests would became 8.

"Let's check it out," I said to the rest before crawling inside the patch. The rest followed, Leona shrink to the small size and entered with Lina.

The passage was not long and we slid down to a new place.

"Player discovered a secret place: Tranbungko Lagoon."

It was a lagoon. There was a deep blue hole filled with water. If no one paid attention to its structure, many might think that the lagoon was a lake. The place was so big and from what I can see, we are just so small that this hole was so massive that anyone will mistake the lagoon as a lake.

Everyone was amazed. I also looked around, the place is so enchanting and it was such a shame that this place only exist in the game and never been in reality. The place seemed like it came out from a storybook that kids love.

"Wow, I want to swim!" Pooshy said as she tried dipping her hand on the water. As soon as she touched the water, ripples appeared on the surface of the placid water. But then, I noticed that the ripples were abnormal.

"Everyone! Back out for a bit! It was incoming!" I shouted as I run for quite a distance along with Leona who flew by my side and Leona who also dashed away as soon as I felt something.

The others also noticed something wrong and also backs away from the lagoon. Still, they were still caught up on the danger not that far.


Huge amount of water exploded out on the middle of the lagoon. Harmless Sparrow and the rest quickly sprinted away, before looking at the beast that they have disturbed when they were near the surface of the water.

"Sh*t, what was that?!" Thunderfire got scared silly looking at the new monsters.


Flaming Cutie and Pooshy seems to be afraid of snakes so when they saw the slithering boss emerging. Harmless Sparrow was shaken but she did not scream like the two.

Izzzie looks like he was about to faint while Ferventure seems alright. I did feel pressure because the boss was thrice the size of us. If you compare our size to the boss, we are just pebble on its eyes. I scanned the boss for its attributes.

"Trabungko Snake"

Level 50

HP: ?/?

Attribute: Beast, Nature

This is the first time I have seen a Nature type boss. Nature attribute monsters are monsters that are capable of using fire, water, air, earth, and plant attacks. Its an all rounder monster.

"Back away! You won't last long enough against this boss!" I shouted to them who are scared silly by the sight of the boss. Their levels are too big of a gap against the boss and cannot be compared in terms of strength. In other words, Leona, Lina and I are the most capable on facing the boss Head on.

I sprinted without hesitation and seeing me approach, the Trabungko snake wave its big tail and slam it to the ground missing me but it almost got me squashed. I kept on sprinting around the lagoon before pulling out a scroll and tearing it apart.


I pulled out a Thunderbolt scroll. Since the boss was on the water, electricity conducts the water, causing any creature on the water to receive damage. When the Thunderbolt hits, the Trabungko Snake roared and slams its tail wildly. It closes its mouth but as it opens again, it breathes out fire.

"Freezing Prison!"

I slammed the ground quickly to block the attack before running again and pulling out another scroll and tearing it apart. It was another thunderbolt scroll.

Lina and Leona are both in the air and Lina attacks the boss using Thunderbolt too after seeing me use Thunderbolt with huge effect. Leona spits out Tornado Blades to support but she keeps Lina away from the attacks of the Trabungko Snake.


The Trabungko Snake dived again on the water. Seeing the boss diving, I pulled out another scroll of Thunderbolt and teared it apart electrocuting the water on the lagoon. The ground shook, probably due to the pain it receives, it rampage under water. I didn't bother with it and cast a new spell of mine that I just learned when I farmed SP.

"Conveyor's Bolt!"

Electricity formed into balls rotate around me as it waits for an unlucky fellow to get hit. The Trabungko Snake resurface and this time, it made a dive attack towards me. It was about to swallow me. When the boss was a few meters near, the Conveyor's Bolt acts quickly, sending the bolt directly to the boss without stopping. The damage of the Conveyor's Bolt was minuscule but enough for a bit of damage. The Trabungko Snake was distracted and its attack missed a bit. I added fuel to the fire by pulling put another scroll of Thunderbolt, sending another voltage of electricity to its body before sprinting away by activating Silent Sprint.


The Trabungko Snake fell on the ground and got stunned. I don't really know how long it will be stunned but I did not hesitate to strike it. With quick work on my running speed, I made ride on the boss' head and grab on its little horn on its head. With that secured, I did not hesitate to use my Blood Greed Bar.

"Blood Drain!"

I struck the Terraform Blade into the head of the boss and despite its scales being hard, the Terraform Blade did not et obstructed as it struck through and embedded itself on its head and form another shadow that made me feel connected to the sword.


The rumbling sound can be heard again. I suspected that this sound is the sound of blood being sucked by the sword since this is called Blood Drain. It was draining the blood of the Trabungko Snake.

The Trabungko snake that was stunned suddenly recovered and when it felt the throbbing pain on its head, it roared and thrashed about. I felt troubled gripping myself thoroughly unto the boss' head and I suspected that it would return to the water so I quickly opened the skill panel and go to the druid passive skills. There are variety of passive skills a druid has and most of then are transformation skills and body part modification. I quickly go to the body part modification.

"Gills Transformation"(Tier 2)

SP to unlock: 10

Description: Draw the power of nature to form a natural gills to breathe underwater. Will disappear whenever you return to the land and will reappear back if you land into the water.

Despite the fact that I am saving the SP of the Druid to learn Bear Transformation and Frenzied Bear that cost in total of 70 SP, I still did not hesitate to use it. It was life and death here.

Just in time that I learned the skill, the boss slithered back into the water but still, my sword is still embedded into its head. The boss still wriggled as the pain didn't subside. I can feel my neck forming some gills when my body hit the water and from a new perspective, I can swim the water now. The sword's power subsided and it ejected away from the head but I didn't stop holding the horn of the boss. I stab the boss again and again. The Terraform Sword was so sharp that the scales are basically useless for the Trabungko Snake. The Trabungko Snake wriggled as I repeat on stabbing the head of the boss.

"Earth Fissure!"

As I struck its head, I used Earth Fissure. Like the last time I attacked the Green Spider Queen with Earth Fissure and making it burst when I attacked, I also did an attack to the boss. But to my dismay, it did not die like the Green Spider Queen. I just remembered that it has a huge resistance against Earth Attacks and even though I attacked its internal organs, its still not enough. But still, it made a strong damage to the boss that its HP fell almost half. The boss wriggled more before it moved again to move back to the surface. I kept on stabbing the Trabungko's head for quite a while until the gush of water gets stronger before the water that my body felt fell back to the lagoon and only leave a cold chill in my body. Still, I won't get a cold due to this. This was just a game.

The cooldown of Earth Fissure was only one minute so when the cooldown came to an end, I quickly stabbed the head of the boss and cast that skill again.

"Earth Fissure!"

I stab the sword on its body and I felt strong fluctuations again. This time, it cost the life of the Trabungko Snake.


Due to the tremendous force forcing on the body of the boss to surge out, the whole body of the Trabungko Snake exploded. Its body and organs cannot last for another set of attacks like Earth Fissure again so when the Earth Fissure was used again on its body, the body didn't get to endure it before exploding to pieces.

Naturally, I fell back into the water but so does the loot as well. I waddled my feet on the water. Even though I don't know how to actually swim, I won't die in the game if I swim here, also, cramps is not something achievable in this game. Even if I got cramps, I won't die by drowning. Have you seen a fish drown? Anyways, I might not be a fish but I developed gills, allowing me to breathe underwater.

I waddled a bit but struggled to go down to the bottom. I am not a good swimmer in real life as I felt I would also drown if I swim into a kiddie pool. Just breathing underwater felt habit...weird.

I grabbed a big boulder that I just chipped off using the Terraform Sword before hugging it. Since it was underwater, the boulder that should be heavy didn't feel heavy when held. I hugged the boulder tightly, allowing mW to go down and without much hitch.

For some reason, even though it was almost a few more feet down, I don't see any darkness seeping in. It felt like the sunlight was seeping through underwater. Before I reached on the bottom, I saw a message on Harmless Sparrow. She sent it via team chat.

"Hey, you alright? You didn't arrive on the cathedral?"

I thought for a second and my response was also sent for Harmless Sparrow to read.

"Of course, we are on a party, if I died, the leadership should have been relinquished to you."

It's just a split second but the response came in again.

"Everything seems calm at the moment and the boss seems gone. Where are you anyway?"

"I was on the bottom of the lagoon and the boss is already dead. I am picking up the drops but I have no idea how long I will reach the bottom. I am still sinking."

"Wow, you know how to breath underwater."

"I got a skill, anyway, I will try to take the loot then distribute the loot later."

I did not reply on her again and focused on sinking myself. It took me quite a while before I can see the bottom. The loot was stockpiled on the center but my attention was not on the loot but on the treasure chests that are surrounding the loot. Four Treasure Chest and from the color of the chest. it was a gold quality!

Similar to the Inventory Chest rewards, random treasure chests also have been scattered all around the world. This time, I happened to see four all at once! I don't have any information about this. Maybe they didn't bother diving because it was too dangerous or somebody did not put it on public? Whatever the reason, I did not really care. Now they are in front of me so of course, I will take the pleasure of opening it.

Before opening all of the treasure chests, I did check the loot and there it was but the name seems different from what I have remembered.

"Trabungko Pearl

Effects: 100% additional chance of crafting anything

Lights up a dungeon

Description: A Pearl that is said to be the toy of the Trabungko Snake. Some legends also claim that it was the Trabungko's egg but many believed that obtaining it will give you luck on crafting anything you want and can also light up a dark place without using any torch.

(Bound after Picked)

Ah, so this item does not really guarantee crafting success but only adds 100% chances of crafting it. It's quite disappointing but I don't really mind. Still the same thing and even though it would not guarantee me success, 100% can be really fill a lot of gap and all.

I rubbed my hands even though it was useless under the water but I can't help myself. Picking those chest really boils my blood. To the victor goes the spoils!