A new grandpa????

While Iiana and the boys enjoying the show, Arya was effortlessly deflecting each one of the super saiyan dude's attacks. Enough to say that, He got his tempo back . Not only that, his ego and pride instantly recovered from earlier and he plan to let it stay there. He had suffered today and unwilling to suffer more than necessary. A punch would be better than feeling the worthlessness he had felt. His manly side suffered enough damage.


That woman is monstrous even among the geniuses he ever witnessed in his life. Just a split of a second then, when she burst out her mana out to give the volcanic old man a slap was enough to make him literally gasping for some air. It was raw, powerful and almost made him dropped down to his knee and keel over. For a fucking second there, he saw the gate of the Death welcoming him in its tight and cold embrace. The potential mana that she converted to aura was so great that he believe it could easily end everything in this universe in a split of a second. yet somehow... it wasn't complete. it was as if it was barred by something. Like she couldn't reach her full potential. Its almost weirdly similar to Kuro's problem ,or maybe not. Kuro's problem lies to losing three quarter of his former strength but he can regain it. That woman potential was something that was palpable and exist there, but it was cut off somewhere and she couldn't fully access it. He suspect that she had some kind of seal place upon her that made her unable to utilise her whole potential to the fullest.

Truly a monstrous woman.

'A very beautiful and interesting monster', he added as his afterthought. He couldn't see whats happening there since he was busy handling one of the bad guys here, but that scream was rather chilling and painful.

Begrudging, His heart goes to the old man. He knew when Iiana decide to be nasty, it is nasty right to her very bone.

Even his enemy had stopped his advances. He was currently too preoccupied watching the old man screaming, and kept on eyeing Iiana with cautious. It seems he also came to the same conclusion like he does. Iiana is someone you should be careful with.

The hairy old man was not so hairy anymore.. no, scratch that, he's whole head was bald. Like sparkling clean bald that could reflect any kind of light back. His a-little-bit wrinkled face was now stretch to the side of his face and his eyes become slanted upward. The old man was now lying on his tummy, body stretched. He hold out his hand and gave Iiana painful gaze and open his mouth,

"What did you do to me?"

She popped another popcorn inside her mouth, crunching it few times before smiling.

"Oh just another one of my stupid medicinal experiments. I was going to try it out on a certain pervert so that he would stop being a sex maniac but meh, lucky you appear and give me chance to test it out. How is it? Isn't it great??"

Great, my ass thought Arya. His whole bones suddenly chilled to the max. She said a certain pervert and sex maniac, Doesn't that basically naming his name out loud??!! Where does she think she's using that for? He sure as hell not old enough to need a wrinkle free cosmetic torture. He look at her with a flabbergasted look. When their eyes met, Iiana grinned and slowly her eyes travel down south. All his hairs stood up and he instinctively used both of his hands to cover his lower part. As if that was enough to ward off any untoward evil intent on his little junior. Nasty woman!

"The longer it stay like that, the more it'll stretch until it cannot stretch no more. And it'll just rip apart, slowly.. but that'll be just the first stage. Then you will feel all your organs start to expand, and swell until it explode.. and pooff. You're a goner!"


"Of course. The pain will feel like it burns" nodded Iiana seriously. "But isn't that novel way to die? You simply burn things and people without care. I assure you, though This won't make your skin crack and black, But it sure as hell will make you taste the burning sensation the same as anyone you ever burned to death"

The old man became paler a shade of white and look at her with disbelief. But maybe he saw something in her, he began to sweat and quickly slap his palm on the floor couple of time.

"I yield. I yield!!! Please make it stop!!" Iiana just scoffed at him. The old man really know how save his own skin as he grab his pendant and throw it toward Iiana.

The amplifying pendant skidded to halt fee inches away from her feet.

"I yield! Take that. Please stop this!"

Iiana munch another pop corn before it vanished into thin air. She took the pendant slowly while watching the old man. It was as if she was watching every little changes of his body language.

A few seconds later, as if she was satisfied with what she had seen, she crouched low in front of the old man and took out a yellow round pill as big as eyeball before crushing it with her fist. Then she blew it right to the old man face. He coughed couple of time and breathe in fast. When the pain stopped, he lie on his back, gasping for an air.

"Th-ank... you" She simply brush it off and glance at the orange hair dude.

"Wanna have a go? I have a lot more types of poison to test." She took out some of colors she had to back her words.

"Oh. This one is good!!! It'll make your teeth fall off, and also! You little partner down there shrivelled and pluck off by itself. One of the best, I tell you" Arya was simply speechless. Whats up this woman with her hatred toward a man jewel??! Why does it have to do with our ding dong, each and every time???

The man backed off few steps backward and raise his hands up.

"I would've win it if you didn't used that" said the old man between his gasps. Iiana chuckled.

"Oh you haven't seen anything yet. Not even a bit of it" said Iiana with full confidence that made the old man shut up his trap.

Rolen the ever so opportunist man saw what the medicine effect had done to the old man. Though he had become bald, he definitely gained more youthful look. Though, it's in a weirdly way. That medicine was almost a god given medicine that could give you more youthful look. Anti aging medicine. Even though the process was quite painful, he was sure that it could still sell! They can earn a lot just by selling few of that. With proper experiments,correct tools and proper dose, this could be a breakthrough for most of the mortal side of this world.

He could already taste the wealth coming their way in waves! Not everyone in this world could become peerless genius like Lord Arya, Lord Kuro and Madame Iiana. Those with meagre power like him had shorter life span since he's mana is relatively small and couldn't regulate his body or halt the aging process. But this medicine could be an answer. He already thought of the best caption for this, "no pain no gain, come and buy your youth!"

Iiana couldn't read whats on Rolen's mind but if she somehow got a glimpse of it she would've shook her head and smack the boy head upward. Though, this trait was the beginning of his glorious and godly money sucking merchant that will be feared by people in the future.

Iiana look at both of them and then around them with blank look. She had nothing to do with these people who had died. And they indeed had meet a terrible end by coming here and it was unfortunate for them to die because of two ignorant fools. But to be honest, there is nothing she could do here and plus she didn't know any of them.

"Both of you are to compensate every each of the loss here. You guys looks like you are wealthy enough to pay all of these." That was the least she could do.

"Lets go" she gave a signal to them, and three of them followed her. But Luka grab her dress and look at her.

"You won't save them?" Asked him looking at already blacken corpse. Iiana gaze soften and she touched his cheek. Did he think she could do the impossible and resurrect the dead?

"I am not a God, Luka. My priority is only you guys, nothing else. Let's go back"

It was just about the tenth steps they took, the now bald old man laughed out loud.

"I had decided! From now on you will be my grand daughter!" What the heck?

Rolen eyebrow furrowed and clicked his tongue. Did that medicine fried his brain and make him crazy? Whose gonna be whose grandfather?? Surely he must be joking right?

He glance at Iiana but Iiana didn't react a bit.

"What is your name?" Asked the old man.

"Iiana" she didn't turn around and ignored the booming laughter after that.