Spirit Awakening

NOTE: I apologise for the half an hour late release today, there were some changes needed to be made in the translation.

"Our spirits can be anything, for example, your mother's spirit is ice, a type of very strong elemental spirit. Your father's spirit, is a book, although its combat power is not high, your father has memories that far surpasses everyone else. You will also have a spirit of your own. When we undergo the spirit awakening ceremony when we turn six, if spirit power is detected, you will be able to increase it through training, becoming a spirit master. If you really have spirit power, dad will tell you more about spirit master. Now, my son, are you ready?"

Lan Xiao gleefully smiles towards Lan Xuan Yu, extending his right arm towards him.

Lan Xuan Yu is already six. Towards this child, no matter who, Lan Xiao or Nan Cheng, both of them spoiled him a little. That's because this child is too well behaved.

Other than the time he cried when breaking out of the eggshell, the child hasn't really cried at all, always gleefully smiling. The only shortcoming he has is that he speaks not so clearly, other children can already speak clearly when they are two, but till now, Lan Xuan Yu can only barely considered to be speaking clearly,but his voice has a unique quality towards it, making it especially nice to listen to. Lan Xiao and Nan Cheng don't really want to correct his pronunciation, feeling that even his childish voice sounds good to listen to.

The six years old Lan Xuan Yu from three years ago started attending the kindergarten attached to the research centre ever since the whole ancient spirit beasts research centre moved to the second planet, Heaven Luo Planet discovered by the federation.

Normally when parents fetch their kids, they would often say the most beautiful child is my own. But with Lan Xuan Yu, the words turned into: That's Lan Xuan Yu right, the most handsome boy in the kindergarten!

Lan Xuan Yu has perfect skin, without a doubt. Because whether it's Nan Cheng, Lan Xiao or the teacher at the kindergarten, even the other kids there, when they are with him, they can't help but touch his dimples or kiss his cheeks.

He's especially well behaved, always very quiet. His lovable smile. It's like to him, only happiness exists in the world, never feeling any pain or suffering before.

"Dad, I will go in now." Lan Xuan Yu smiled and waved at his father.

"Xuan Yu." Lan Xiao suddenly stopped him.

Lan Xuan Yu turned, his big eyes staring at his father as he cutely asks: "Dad?"

Lan Xiao is a little nervous, his mind drifts back to the time he found the gold and silver patterned egg, his heart inexplicably suppresses something. He's looking forward to finding something unusual during the spirit awakening, but, he realised, he felt more worried than expectation. He really doesn't wish that his child becomes a research subject.

It's been six years, this child has already gotten the love from everyone around.

"Go, I will be waiting for you by the door." Breathing in deeply, his nose feels stuffy but he still waved back at Lan Xuan Yu.

"Okay." Lan Xuan Yu gleefully smiles and once again waved his hands, walking into the big metallic door ahead of him.

Lan Xiao pressed the communicator on his hands, instantly the other side connected.

"How is it? What happen? What did he awaken?" Nan Cheng's anxious voice said, even if it's a communicator, the anxiousness in her voice could clearly be sensed.

"Xuan Yu just went it, still unclear what he awakened." Lan Xiao quickly replied.

Nan Cheng suddenly sounds a little upset: "Then why did you call? Is it just to make me worried for nothing? Now I'll be worried again later."

Lan Xiao smiled bitterly: "You made the correct choice in not coming, I am actually quite nervous. Nan Cheng, I just want to tell you, no matter what the child's spirit is, that....., forget about the credit. I'll just let Chen Wei, Li Ting and the others take the credit, I'll just not promote. The issue about the egg, let it pass."

Nan Cheng couldn't say anything, Lan Xiao has already become the Head of the Ancient Spirit Beast Centre for a number of years. Although after moving to Heaven Luo planet, the level of the ancient spirit beast centre increased, Lan Xiao is now already a lieutenant colonel. But, he seems to have reached a bottleneck. With his knowledge, he should have climbed higher, the only thing he's missing is a chance.

So Nan Cheng understands when Lan Xiao said what he said, what exactly he's giving up. Lan Xiao is extremely smart, but his own spirit is extremely difficult to train. Being stuck at the level of four halos. Only an especially excellent breakthrough in research can let him continue to promote. At this area, Nan Cheng has the advantage, she has a good spirit, and is already a six haloed spirit emperor. She has also been promoted to a lieutenant colonel, at the same level as him. If not for accompanying Lan Xiao, she could have been dispatched to other places that have more opportunities.

"Have you thought through this?" Nan Cheng asks as she breathed deeply.

If Lan Xuan Yu really has anything unusual, especially that time when he releases the energy of a hundred thousand year spirit beast. What it brings for Lan Xiao is possibly a big opportunity.

"I've already thought through it. Actually, ever since arriving from such a long way three years ago, the day when we decided not to have another child, we already decided, didn't we? That we will wholeheartedly love this child." Lan Xiao said, without a shred of hesitation.

Nan Cheng sudden;y laughed, "Shouldn't I be calling you dumb now? Just like that time, what you said to me, I'll return it to you. I just like how stupid you look. Our life right now is quite good! The ancient spirit beasts centre is good. I'll give them my share of the merits too. We'll just stay here, watching our child grow up and become a man. What do you say?"

"Sure." Lan Xiao laughed, this instant, what he thought of is another word: Home.

"Dididi, dididi!" But suddenly, the warning system sounded from the awakening room.

Lan Xiao's face suddenly changed, he worriedly looked at the room.

Within the room.

Lan Xuan Yu stood in the middle of the hexagonal room, his eyes filled with curiosity. An uncle told him to stand there and don't move.

The next instant, the surroundings are suddenly filled with light, strange lights circled around him, he felt that his body feels really warm. The strangest thing is, within this warm feeling, he felt his own body itches.

In the beginning, it was only a little itchy, then quickly, the itchiness intensifies.

Lan Xuan Yu doesn't know whether this is normal or not, his small face suddenly became pale, the itchiness quickly becomes more intense, the feeling is scarier than feeling pain.

Finally, he couldn't take it anymore, he screamed, can't help but use his hands to scratch himself, his body continuously moved.

The room is within the ancient spirit beast centre, in reality, an awakening room like this is present within the federation's facilities, specially made for children of suitable ages to use.

The staff responsible for the awakening right now has never encountered a situation like this, normally, no matter what spirit is awakened, they would successfully awaken.

When Lan Xuan Yu screamed, they thought the spirit is going to awaken, but next, he is already on the ground scratching himself constantly.

The staff unhesitatingly pressed the emergency button and quickly ran towards him.

But suddenly, he felt a weird sense of fear well up from the depths of his heart. Although only an instant, he could clearly sense that, a shudder from the depths of the soul made him suddenly stop and look at the child.

The surface of Lan Xuan Yu's skin, appeared many patterns, gold and silver, tangling, and shining rainbow colours.

"Ping!" The door burst open from the outside, Lan Xiao rushed in.

"Ah------" Then at this time, Lan Xuan Yu screamed loudly, his small body jumped up from the ground, instantly, the patterns on his skin disappeared, a blue glow shines in his palms, slowly rising up, rising up to a metre, swaying in the air.
