Cries of the Ice Princess

"Breaking news: The great Li family in a Coma."

"Exclusive: Infamous Zhou family in Coma."

"The End of the Infamous Li Family Reighn?"

"Who will be the next CEO?"

"Future Olympian, Zhou Aonu, in a Coma?"

"Li corps in chaos."

"Did you hear? Everyone except Li Yaorui is in a coma?"

"Really? Do you think that she is the culprit?"

"Mmm, no, if she wanted the family business, she would have waited until she was older. After all, she is thirteen."

"Your right, she is too young, do you think it was someone in the company?"

"Maybe, or we're reading to much webnovels."

"That's true."

"The Li Family princess is un-guarded, we can make some use of her,"

"Bring that girl to me, she is our key, to ruining the Li family once and for all."

"Get me her schedules and whereabouts,"

"My son, use this chance to win her heart. If you do this, the CEO position will be yours,"

"I want you to approach her. We can use this opportunity to gain more power and wealth,"


Li Corp, Top Floor

"President, what do you suggest we do?"

The office was clean and modern looking, the blinds closed, and the lights dimmed. In the back corner was a desk that overlooked the whole city. In the center of the room was a seating area, complete with a large flat-screen TV and an electric fireplace. The fire was blazed, giving off a warm glow, the TV was muted while still showcasing an anchorman.

"Arrange a staff meeting with all staff, organize it by departments. Also, make sure you set meetings with the shareholders, board members, executives, a separate one for the managers and department heads."

"Yes, President, right away,"

"Ah- one more thing, make sure that every, single, one, of my father's and mother's employees sign a confidentiality contract,"


"You are dismissed, secretary Shi," The male secretary bowed and left the gloomy office.

Sitting on the leather couch, was a woman, no, a girl. She swirled her purple crush in the wineglass.

"Ah~Ba, ah~Ma, please wake up soon,"

The men and women who walked by could hear the cries of the angel. Her sobs were like a haunting echo. They tore through their hearts, stabbing them over and over again. The suffering of the Ice princess.

For years, the Ice Princess was known to be cruel and ruthless. For years she was known as the saviour to many, a person that was worth worshipping.

While others gloated in her sufferings, the loyal employees of the Li Family prayed.


"Yaorui?" The broken princess looked at the doors.

"Sam Gege...y-you came?"

"Of course I did, how could I let you suffer alone? To me, you are the most important person." He gave her a gentle smile and strode over to her side.

"Don't look! I look ugly after crying."

"That's not true," he wrapped her in his arms, "You are very pretty,"

Samuel stroked her hair and rubbed her back.

"Samuel? Why did they leave me alone like this?"

"Shhh...cry it out, let it all go..."

"Can you sing me a song?" her voice, barely a whisper.

It wasn't long until a soft melody was heard.


"Breaking News: Li and Zhou Family Tradegy Planned?"

"Earlier today, it was released that infamous Li and Zhou family tragedy was perhaps planned. Top doctors and surgeons have confirmed that both families have perhaps been poisoned. The police are suspecting many businesses that may have rivalries against the family. Right now the top suspect is the Hu Family of Hubei province. Here is the security footage of the only son of the Hu family's son, Hu Angli, entering and then leaving Li Yaorui's room with her supposedly sleeping in his arms. This was also where the entirety of both the Li and Zhou family were found nearly dead."

As the anchorwoman finished her speech, a video clip played. It showed Angli entering the hospital room and coming out with a relaxed Yaorui.

"That concludes tonight's news, stay safe and have a good night."

"What is the meaning of this son? Care to explain to us?" Hu Dajing stood beside his wife. He was tall and imposing, his face was serious and clearly upset.

"I didn't do anything! I went in there to apologize to her for getting mad!"

"Then who do you think did this?" Angli's mother, Liu Longlie, was a world-renowned fashion designer, her luxury brand, Roses, sold clothing and accessories at sky-high prices.

"An Samuel, I believe that he is out for revenge."

"And what led him to take revenge on us?"

"He thinks that I killed Xiao Rui,"

"Why does he think that?"

"Last year I heard that he was coming back, so I was worried that he was going take Xiao Rui away from me, so I sent him a fake death report. It says that she died a year after he left."

"And the Li family princess was pulled into this because you love her, so he wants to take her away like how he thinks you did?"

"That and the Xiao Rui now, still looks almost the same as she did, younger. I suspect that he has an obsession with her now."

"This is your fault, Dajing!"

"Yes, yes, it is my fault that my son does not know how to fend off suitors. I shall teach him the art of possessiveness." The scary-looking man immediately turned into an obedient puppy. Dajing was happy to see his wife paying attention to him once again.

'This brat thinks he can take my wife away from me? Hmph! Wait until I start training this brat again that'll teach him to stay away!' He thought.

"As punishment, Angli, you will be taken out of school until I feel that you are ready to return."


"You will be given private teaching until then when I feel that you are ready, I will let you return to school. We'll see how good you are at protecting what you love." His father looked at him sternly, his eyes practically screamed determination.

"I understand father."

If only his parents only knew the sweet lies he was telling them.


Meanwhile, a man dressed in a crisp and clean suit stood in front of a quivering boy. The boy kneeled in front of the imposing man with his hands behind his back and his head down.

Ran Jiexu did not know how he got into this scary situation. He remembered feeding his crush some freshly cut fruits while having an innocent conversation about love. Then, out of nowhere, this horrifying man stepped into the room! When Jiexu turned around the air immediately, became tense and cold, the man looked as if he were to murder him right then and there!

But he had to be strong for his princess. As long as his source of strength was here, he didn't have to be afraid!

If only the man wasn't the cherished older brother of his princess.

"I don't like him."

"You don't like any boy your sister befriends," Jiexu silently praised Hu Mingou, the second sister of Hu Angli, for defending him.

"That's not true."

"You thought my brother was a love rival."

"That doesn't count."

"That doesn't matter, I like this boy, and I approve of him."

"What do you mean you like this stick?"

"He is a good match for Xiao Bao," Jiexu felt like screaming! How did big sister Ou not see the green-faced man beside her?

He was so dead~ah!


Back inside the dimly lit office. The cries of the Ice Princess have long ceased. Her body no longer shook or grieved as her mind dreaming of the times she spent with her family.

She dreamt of when she was just learning how to fight at the age of three. When she fell her brothers would come to her aid as she cried, or when she had her own birthday party, it wasn't her first, but it was the earliest birthday party she could remember.

She remembered when she ran around on her chubby little legs with her mother and father behind her trying to dress her. She remembered how her father and mother laughed at her antics and how they finally managed to bribe her into getting dressed.

Her grandparents had always brought her extremely extravagant gifts and showered her with love. She remembered the first time that she was able to beat her cousin Aonu in a spar and then crying over him with his sister Zhangmin when they thought he was dead. He earned a good beating from her dad and uncle Zhou, their father after they found out we'd been crying.

As the Ice Princess slept, a gentle smile bloomed onto her face as she reminisced all those memories.

Samuel watched, enchanted with her smile. He was glad that his future queen was happy, that she was able to stop her grieving for even just a second.

Unknowingly, he pulled her closer to his chest and let a small smile to make itself noticeable as he watched her snuggle into him.

Samuel let himself drift into the arms of sleep.

"Tomorrow," he thought, "Tomorrow, it all begins,"