
Yaorui POV

A month has passed since she had returned to school. She had quickly fallen back into her routine.

She still held a grudge against Hu Angli for nearly killing Samuel. He was lucky that Samuel was still alive after what had happened.

Both her maternal and paternal grandparents have awoken plus their military aunt and her favourite cousin, Zhou Zhangmin.

Her oldest younger sister Li Anshi had returned to school and had was nearly ready for her comeback into the entertainment world. It wouldn't be very long until she returns to online classes or homeschooling to fit her busy entertainment life.

Her eldest brother, Li Shenhui, was starting to show signs of consciousness and was expected to wake up soon as well as her father.

She was hoping that one of them would wake up soon so that they could take some of the burdens off her shoulder. Going to school and running an internationally recognized business was starting to wear her down more than it did when she first started running the company.

Not to mention the competitiveness of the various fields that her father and mother dabbled in. Oh and the greedy pigs that came from all directions.

Having an army of boys chasing you may sound fun, but they are impossibly annoying and are hard to lose when you "bump" into one.

She was extremely grateful to her brother, for her giving her a formidable team of bodyguards. Without them, who knows what would happen to her.

This may seem mean and ungrateful, but all the gifts that she received from her wooers were given to orphanages, shelters, and charity. But hey! She never asked for a car! She couldn't even drive yet!

You could not imagine the look on Samuel's face when she told him about the colony of flies around her.

She swore that if she wasn't there with him, he would've jumped out of bed.

Speaking of Samuel, today was the day that he would be returning to school.

Yaorui was currently waiting for him at the dorms and was freezing from the cold weather.

Normally, she would've waited inside her dorms and have Samuel call her when he arrived, but she wanted to make his return special.


Yaorui saw Samuel with his hands around his mouth and all bundled up for the winter.

When Samuel realized that Yaorui had heard him, he began to wave his arm up in the air like a child volunteering to be a magician's helper.

As fast as she could, she sped walked towards him, laughing at his antics.

When she came in arms distance of him, she stopped.


"Hi," And just like that, Samuel had enveloped her in his arms, his embrace, and unwilling to let go. "This feels nice," He rocked her back and forth as they spun in a slow circle.

She hummed in response. "Let's get you settled down,"

"Hmm, five more minutes," She let out a belt of laughter yet still relented to his request.

. . . .

The sound of crunching snow and two people struggling to carry luggage over the yet to be shovelled ground was heard.

Whenever one of them fell, they laughed and carried on.

There wasn't too much luggage, they were just too heavy for the two. Luckily the dorm wasn't too far off from the drop-off.

Despite having many male friends, Yaorui had never stepped foot inside the male dormitories, and she was quite impressed with the interior. Based on her experiences in her both of her brothers' bedroom. Pus the background of her classmates when they are attending school via video call.

But nope.

The floors were just as shiny as theirs after clean up day. ( A day issued by the senior girls') The day was the reason she even learned to do chores in the first place.

And even though doing chores is annoying, at least she became less of a snobbish princess and more independent.

"How is this place so clean?"

"Couple of the guys here are clean freaks and makes us clean every week once or twice," Samuel shrugged nonchalantly.

Now that they were inside the building, it was much easier to pull the suitcases around. The boys' dorm was identical to the girls except for a few minor things, such as the decor.

Samuel's dorm was on the fourth floor in room 444.

The room number explained Samuel's recent bad luck.

"I'll see if I can get you moved to a different room," Her frown was on show for everyone to see.

"Why? This room is perfectly fine," Samuel looked at her confusedly as they entered his perfectly fine room.

"Don't you know anything about Chinese superstitions?"

Samuel shrugged, "I know a little bit."

"The number '4' sounds like the word death which means the number four is unlucky,"

"That doesn't mean the room is bad luck, I've actually been having pretty good luck for a fifteen-year-old,"

"Yes, getting shot and breaking two bones in one day is lucky,"

"But other than that-,"

"Your brother?"

"Okay, but I got to meet you, right? And you became my girlfriend, and look! I'm not dead!"

Yaorui felt a faint blush build upon her cheeks while she processed his words.

The creeping blush disappeared when she processed the last of his words.

She raised one hand and landed a slap square on his back.

"Don't jinx yourself you, idiot,"

Samuel faked a groan and dramatically collapsed onto his couch.

"Please spare this poor slave, your highness, for the only crime I have done was taking your heart,"

"You stole my first kiss too,"

"And taking your chastity,"

"Y-yah! Get rid of those dirty thoughts of yours!"

"I'm a hormonal teenager Rui'er,"

"That doesn't mean I'm one too~!"

"But how in the world did you get the idea that my mind was innocent?"

"I-I-" Yaorui pouted she couldn't seem to find an explanation. Whenever the kissed, he would make it more than a simple peck on the lips.

Samuel reached out and pulled her down on top of him so that he was embracing her from behind.

Yaorui let out a small squeal before relaxing on his chest as Samuel burrowed his head into the crook of her neck.

She laughed when he began to blow into her neck, making fart noises that tickled her neck.

"We should start unpacking,"

"We should, but let's not, at least, not for now..."

"Classes will end soon,"


"Your roommates will come back,"

"No, they won't,"

"Do you not have roommates?"

"I do,"

"Then they should be coming back soon,"

Samuel sighed and motioned towards the hallway across from them, "You can come out now guys,"

Confused, Yaorui looked in the direction that Samuel motioned towards and was met with three very different looking boys, all with the same guilty look on their faces.

She recognized the first person to be Yuan Fa Ren, one of her brother's best friends. If she remembered correctly, he was a star basketball player and was a top-notch art student.

He was only a couple dozen inches taller than her and was of Filipino origins. Because there was no school in the Philippines dedicated to geniuses, a few of the lucky ones were sent over to China to study, though the wealthier families preferred having their children homeschooled instead of being thousands of kilometres away.

Yuan Fa Ren had the unique reputation of a fashion guru and was highly sought after if any students, and sometimes even teachers, to purchase new uniforms or articles of clothing.

He was well built, which was highly expected for an athlete and sported some fashionable pyjamas featuring his logo.

The next boy was the complete opposite. He wore mismatched pyjamas and had round glasses that covered half of his face. His hair was messy and needed a haircut. He sported a healthy amount of fat but looked chubby compared to the tall athlete next to him.

The boy had acne all over his face and was in deep need of skincare products.

The last roommate was the school's notorious delinquent. Decked in black clothing. The clothes sagged a bit, indicating that they may have been too big on him and that he had more of a lean figure like her Samuel. He had a crew cut and a tattoo that peeked out from under his shirt on his neck. Contrary to his appearance, the boy was actually a musical genius specializing in the classics.

She herself has been to many of his recitals and performances, each better than the last.

At school, his name was Xing Wuchen, outside he was known as Harry Woods, the musical prodigy.

Xing Wuchen was last year's foreign exchange student. He originated from England and sported a dreamy British accent along with the signature blond hair and blue eyes.

Samuel introduced the second boy ( the one with the glasses ) to be Chen Xiongnu, the son of a restaurant tycoon and world-class chef.

The three boys together created a rather odd picture that brought bubbles of giggles in her chest.

Out of respect, she shoved her giggles away, she put on her best smile and greeted the three guilty boys.

She heard Yuan Fa Ren mumble a sentence along the lines of, "Long Ao is going to kill me for spying on his sister,"

That day she ended things on a positive note and left the boys dorm after a full filling dinner made by Chen Xiongnu.