
The whole family had their jaws wide open and I trained my gaze on the Grand elder Sei to watch his reaction. Since he was the one that more familiar with this sight than anyone else.

He sucked in deep breath and slowly stepped toward the shoji. Everyone gave a wide berth for him to walk. Opening it slowly, the sight that greet him made him sat slowly outside of the sliding door.

"What a nostalgic feeling"

Kuro put down the kids and went to the tea ceremony cabinet and started to prepare the tea.

"It'll be better to enjoy some green tea while enjoying the view" said Kuro, gracefully preparing the tea. His posture, the grace of his hands whisking the tea and pouring out the tea was magnetizing. It made me screaming inwardly, like a fan toward her idols. How long was it? I always wanted to see a japanese people to perform a tea ceremony and I am elated to see that he was the one to give me that first timer front seat to view the ceremony.

Ailee drag the lapel of my shirt.

"Mom, the food" remind her. I slapped my head and briskly went to the kitchen. The kids help me to carry some of the food and put it on top of the kotatsu table.

Grand elder Sei eyes widen as he smell the familiar scent. I prepared all kind of snacks that goes well with the green tea including the mochi. After putting the tea and few selected snacks in front of him. He took a sip of his tea and a bite out of the mochi, and slowly his eyes pooled with water.

"It taste like what my mother always gave me. This is what it should taste like"

To that, everyone digs in and the whole room filled with gasps and cheery sounds. It made me smile to see them enjoying the whole thing and I'm sure this experience was one of Grand Elder Sei best memories since he had lived here. That was enough to make me feel fulfilled and happy.

"My wife is a good cook. She's the one who prepared all of these" said Kuro, not missing a beat, to show off. I rolled my eyes.

"Oh shut it Kuro. Let them enjoy their food. Anyway, I am sure all of you are tired from your long journey. So, we will show your own respective room later. We also had two hot spring at the backyard if any of you interested to take a dip."

It was worth it to have it done just in time. All thanks to Miya. I am sure she is tired and took a note to make her favourite burger later.

"Where did you get all of these ingredients?"

"Shop online menu"

"What's that?" Asked Grand Sei.

"Its an inter dimensional shop where you can purchase anything as long as its cannot be acquired from this world" and I notice that they were looking at me with puzzled look.

I explained them where they can find it. To my surprise, they don't have it.

"Okay.. so it seems only I can use it" It didn't even crossed my mind to asked Miya and Ailee about it since I thought everyone got it. I asked the kids to check theirs but to no avail.

"It seems you had struck a great and one of a kind wife, Kuro." Laughed Grand elder Sei.

"Lucky bastard" muttered Mio, glaring at Kuro who had a smirked on him. I really want to pinch that guy. It was as if he intentionally trying to irked his aunt for some reason.

"Oh, its nothing. I can prepare some for you to bring when you go back. But, please, take your time and enjoy your stay here." I excused myself and quickly went to complete the preparation at the hot springs. Towel, yukata, soap, and oh!

I had planted some of cherry blossom saplings around the place. I pour out some of my mana and activate the growth skills.

"Would be awesome if I have some sake…" I snapped my fingers and open the shop online. I purchased about 200 bottles of it, and there goes my 5 blue spirit stones. But it's nothing compare to what I had left on my account. Still looking good and I'm sure, I can find good stuff when we go for another journey later on. Gotta ask Kuro to bring me to some place with rare stuffs.

I hummed and left about fifty of the sake bottle beside the hot springs. Twenty five each for male and female place. I was never one to make my guests feel like they're living in a terrible place. I always strive to be a good host, thanks to my one good friend back at earth, Sasha.

Back when I was still studying medicine at foreign country, Sasha was one of my dearest friend who stick with me through thick and thin.even after becoming a mother of two, she was always there for me.

I wonder how is she doing right now?