Death Threats [1]

Zhang Wenshi's dorm

"PingPing! I'm gonna head out now! Don't forget to eat dinner!"

"Where are you going?"

"Dinner date with my boyfriend, I'm so excited!"

Fang Wuping seethed with jealousy and hate. For three years, she had loved the very man that Zhang Wenshi was seeing yet she got nothing in return, while the new girl captured him the moment they locked eyes.

It took a great deal of self-control to stop herself from strangling the b*tch.

She couldn't wait to scratch that sick smile of Wenshi's face.

Her plan was simple, befriend the girl, get closer to Li Long Ao, and scare the b*tch away from her man. And so far, her plan was sailing smoothly.

She would also take this chance to take back her rightful place as 3rd on the medical leaderboard.

Fang Wuping was tall and had long slender legs, her hair was long and flowed down her back in beach waves. She had a nice rack along with a peachy bottom and an innocent face that could bring any man on to his knees.

She did everything she could to fit into the perfect mould that would get her to Long Ao's side. She hired dietitians and personal trainers, spent thousands on skin products, and studied day and night just so that she'd be worthy. All for what? So that her dream and place could be stolen from right under her nose.

Her father worried about her well being, and she knew that. And to be honest, not all of this was for her and her love for Li Long Ao.

She was technically raised single-handedly by her father, it was he who helped her with her homework, he cooked for her. Despite working ten-hour shifts day and night, he still made time for her.

After her brother's death, her father kept working and didn't take any time off to grieve, he couldn't. Her brother was dead and needed a proper burial, at least that was what her father said, and now? Her brother is resting in a graveyard for rich people.

When she was brought to G.I.F.T.E.D, she thought that she was finally gonna have time to play and have fun with her dad. Instead, she was thrown into a world filled with books and knowledge, her father left to travel the country, and they spent less time together than they did in her childhood.

When Li Long Ao came along, she thought that he was a gift sent from the heavens.

Finally! Her prayers were answered!

Not only was he handsome and smart, but he was also rich! He could provide her father with a better life! They could now have time to relax and not have to worry about pleasing higher-ups, they could spend time together as father and daughter.

So she tried. She pushed herself to be the best self that she could be. She saved her own money to invest in herself and her future.

Everything was smooth sailing.

That is until the new girl showed up out of nowhere.

All of a sudden, she had to change courses.

Come up with a new plan to win over Long Ao and kick the new girl out of the picture.

And she did just that.


Wearing a light jacket and one inch boots, Wenshi made her way downstairs and into her boyfriends arms.

"I missed you~!" Long Ao encircled her into his protective arms.

"We were literally talking over the phone five minutes ago," She laughed.

"But that felt like centuries,"

"I missed you too, now, where are you taking me tonight?"

"That's a surprise, but I promise that you'll love it,"

"I'll keep that in mind, mister," She giggled and skipped ahead with her hands in her pockets.

While she skipped, she felt her fingers graze and a piece of paper. Curious, she paused her skipping and pulled out the piece of paper, her face paled immediately.

Noticing the change in her demeanour and skin tone, Long Ao hurried to her side and questioned her.

"I forgot about lunch with my brother today, I had a busy schedule today and forgot," Wenshi quickly stuffed the note into her pockets.

This didn't go unnoticed by Long Ao, but he decided to let her off this time, he knows that she'll tell him eventually.

But just in case, he asked some of his men to investigate.

"Whatever you say is 100% true, I trust you!" Said the guy that ordered his people to investigate his girlfriend.

"Hehe, my boyfriend is the best! Number one!" She proceeded to give the now proud and arrogant boyfriend of her two big thumbs up.

"Nothing I haven't already heard," Long Ao arrogantly spoke up.

"So, you've had other girlfriends before me?"

The now previously proud boyfriend went wide-eyed and rushed to curry favour with his lover, "What?! Of course not! You are my one and only girlfriend! No ex's, what exes? I don't have those! I have only had one girlfriend, and she's the most perfect person in the world!" He paused for a bit and pitifully pouted, "Please forgive me,"

"Ok, I forgive you, now let's go eat, I'm looking forward to your surprise,"

"Really? Not the food?"

"That too,"

While Long Ao drove to where ever their destination was, he had her blindfolded in order not to spoil the surprise.

When they finally arrived, she was still not allowed to take off the blindfold and instead had to settle with being carried to the surprise, she'd be lying if she said that she was hoping that no one was watching.

As soon as she was set down and given permission to, Wenshi ripped off her blindfold and was met with the most breathtaking sight she had ever seen.

They were seated by the window of a circular room that had panes lining its walls, providing her with a 360 view.

There were other guests in the way of some of the view, but the fact that the lux restaurant was also slowly rotating, she perceived that she wouldn't have to anticipate long to see the rest of the illustration.

The restaurant had a carpeted floor and only had thirty-something tables. Just by looking at the extravagant decor and the way the waiters and waitresses behaved, you could tell that the place was the best of the best.

The view they currently had was one of the Beijing cityscapes. Their building towered over the others, providing them with the best view of downtown Beijing. Below the roads practically glowed with warm yellow lights, the glow reflected off of building windows, shining and shimmering.

The other buildings featured advertisements or screens promoting themselves and others. Some buildings still had their lights on, and others did not if it weren't for the glow of the road.

From where they sat, the cars look like miniature toy models and the people smaller than ants.

A tender smile was brought to Long Ao's face as he watched Wenshi's reaction to his surprise. As long as she was happy, so was he. To dine at this luxurious place was very expensive, and only the richest of the rich could afford it.

He had spent hundreds of millions to get a spot here.

But all was well and done, plus, seeing the expression on his beloved's face right now, he was beyond happy to spend that much. Heck! He'll even spend billions!

But now the question was, how is he going to top this next time he surprises her?

"Do you like it?"

"Like it? I LOVE IT! It's perfect! Thank you~!"

"Of course you love it, what else would you expect from the best boyfriend in the world, huh?"

This brought fits of laughter to Wenshi, his day just couldn't get any better.

"Long Ao," He hummed in response, "I woaave youuu,"

He froze. "Can you say that again?"

"I said, I woaave youuuu~!" This time adding Wenshi threw in some cute actions.

Li Long Ao whipped out his phone and turned on the voice recorder.

Knowing what he wanted, Wenshi giggled and proceeded to do what he wanted of her.

"This is going to be my new ringtone for you," Wenshi's face perfectly mirrored Long Ao's face, which was lit up like a Christmas tree.

Her ringtone already consisted of Long Ao's voice professing his love for her, except he was sleep talking in the audio, this was how she came to the conclusion that he wasn't just a rich boy playing with her heart.

"Now let's eat, I don't wanna keep starving my future wife,"

By the time she had processed his words, Long Ao had already motioned to the servers to deliver their food. When he turned back to his future wife, he witnessed her face slowly turned beet red.

Thoroughly surprised and embarrassed, Wenshi abruptly stood up and announced that she was going to head to the washroom, all while Long Ao laughed in the background.

Long Ao sighed, "That's my baby,"


In the Women's washroom

Zhang Wenshi was desperately trying to rid her face of the red hue. She tried everything. Splashing her face with cold water, lightly slapping her face, distracting herself, but no matter what she did, she couldn't those words out of her head and at the moment, her thoughts were a bit impure.

When Long Ao had mentioned the word wife, she remembered a couple that had shamelessly spoken of their...adventures in front of her.


Her face instantly reddened again.

While in the process of lightly hitting her face once more, she noticed a red stain by the mirrors on the other side of the partitions. She strolled over to the other side to investigate.

What she saw had her trembling.

"Nighty night, b*tch,"

And it was lights out.