Chapter 1:What is that?

The round shaped all day reconnaissance plane slowly flew over the sea, far in the distance, the chalky white snow line can be seen.

"Director, we are reaching the Extreme Northern Land soon." A sharp and clear voice said, as Nan Cheng, dressed fully in white military uniform reports to Lan Xiao who was sitting in the seat of the deputy captain.

They are a scientific research group who comes from the Department of Ancient Spirit Beast Research, belonging to the Heavenly Dou branch of Douluo Federation Scientific Research Centre.

Following an increase in the population as well as other issues, humans started experimenting with interplanetary migration. After thousands of years of painstakingly hard work, finally completed the first interplanetary migration around a thousand years ago. More than a thousand years after, humans have finally completed the interplanetary migration to seven different planets, now in the development stage.

Since the ten thousand years ago when the spirit beasts threaten the annihilation of the world, the peaceful loving president of the Douluo Federation of that generation, Mo Lan, announced humans shall live peacefully with spirit beasts. Restricting hunting of spirit beasts.

When the Federation was carrying out the colonisation of the third star, they granted it to the spirit beasts, with them being led by their king of that generation, migrated to the third star. Spirit beasts finally have a home of their own.

Afterwards, the seventh star was also granted to them. Now with two planets to call their home, the spirit beasts have gotten ten thousand years of retreat, their hatred towards humans have also completely dissolved. The humans have now used an entirely different way to fully cooperate with them, in the tens of thousands of years, spirit beats have gotten to surviving extinction by opposing the humans who wholly occupied the Heavenly Dou planet, to humans inventing soul power guidance device, shrinking the living space of spirit beats, then again to the awakened spirit beast king leading them in their fight for revenge ten thousand years ago. Today, humans and spirit beats live peacefully together. The change in era finally allowed the Soul Master profession, along with closely related humans and spirit beats, to enter an era of peaceful development.

The purpose of Lan Xiao leading this scientific research group is to investigate the Extreme Northern Land, to ascertain whether there are any surviving snow and ice related spirit beats, or remnants of them, to study ancient spirit beasts.

The Extreme Northern Land was once reputed as the last untouched land in the Douluo continent, the extreme conditions here allowed for some spirit beast to stay unharmed by the humans. Migration was also carried out here, however, the spirit beasts here considered themselves separate from the others. It took a lot of effort for most of them to agree to the migration but some still chose to stay or hide.

"Good." Lan Xiao says, it can be seen from his shoulders that he holds the rank of a major. Looks handsome, thirty-one years old and graduated from the Douluo Federal State University of Science and technology, research in Power attack system spirit beasts. All research units are awarded military ranks, managed by the Federation.

While answering her, he can't help but look at the Nan Cheng's perfectly curved military uniform, other than colleagues, they are also a couple. Not long after the beautiful Nan Cheng joined the research centre, they are already attracted to each other. The two have a very good relationship and are planning on getting married after finishing their investigation.

Nan Cheng glared at him, indicating to him not to go too far. Her petite looks, however, makes Lan Xiao smile.

"After entering the Extreme Northern Land, start up the life detector immediately, increase the level up to hundred thousand years spirit beasts." Lan Xiao ordered.

"Yes, sir" Nan Cheng replied immediately, putting aside her relations to Lan Xiao. Nan Cheng is responsible for life detection.

Since ancient times, the Extreme Northern Land is extremely cold, nearly all plant species can't survive, when there were still spirit beasts here in the past, they were all also specialised to withstand the extreme cold, such as Ice Jade Scorpion or Snow Woman, special spirit beasts that existed.

Soon enough, the soul-powered reconnaissance plane entered the Extreme Northern Land and flew into the innermost area, a gentle soft white glow surrounded the plane, preventing the extreme cold from affecting them.

In the centre of the abdomen at the bottom of the flat plane, a pale green light flowed down to the ground, forming a glowing circle that easily covers a square kilometre, any spirit beasts with signs of life over ten years would be detected. This is a new model of life detector, with accuracy and capability to go down to a hundred metres.

The plane followed the shoreline, going in deeper while scanning for signs of life. Although the detector is able to scan a large area, the Extreme Northern Land is extremely wide, to scan the whole land, even just an area of it, would require a large amount of time.

"Well, since we've already arrived, set up the detection process, and everyone, take a break. Hopefully, we can find something this time." Lan Xiao said lazily as he stretched out his body. It can be seen from the corner of his mouth that he has a lingering smile.

Looking at him, Nan Cheng snorted, this guy, same as always, always seems to do everything so casually, yet still does everything so casually. When still studying in school, he never seems to put in any effort, yet still, a straight A student, easily selected by the research centre, but clearly, we were both selected together, now he's a lieutenant and the higherups already made an exception to promote him twice. It should be known, that being promoted in the military is extremely hard, in the situation where there is no war, becoming a field officer step by step, unless forty and above, is nearly impossible, but this guy is only thirty-one.

Thinking about it, I am not convinced at all, I clearly work harder than him! Even when he was wooing me, I was so ignorant, yet I was defeated by his harmful smile. Humph!

While thinking, a figure blocked the light, a large hand rubbed her head, that familiar voice ringed in her head, "Now now, the device will automatically warn us when it detects something, so eat with me."

If it was other colleagues who become lovers in such an important department, they will definitely be very cautious, still, Lan Xiao doesn't have even a little self-consciousness, publicly showing his affections, Nan Cheng reminded him multiple times, yet he ignored all of them, how unbearable!

"Ok," Nan Cheng stood up but realised she still easily followed as he said. Damn it!

Wanting to lift her head to glare at him, what welcomes her was a mesmerising smile, she stared straightly, as her small hand was pulled towards the cafeteria on the plane, she heard him said, "That dumbfounded look is exactly what I love about you."

Who are you calling dumb? How dare you! Just when she was about to go on a full-on rampage. Suddenly, a series of 'DiDi' sound attracted the attention of everyone.

Before she was barely aware of it, Nan Cheng was already rushing back to where she was before, performing a series of actions fastidiously as a screen quickly widened up in front of her, with clarity, she sees an intense halo of light continuously diffuse out.

After closely following behind her, Lan Xiao was soon by her side, looking at the screen, he becomes more serious.

"Attention all units, attention all units. There's a possible appearance of a huge lifeform. The plane shall rise up to three kilometres, life detector concentrating on the life form. When the protective cover is activated to the maximum intensity, prepare the intercepting weapons." He ordered a series of commands without any hesitation, the lazy look on his face disappeared, replaced by seriousness.

The light shown on the screen is red coloured, what this means, he understood very well, only a hundred thousand years and above spirit beast are capable of releasing such a huge amount of energy.

"Make use of the reconnaissance satellites for detailed observation." Lan Xiao patted Nan Cheng's shoulders.

"Ok." Her hands swiftly operated the console in front of her, not long after, the satellites connected, the high definition reconnaissance satellites locked on to the target.

Lan Xiao stood up straight and turn to face the screen, on it, a picture quickly zoomed in.

Initially, what was seen is just a white blur, soon, snow could be clearly seen. Immediately after, a valley covered by ice and snow can be seen.

Rather than a valley, it looks more like a large crack. The satellites zoomed in further, deep into the valley, till a broken piece of rock appears.

The immense amount of energy was detected from this rock when the satellites locked on to it, both of them clearly sees underneath the cover of that white snow, a hidden pale golden light shines forth.

"Zoom in further." Lan Xiao says with a deep voice.

The screen zoomed in further and now, they see it very clearly, the light shining from beneath the snow was not only gold coloured but also silver.

Nan Cheng turned her head and softly said, "What is that?"