Chapter 5: Is this only a normal child?

The baby is powdery white, with smooth and crystal white skin, like it is frozen, able to slightly see the blood vessels underneath.

His eyes were shut, but his jet black hair and long eyelashes were already fully grown. His small hands held the eggshells, constantly putting it to his mouth, making the "Ka Ka" sound while eating.

He has teeth that are really white, like a normal baby's teeth, but how can a child that was just born have a fully grown set of teeth?

Lan Xiao touched the surface of the eggshell for the first time and it was slightly warm. Other than that, he can't feel anything else from it, there was no energy emanating from it.

"Oh god! It only has the energy of a hundred-year spirit beast left. What should we do?" Nan Cheng asked Lan Xiao hastily.

Lan Xiao smiled bitterly: "What else can we do? This is too weird, continue observing. The egg really has a child within, a child born from an egg, can you believe that?"

A researcher standing beside him asked: "Boss, could it be a hundred years old spirit beast that recultivated?"

Lan Xiao opened his mouth, just when he was about to say something, Nan Cheng reported again, "Ten years left, it's only emanating ten years worth of life energy."

While smiling bitterly, Lan Xiao says, "According to the federation's records on ancient spirit beasts and god spirit beasts, after a hundred years old spirit beast recultivated, it would still be able to preserve a hundred years worth of life energy along with its memories and intelligence, it definitely will not tun into a baby for anyone to harm. Normally it would turn into a child, with definite survival skills."

"Ka Cha!" As another piece of eggshell was eaten.

"We should save a piece to bring back for research. Nan Cheng, come, carry the child out, we'll need to save the eggshells, as proof for the results of our research." Lan Xiao says to Nan Cheng.

Nan Cheng walks over and the moment she laid her eyes on the child, she can't look away.

White powdery skin, a small round face that can be broken with just a blow, with two small dimples on its cheeks. The baby is so cute. Instantly, all she feels for the child is a mother's love, her eyes became gentle.

To prevent scaring the child, she slowly carries the child from the broken eggshells. He's not really heavy, around six, seven pounds, his body is soft and pillowy, slightly warm, there's also a faint fragrance.

Nan Cheng carefully carried the child in her hands, she softly says: "He's so beautiful!"

The other crew members also see the child. He is truly beautiful, really beautiful.

Suddenly, the child's hands stopped moving, he waved it around his surrounding but only grabbed on to the empty air around. He has already finished the eggshell he held in his hands.

"Wa, Wa!" He cried out abruptly, his cried could be heard throughout the plane.

Nan Cheng is not yet married, never had a child, she was stunned, the others were also clueless on what to do.

Lan Xiao who was about to carry the shells away also stood there stunned.

"Why is he crying?"

Nan Cheng was also nervous, "I didn't injure him! Ah! It's the eggshells, he might still want to eat it, quick, give him a piece."

While she was speaking, she carried the child to Lan Xiao's side, the moment the child touched the eggshell, his small hands were swift, instantly swooping down his side and again grabbing on to another piece of eggshell, then he delivers it to his mouth making the "Ka Cha, Ka Cha" sound while biting, as expected, he wasn't crying anymore.

"You're gonna take away his food, should he not cry?" Nan Cheng said sympathetically.

"But..., we still need to do further research!" Lan Xiao exclaimed helplessly.

Nan Cheng also hesitated, of course, she understands the importance of the research, plus, this child who was born from an egg is too strange, especially the life energy that once emanated from its egg.

Lan Xiao decided: "Give the child a check-up, let him continue eating till there's a small piece left for us to bring back."

"Yes, sir!"

The plane is filled with all the equipment needed, especially the ones used to test for life energy, not inferior to the ones in the lab.

The baby continued eating happily, in just a while, it has already eaten half the amount of eggshells left. All the checks were also done.

Lan Xiao, Nan Cheng, along with the other crew members looked at the result on the screen and were all shocked.

Not because the numbers are weird but because it was too normal. Normal like a normal human being.

The numbers of a child just born, it is exactly the same. Furthermore, it is right in the middle. Its life energy is the same as a child, without a trace of spirit beast. But the child is freakishly strong and it didn't even cry when they were extracting its blood, which could be related to him still eating the eggshells, when the needle pierced his skin, it only knitted its eyebrows then continued to eat.

"Is it really just a normal child?" Lan Xiao couldn't believe his eyes, not only him but everyone on the plane!

A child born from an egg found in the cold conditions of the Extreme Northern Land could be normal? Without a trace of spirit beast bloodline, not a trace of unique energy signature, normal till it couldn't be any more normal. How is this possible?

A normal fetus would have frozen to death long ago!

But the number can't be forged, all the equipment are also cutting edge. Maybe, the only difference in the child is that he's too normal, other infant's values would be slightly higher or lower, but not his, completely normal.

To sum it all up, this is a healthy, completely normal, human infant.

"Kacha, Kacha, Kacha!" The child continued eating the eggshells, not realising what's happening around him.

"What should we do now?" Nan Cheng looks at Lan Xiao.

Lan Xiao is a little worried now, including everyone else aboard, everyone originally thought this would be a great discovery, maybe even an accomplishment, an important discovery towards ancient spirit beasts research. But with the situation now, this means they are facing an extremely odd situation.

"Boss, I'm afraid this would pose a problem!" Researcher Chen Wei smiled bitterly. "Not long ago, the federation heavily punished those responsible for fraud, now even if they have a hundred mouths, they won't be able to explain this!"

Fraud research, in Douluo Federation, is one of the heaviest crimes. The reason is simple, fraud research could bring the federation, even humans, destruction. The punishment depends on the importance of the research, one of the only few crimes that are punishable by death. This also reminds all researchers, don't be too stupid just because of the huge rewards. Without absolute certainty, one should not easily submit research results, otherwise, once it is considered a fraud, the problem could spiral out of control.

Another researcher Li Ting said: "That shouldn't be the case, don't we still have the eggshells?"

Chen Wei smiled bitterly and said: "This is our only hope left, let's hope that we could find out anything from it. Otherwise..."

Lan Xiao understood the meaning of his words, otherwise, what happened today, could just be all for nothing.