Fundraiser [1]

Bright hospital lights shone as Yaorui opened her eyes. She groaned when she realized that she was back on a hospital bed.

"You're awake!"

She looked beside her and saw Samuel sitting right beside her holding her hand.

"What happened?"

"The doctors said that you ran into your brother Long Ao's room and fainted right after you saw your brother sitting up in bed. They said it was because of shock."

"My brother, how is he?" Yaorui asked as Samuel helped her sit up in bed, her eyes were hopeful and teary.

"You were out for about three hours, and your brother is fine, they're still waiting for some of his test results to come out. They say he'll need some rehabilitation,"

Tears started to make their way down her face as she thought about her brother, her family, finally awake. All this time, she felt like an orphaned abandoned with no other family in the world. She drowned herself in her work to distract her self from grief and pain, loneliness and rejection.

Samuel encased her in his arms as she cried and sobbed.

"Can I see him?" She spoke in between her cries.

"After we get you checked, okay?"

A little bit later and the doctor came in with two nurses in tow.

"We are going to run some tests for you before you can visit your brother, is that okay?"

She nodded. "Please hurry,"

All she got was a grunt of affirmation before the doctor turned towards the nurses and barked out orders.


Yaorui stood outside the door to her brother's room. She was afraid, nervous, and excited at the same time. She was afraid that her brother wouldn't remember her, afraid that he might mad at her for being the only one awake, nervous because she didn't know what was going to happen. There was still that tiny little spark of the excitement of hearing her brother's voice for the first time in a month, seeing him awake was the only thing that could ease her mind.

"Don't be nervous Rui'er, go on ahead, I'll be here right outside the door waiting for you." Samuel attempted to calm and assure her, offering a sweet smile which she returned. "You can do this,"

"You're right. I can do this," And so with all the courage, she could muster she opened the door and walked in.

"Brother?" She said with hints of uncertainty and nervousness in her voice.

As Yaorui made her way deeper into the room, she saw her brother sitting comfortably on the bed. His head turned slowly to her.

"Xiao Rui,"

A sob escaped her as she ran towards her brother and sobbed endlessly into his chest. Her arms were wrapped tightly around him, afraid that he would leave her again.

Long Ao tried his best to comfort his sister. Normally their parents or their sisters would do this job but, nevermind. He rubbed his sister's back and all of his remaining strength to lift his little sister onto the bed.

It took twenty minutes for Yaorui cries to fade into sniffles and whimpers, her arms still tightly wrapped around her brother.

"I missed you," Her embrace tightened.

"I did too," When Long Ao decided to tighten his grasp on his sister, his face darkened. "How come you are so skinny? Who permitted you to starve? Huh? You little brat."

"It's my fault all my fault," Long Ao's face darkened even further when he heard his sister's answer.

His sister was really hurt this time.

Long Ao was frustrated at himself. He was frustrated about the fact that he left his little sister to fend for herself in a world where everyone would tear her down in an instant. He was mad at himself for letting his sister suffer alone, for not waking up early enough and not being strong enough to protect his little sister.

Long Ao swore to become stronger and always protect those he loved.

"Hello?" Another medical student came in. "I'm sorry for disturbing you, but the doctor said that you are free to move around as you wish."

The girl was about the age of sixteen and had her hair tied into a high ponytail. She had sharp features, and dainty hands, her eyes were feline and fierce, her nose long and straight, and her lips a permanent pout. She was tall for her age and had quite a bit of muscle.

"But doesn't he need some physical therapy?"

"No, we ran some tests earlier on him and was able to walk just fine." The nurse sent a glare over to Long Ao before she exited the room.

"Who is she?" Yaorui asked, "Why did she glare at you?"

"She, my dear little sister, is going to be your future sister-in-law."

"What do you mean? Are you going to marry her?"

"Yup," Yaorui's face lit up! She was going to get another sister! Now that her brothers had both found their women, it was time for her younger sisters' to find their men.

She grinned at the idea of matchmaking her sisters. Yaorui already had a whole list of possible candidates for her sisters.

*knock* *knock*


"Yes, Sammy?"

"We have to go soon. We have a banquet to attend in two hours. We have to get you prepared."

Yaorui nodded and bid her brother goodbye with a kiss on the forehead.


While Yaorui left to say goodbye to her friends, Long Ao was having a showdown with a potential threat.

"Who are you? Why does my sister like you?"

"I am An Samuel, and I believe that your sister only likes me as a friend. Not that I don't plan on changing that."

"Who are you?"

"Someone who can your sister a queen."

"Why should I let you court my sister?"

"Because I was there when you weren't,"

"That's a low blow."

"What should I do to get your approval?"

"I'll set a series of tests for you, but for now, keep all the other pests away from my Xiao Rui."



Yaorui waited in the car for five minutes before she saw Samuel come out.

"Head to Infinite A's headquarters," Samuel informed the driver.

"What took you so long?"


"Anything that I need to know for the event?"

"We'll be going as a couple,"

"But I'm thirteen !? Isn't it too early for that?"

"-of close friends, a couple of close friends,"


After that, the atmosphere turned silent and awkward.

"We have arrived," Uncle Tang got out and opened the door for the silent pair. Not forgetting to hand Yaorui an umbrella, her skin was jade white for a reason.

"Thank you, Uncle Tang." She thanked.

The Infinite A's headquarters looked very modern and fit in with all the tall modern buildings in the bustling city. But the moment Yaorui stepped inside she was, pleasantly surprised by the interior. Instead of a modern interior, there was a koi fish pond in the center with greenery and comfortable seating everywhere. It was an indoor zen garden!

While Yaorui was bewitched by the beauty of the interior design of the building, she had failed to notice some curious eyes following her.

One of the reasons why Infinite A was so famous. Was that they gave fashion design classes to some of the younger generations from the ages of 10 to 18. But to Samuel, they were a bunch of hormonal teenagers.

And of course, out of pettiness, he grabbed hold of Yaorui's hand and pulled her to the front desk making sure to flaunt their non-existent relationship.

"Hello, what can I do for you today?" The man at the front desk asked.

"I have set an appointment for An Samuel and Li Yaorui."

"Top floor, please use the third elevator,"

"Thank you,"

Samuel pulled Yaorui to the elevator, snapping her from her trance.

"Why are we here again?" She asked.

"To get you your dress." She nodded.

"What's the event for?"

"It's a fundraising event for the forest cities that the government is planning to build. We will be attending it as one of the investors and to raise awareness of pollution in China."

"How much have we invested so far?"

"One billion,"

"Add another billion to that and include a prize for the highest donation."

"And that prize will be?"

"Anything so long as the prize is acceptable if not, then move on to the second-highest and so on. I will decide on the result."

"I'll inform the fundraising management of that."

~Top Floor~

The two stepped off the elevator and walked towards the secretary desk, their hands still unknowingly intertwined.

"Miss Li, Mr. An, CEO An is waiting for you."

The secretary stood up and guided the pair to the floor to ceiling double doors.

The interior of the office was just as beautiful as the lobby. Right as you step in your walking on polished dark wood planks that bridged of another koi pond. There was less greenery, but the floor to ceiling windows made up for it, on the west side of the office you can see the sun just beginning to set and the east side starting to darken. On each side was a seating area, one to view sunrises and the other to watch sunsets. On the opposite side of the door was a beautifully designed desk with an equally beautiful man sitting behind it. On the same wall as the door was two large bookcases on either side, which mostly contained many designs and books.

Walking across the wooden bridge, the already graceful man looked up, revealing a face that only a god could have.

In Yaorui's mind, he still wasn't as handsome and beautiful as the person beside her. She was sure that when Samuel was already ten times better than the man in front of her, and that Samuel will eventually become a hundred thousand times better when he finished puberty.

If the man across from her heard her thoughts, he would definitely puke blood. How could a thirteen-year-old boy be more beautiful than him ah~! He was deemed the most handsome man in China and ranked second in the world!

"Brother~! You came!" The handsome man stood up and walked towards his baby brother, giving him a bear hug.

"He's your brother?" Yaorui asked. She was shocked, and a bit disappointed, Samuel never mentioned having a brother. She didn't remember him having a brother when they were younger.

"Step-brother," Samuel tried to push his brother off him.


"And who is this? Is she your girlfriend? Wait, she looks familiar? Is she the girl that I made the dress for? It is wonderful meeting you! My baby brother talks a lot about you."

"I'm flattered?" Yaorui reached out to accept the man's handshake.

"Yes, and she wants to see her dress now." At the last minute, Samuel took his brother's hand and shook it.

"Relax brother, you know, I'm gay. But anyway, right this way," Samuel's brother led them towards a door in the corner of the room.

Stationed right in the center of the room was a beautiful mini pine coloured cheongsam dress.

"The dress is entirely made of hemp, which means it's fire-resistant and bug resistant so you don't have to worry about moths eating at it. It is also a better alternative to wood and cotton, it's also the new material we will be using from now on to make some of our clothes."

"This is amazing!"

"It'll help promote some more on the save to the trees campaign, it's like hitting three birds with one stone!"

"Go try it on, Rui'er!" Samuel urged her.


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