
Zhang Wenshi

After Long Ao threw the "trash," out, the group continued with lunch as planned. As the boys tried to mend the situation, she was eyeing the big man baby beside her. For some reason, she found the huffing and puffing big bad wolf next to her quite cute. He looked like a child who just got his favourite candy taken away.


"What?" Long Ao looked like he was being bullied.

"Oh, you poor boy, here let this sister give you a hug," She spread her arms open, teasing the pouting child, " Hehe, ack!" She should've seen it coming.

Zhang Wenshi looked at the big baby in her arms and sighed. She watched as Long Ao cozied up in her arms while maintaining the adorable pout.

"Aww~, is my baby still mad?" She took on the sisterly tone, "What do you want me to do, I'll do anything to cheer my big baby up,"

"Anything?" He looked at her expectantly.

She did not have a good feeling about this, "Mmmhmm," She hummed.

"I want one whole day with just us," That wasn't so bad.

"Okay," She nodded.

He smiled, then returned to his upset pout.

"What is it now?"

"He kissed you,"

She looked at him doubtfully.

"I want to kiss you too,"

"Okay," She shrugged and held out the hand that was kissed, "Here you g- MMF,"

Zhang Wenshi was interrupted by a pair of slightly chapped lips.

It wasn't a french kiss, there was no tongue, it was just a peck on the lips frozen in time.

After what seemed like forever, Long Ao pulled away from the red tomato. He chuckled, bringing her out of her trance.

"Y-yah!" She smacked his head and pushed him out of her embrace then turned so that her back faced to the thief.

"Hehe, I'm happy now, ShiShi!" Long Ao proclaimed.

He looked at the back of the back his, future wife with a complicated gaze. A mischevious glint passed his eyes.

Not ten seconds later, Zhang Wenshi found her self seated on the lap of an adonis and noodles in front of her face.

"Ahhh~," Long Ao signalled for her to open her mouth.

Unable to resist the urge of food, she reluctantly took a bite while keeping her arms crossed.

Meanwhile, a group of boys were sinking into their misfortune.

"Why couldn't they have girlfriends~!?"

They wept inwardly about their sad, lonely lives while enduring the dog food being fed to them in enormous amounts.

They took out their frustration on the food ordering tray after tray, much to the workers' delight.

They were gonna get a bonus that month for sure!

Even the owner of the card that was used to pay the bill was too depressed to notice anything. The hole in his pocket kept getting deeper and deeper, and the poor boy had no idea. He is in for a surprise when he goes to check his balance.

An additional half-hour passed, and Zhang Wenshi had been defeated by the husband material in front of her.

Now, Long Ao ate with glee as his ShiShi fed him bite by bite.

He was in cloud nine.

When they were finished, they opted to share an ice cream. Much to the annoyance of a certain overprotective brother.

Because of their 'contribution' to the restaurant's income, the servers were directly delivering the food to them. This pleased Long Ao immensely, it meant he did not have to release his ShiShi.

When the ice-cream arrived, the two dug right in. Wenshi fed Long Ao while he fed her most carefully and adorably. He looked tremendously out of character, the cute actions and cooing contradicting his sturdy body.

Ten minutes later, the ice-cream has disappeared, and everyone was preparing to leave.

"Are you sure that you two aren't a couple?" Ask one of Long Ao's friends. Zhang Wenshi remembered his name was Yuan Fa Ren.

"Yes, why?" She replied as she allowed Long Ao to help her put on her jacket for her.

He stared at her doubtfully, "No reason," he cleared his throat and looked away, clearly not convinced. Not that the 'couple' cared.

"Stay warm, okay?" Long Ao looked down at Wenshi, "And take care of yourself," He patted her head.

"En, bye-bye," With that, she ran out of the building and towards her brother, who had already left.

Hmph, ungrateful little brat.

. . . . . . . .

Time skip

"Why did I agree to this again?" Zhang Wenshi looked at her brother.

They stood in front of a moderately sized condo building. It was a newer one, having been built-in one of the busiest districts, it was a popular spot and expensive to live in.

"Because you wanted good food, one of the guys here cooks better than anyone," he paused, "Excluding Uncle Chang,"

Uncle Chang was their family chef back home, she did not doubt her brother one bit, to be compared to their uncle Chang was a big thing to them.

"Don't remind me," she groaned, "I miss his food every day,"

*Ding Dong*

"What's their names again?"

"Lu Sheng Rong, is the little sister and the only girl, Mu Jian Nu, the chef, and Lu Zhi Sai, is the friend I'm visiting,"

"They all live together?"


All of a sudden, the door opened to reveal a guy about the same age as Long Ao dressed in slacks with bedhead.

"Hey, come on in,"

Inside of the condo complex, the walls were painted in shades with tints of red and blue. The kitchen was to the left, and there was a gym area by the left corner of the open space.

Boxes and packaging were strewn across the living room floor. Two figures kneeled in the mess of packaging, a boy whom she assumed was Mu Jian Nu and the girl Lu Sheng Rong.

She remembered seeing the boy on the school forum, he was blacklisted by the Long Ao's family. The girl was a friend of Li Yaorui, they hung around each other a lot. It was safe to assume that the boy, Mu Jian Nu, was no longer blacklisted by the Li family.

If she remembered correctly, the boy was also a model for various well-known brands but quit the industry after the blacklisting. The girl, Lu Sheng Rong, was a boxing champion, she would be lying is she said she didn't hold some sort of admiration to the young girl.

"Anything I can get you two?" Lu Zhi Sai said as he led them to the kitchen where it wasn't as messy. "I'm Lu Zhi Sai by the way, but you can call me Zhi Sai,"

"Nice to meet you, Zhi Sai, Wenshi, and water will be just fine," She offered a polite smile.

"No prob, what about you, ninnyhammer?"

"I like this guy!" She exclaimed.

"First of all, f*vk you, second of all, cherry cola,"

"First of all," Zhi Sai mimicked Zhang Maorong, "Here you go, and second of all, how about your number pretty lady?"

"I'll pass," She laughed.

*Ding Dong*

"We'll see about that, I'll be right back," Lu Zhi Sai winked and left.

When the door opened, the cold winter air immediately attacked them. It could be felt all the way from the kitchen, causing her to shudder and shiver.

A large number of boots and rumpling jackets could be heard from the kitchen as well as the occasional string of curses.

"You people are so dead when we get inside the ring, do you crazy bastards know how much you spent on lunch?! Huh?! I'll tell you, you spent $957! For lunch! At a cafe! Crazy bastards!"

"Hey, don't blame us! Blame the Long Ao and his girlfriend! They were the reason we ate so much in the first place,"

"I'd like to see you try to lay a hand on, ShiShi,"

"Like hell! I'm not that eager to die,"

With a slight smirk, Wenshi stood up and went to join Zhi Sai at the door. "What a shame," She put on a wronged expression, "I was hoping to get in some practice this afternoon,"

"Shishi! You're here!" Long Ao moved in for a hug, and was not disappointed by Wenshi who happily complied with his hug.

"Long Ao, can I borrow your friends for a bit? I just need sparring partners," She looked at him with puppy eyes.

"But what if you get hurt,"

"It's better than hurting you though," She puffed up her cheeks while maintaining her signature puppy eyes.

"Please don't sell us off, bro!"

"We're your best friends, you wouldn't sell us off, right?"

Li Long Ao turned a blind eye (and ear) to his childish friends and instead focused on the lolita in front of him.

Seeing that he was still weighing his decison, Zhang Wenshi decided to use her ultimate K.O move.

Going up onto her tiptoes, she kissed him right on the lips.


Without any hesitation, Long Ao replied with an ecstatic nod and gave Wenshi another kiss.

The next few hours were spent with Long Ao cheering on his beloved while Zhang Wenshi proceeded to beat every one of his friends.

And on that note, Zhang Wenshi's and Li Long Ao's day ended with content.