Chapter 3: A star in trouble?

As the sea waves crash into the shore, a "Hua Hua" sounded from a vast and far away distance. A light scent of the salty sea flows from to the shore by the wind.

Le Qing Ling is holding a bamboo basket on her hands, as she walks happily on the beach with her pair of bare white feet.

Every day when the tides begin to wane, she would always come to catch some seafood. Some crabs and seashells. Ever since the start of the interplanetary migration, the environment in Douluo planet changed constantly, all sorts of lifeforms survived very well and the pollution lessen.

Her family were all not particularly willing to migrate, as her ancestors once said, born as a citizen of Douluo, die as a citizen of Douluo. No matter how much the planet changes, the Le family will not be willing to leave.

Le Qing Ling is nineteen this year, the age where she starts to have her first love. Recently she has her summer break staying at home, thus she picked up the habit of picking seafood.

The aquatic lifeforms here in Douluo continent's South Sea is the richest, her favourite is the seashells, paired with white grape juice, is simply divine. Especially the white grape wine clam lobster that her father makes, is the world's most delicious food.

At the moment, she already has some seashells as well as some big crabs, no matter how much they struggle, they were all blocked by a faint golden light on the surface of the bamboo basket.

Le Qing Ling runs a few steps, her aggressive jump is already three to four metres high, she spread her arms out like she's going to glide down.

"Ugh, when will I be able to fly! Why do my abilities not appear when I awakened my spirit? I hate this so much! I want to fly, fly, fly!"

"Hm?" Just when her body landed on the ground, she suddenly sees in the far distance on the shore, something seemed to have blinked.

What is that?

Le QIng Ling always has a huge curiosity for new lifeforms, she immediately ran over. When she's close, she slows down her pace. Because she was shocked to find that it was a person. Half of his body is submerged in the seawater while the other half is on the sand. He looks very heavy, no matter how much the waves crash, his body seemed stuck to the sand and doesn't move at all.

That is...

A corpse?

Le Qing Ling shuddered and suddenly stopped. How can there be a corpse by the beach?

She calmed herself, took a deep breath, a pale white light emerged from within her, then beneath her feet, halos appear, two yellow and a single purple which slowly rises.

"What am I scared of? Even if he's a vengeful ghost, zombies or whatever, I can purify him. Here goes, holy light, shine forth!"

Her first halo which is yellow shined, a white light shot out from her hands, towards the "corpse".

She looks as the light shines on that person, in that instant, she was satisfied with herself. Her holy light can purify and heal normal people, while for evil spirits, it becomes an attack, vanquishing them.

The white light landed on that person, from the light, she also clearly sees, what was on the beach is that person's feet while the upper half of his body is submerged in the sea. Now she's even more convinced, that it is a corpse. It would have already drowned!

But, under the holy light, she could see that the feet are lustrous and long. The upper half up till the knees are submerged in the sea.

"Huuu." Le Qing Ling lets out a long sigh. In her mind, she thinks, this is definitely a corpse. I only need to call the police and the relevant department will come to collect it.

She withdraws her holy light, just when she's about to call on her soul guidance communication device, something she didn't expect happened.

She only hears a "Hua La La" sound and the man suddenly sat up. Other than his hips and genitals which are still submerged, the upper half of his body is already out of the water.

"Ah-----" As she screams, regardless of whatever courage she had gathered before, it didn't matter. She took a huge jump back, turned around and ran.

After all, she still has the strength of three halos, the moment she ran, she's already instantly a hundred metres away.

Once she notices her distance, then she turned and look back at the young man. He was still sitting there, he only shook his head lightly and didn't seem to want to chase after her.

The rising and falling of her chest are irregular, she patted her chest, calms herself down while slowing down her pace and gradually came to a stop.

"I'm a spirit expert, I'm a spirit expert, what am I afraid of! What do I have to be afraid of! I'm not scared, I'm not scared! Definitely not scared!"

Once again she turns around, she didn't get close, only looked at him from a distance.

Because she is far away from him, she couldn't clearly see how he looked like, but she can tell that he has an extremely good physique, although he's only just sitting there, she could see his wide shoulders, strong arms and waist. His long blue hair lies on his shoulders, covering most of his face.

Then her strong curiosity emerged again, she barely fights off her fear. As she prepared to get closer, he suddenly stood up.

"Ah----" She screams again. But that's because she saw something that the nineteen-year-old her has never seen before.

She quickly turned her head around and pointed towards him, saying, "You shameless pervert!"

The young man seemed to have understood what she meant, he looked down at himself, a little stunned, then replied, "I'm sorry. I..." His voice is a little harsh yet sweet, she suddenly realised that although they are two metres apart, his sounds like he's right by her side.

Did he apologise?

"You, wear it." She threw the sweater that was tied to her waist before on the ground, then turned around and ran a little further away.

"Oh, okay." His voice ringed again and sounded less harsh.

She doesn't know why but she suddenly has the urged to turn and look. She seemed to have seen an eight pack! What a great body.

"I'm done." The voice sounded again.

Only then did she turn around and realised he was standing where she was before, the sweater is tied around his waist, covering his genitals, but most of his body is still naked, revealing his wonderful physique.

This time, she was finally able to see his face, she can't help but stare straight ahead, he's handsome, he's so handsome!

His sharp nose, perfect lips, especially beautiful large eyes, it is obviously a deep black but yet it seems to have a pale golden glow to it. His long blue hair flowed behind him, soft and glowy, he looks like he's in his early twenties, doesn't seem much older than herself. This appearance, maybe he's a star?

He spoke again, his voice sounded a little lost, "Hi, can you tell me where I am? And who, who am I?"