
Buying A Mansion in the Game

We chatted a while with Suhei and after the meticulous question and answer by him, I managed to get out of the predicament. I decided to cook dinner today. With a few ingredients newly bought last time, I cook steak with honey as I crave for it. Although I don't have the needs to give them food to cook, I was a bit more giving and I cook a few more for everyone in the house. I was still in the middle of cooking when everyone swarmed into the kitchen.

"Wow, steak! Is there some sort of occasion?" Riko asked, clearly drooling.

"Are you celebrating your successful 'day'?" Suhei is also drooling but he managed to hold it with a bit of teasing.

Pandora was also eager to dig in, she was holding the spoon and fork already.

"Scram! The food is not yet done!" I raised my voice and also my spatula to them and they dispersed. However, they are still peeking a bit. These wolves were clearly so hungry with steaks. What the heck, do they don't like my stir fry? They are instead swarming when I cook steak!


After the scrumptious dinner, everyone returned to their own rooms. I also locked myself inside my room and began practicing my mana. After getting enlightened a bit with the spark of flames in the burner earlier, I gained a sort of inspiration to conjure flames faster.


I snap my fingers while focusing all my mana in my fingers. Once I snapped, like a lighter, the flames appeared in my finger.

"I succeed!" I was so happy. Of course, this one is a faster method conjuring flames rather than concentrating on forming fireball. I also try controlling the water power in my body but it lacks power, might be due to the intense training of fire ability that I have a hard time controlling the water. I recorded a few methods in my notebook and after doing that, I decided to log in back to the game.

I appeared back into the inn. However, I am no longer accustomed with this. I am already a rich boy in the game. After harvesting lots of gold from the first dungeon dive, a fee gold coins from the equipment I sold and a few gold coins from killing monsters and killing those troublesome players, I managed to gather enough money. Its time for me to buy a mansion.

There are two types of shelter in the game, Houses and Mansion. Houses acts similar to simple houses. Only the house is yours and everything inside. Of course it was cheap depending on the location and availability of the House.

On the other hand, the Mansion is different. Mansions comes with a huge plot of land. Many mansions in the game is similar to those grandiose mansions I. the real world with great gardens filled with grasses forming the lawn.

The two were quite different but they are all available to be decorated. Still, there is something I really loved about the mansion, and that is the personal stash.

Mansions has a good inventory and bank stash available only exclusive in mansions that houses don't have. They are quite good for storing your assets like excess weapons and armor. Even important items can be stored here. Although guild houses has this kind of function, I have no access to guild houses, furthermore, my stash are not for sharing. I am selling them if I don't need them. And storing them would be a good idea in a mansion.

I teleported to the Headquarters to buy a mansion. The houses and mansion are being bought here. When I arrived, there are already many players gathered inside. Most of them are newbies and around level 10 or above. All I can say is that they are in the midst of taking quests. Although I teleported here, nobody was paying attention to me. Good thing, looks like teleport is already a skill widely known so I don't have keep on having people shocked with it. Every magician can learn although it would take a lot of time, I am quite satisfied now that it was no longer similar to the past where everyone was being so dumb and was always keeping themselves surprised.

This time, Simona is not the NPC I was looking for. I greeted at her and she greeted me back.

"Hi, its been a while!" Simona smiled as she processed the quest of an adventurer.

"Huh, it just a few days and you are saying its been a while?" I shook my head.

"Idiot, I am just greeting, you don't have to be so tense like that," Simona said.

The other players were quite dumbstruck. They thought the NPCs were just talking as they are programmed into but then I started talking to an NPC like a close friend. One shameless player holds the hands of one pretty receptionist and kissed her hands like some sort of prince kissing the hands of a princess. Due to that...


"Pervert! What are you doing kissing my hands all of a sudden?!" the NPC slapped the adventurer. The shameless Adventurer did not get angry, instead, his eyes grew wide with excitement before he shouted in the Headquarters.

"NPCs are intelligent! They have their own thoughts! Maybe I can find my own girlfriend here!" He happily skipped outside the Headquarters, probably looking for a new NPC to flirt with. The NPC he just kissed the hands earlier were so disgusted that she rushes to the back of the reception table and washed her hands. This movements made all players amazed. I look at Simona who is smirking.

"Did these adventurers did not know you all can take a conversation with players without problems?" I asked Simona.

"Yeah, most of them did not really react much on our reactions when they take a few quests. They thought our reactions are programmed. Now, it was the very first time that somebody did something so shameless," she laughed again before becoming serious again, "...so, what are you seeking for?"

"I want to buy a mansion," I quickly said.

"Ooh! A mansion, are you perhaps so rich now? You should treat me sometime in the tavern once in a while!" Simona said before pointing me to the short haired girl receptionist on her right, " Talk to Lala-chan, she is the realty receptionist here and you can discuss what you want with her. I don't have the specialty in realty related businesses anyway."

Lala was indeed the realty receptionist. When I was still a Magic Knight Player, I interact with her for quite some time and I also bought a house and a mansion from her. I am quite familiar on what mansions are good and bad.

I approach Lala who was reading a book in her desk. The Realty receptionist is not that busy for now,, with the reason of players can't afford the current prices of the houses and mansions. They had it easy than Simona who is busy since the beginning of the game.

"Hi, Lala, Simona introduced me to you about the Realty related businesses were discussed here," I sat on the chair in front of Lala.

Lala took her eyes off from her book and put a bookmark on on where she left off and faces me.

"Yes, its me. What do you want, a house? You still can't afford them right now, it is still too early for you to buy one," Lala put a strict face.

Lala was quite strict and many players are afraid on speaking in front of her. They are afraid that she will get provoked once they started talking and suddenly attack them. I was really familiar with her and I am already fine with her attitude.

"I am not here for a house but a mansion, the biggest mansion would suffice," I said to her confidently, without being turned off from her attitude.

"What mansion, I bet you don't have enough money to..." she didn't manage to finish what she was about to say when I throw a pouch full of gold in front of her. It was 100 gold, enough to buy one of the expensive houses in the game.

"I have more than that, and I am sure that I can afford that," I said to her.

Her expression changed and checked the pouch full of gold. In fact, it was very easy to raise the reputation on Lala. She is a certain money grubber NPC and once you show her gold, she will be ecstatic and will be very attentive to what you are about to say. And sure enough, she became very friendly and I also got a notification from the system.

"Your friendship points and reputation to Lala Ritszy has risen from Neutral to Friendly!"

"Why you didn't say so earlier that you were a tycoon? I am sorry earlier, I was just grumbling due to the fact that I have no customers at all. These other immortal people are too poor to afford a house, most of the houses I am selling are getting rickety due to the old days it was not used. You are my first customer so of course, I will help you with all of my abilities!" Lala proudly saluted.

"Alright, I heard that you are selling the Mansion of The Magician Duke, can you give me the specifics?" I asked to her.

Lala's expression turned serious and she pulls out a paper containing the information of the Mansion of the Magician Duke.

"Yeah, I am selling that place but still, it was something not even the normal people would not buy due to the fact that it was housed by a ghosts and ghouls. Before you can purchase the mansion, you need to take the quest from me to clear out the enemies in that area before you can fully purchase it," Lala said to me.

A panel with the details of the quest was immediately issued to me after she said all of those things.

"Ghost buster!"


Explore and investigate the Mansion of the Magician Duke and clear out the Ghouls living in that area!

Ghouls: 0/50

Zombies: 0/50

Reward: Holy Water x1 and 30% discount coupon of the mansion.

Oh! I did not expect to get a quest like this. In the past timeline, I am not the one who owned this mansion. Instead, it was someone from a big guild who owned lots of money and bought it out of the whim. It was a big mansion that even guild houses upgraded to level 5 which can be called as Guild Headquarters already is not comparable to the Mansion of the Magician Duke. This time, I would be taking this mansion for my own uses. Sorry for the future owner of the mansion, I will be taking it as mine. I accepted the quest. Lala gave me the key to enter the mansion so that I can enter the Mansion. Even though I have the key, it was still not in my ownership. Before I was about to go to the mansion, Lala stopped me.

"Can you show me your weapon?" Lala requested.

"Huh? Uh sure?" I was a bit confused why she wanted to see the Versatile Weapon and I handed it to her.

"G-g-g-god!" She stuttered as she stares at my weapon like she was not expecting it. Some players that are observing my actions were also staring at my weapon. Their eyes bulge out like they were so surprised.

I have taken my weapon back but Lala still have the shocked face plastered all over her. I didn't really have much things to discuss to her for now, so I departed. I didn't see what happened back on the reception.

Simona tapped Lala's shoulders.

"Its alright Lala, he is so abnormal so we have to get used to him if we have to keep on doing good business with him," Simona smiled before going back to her table.

Lala on the other hand was still baffled. No wonder that the guy she was facing was rich, his weapon was a God Tier!

Author's note:

I know that many of you wanted to get fast update for chapters but please bear with me. I am so busy everyday and my only free days are only Friday, Saturday and Sunday. For those people who are asking if I have P atreon, my answer is yes I did but I no longer used it.