Touring Gone Wrong

The next day they were all up bright and early to meet up with their tour guide downstairs in the lobby. Today they all decided to wear green so that it would be easier to find each other in the crowds.

Their tour guide was a young woman by the name of Miko Smith, a blond woman with a strong British accent. She was tall and had her hair cut into a bob.

The photographer they had hired was a man that seemed to enjoy dressing in the 1910s fashion. His outfit consisted of brown trousers, suspenders and a clean white button-up shirt. His hair was gelled back with the occasional stray strand. He a top-notch camera hung from his neck, along with a shoulder bag at his side. He introduced himself as Neil Baxton.

Their first destination was the suburbs. According to Miko, they were going to go from the outside and travel in.

The grounds were damp in the morning, and the skies filled with fog.


The further the vehicle drove, the more life she saw.

In the city, the tall buildings obstructed her view, but outside, the plains stretched on for miles upon miles. The fields varied in colour, and the homes became scarce.

Every now and then, they passed by a herd of cattle or wild animals. Neil had managed to get a few fascinating pictures of the scenery.

Today was going to be an exciting day.


Li Aishi's POV

An family Mansion

"And last but least, the kitchen! This completes the house tour, how is Xiao meimei?"

"I love it!" Li Aishi exclaimed. She looked at her tour guide with sparkling eyes and jumped up and down.

Samuel laughed at her exaggerated reaction, a smile blossoming on his face.

"You know, not even Rui'er have stepped inside my house,"

"Really?!" So that meant that she was the first person outside of his family to enter his home!?

"Yup, other than you, only my family and a few servants have stepped foot inside our house."

"I feel special now," Aishi smiled and gave Samuel a hug.

Out of manners, Samuel returned the hug before quickly pulling back.

"I'll leave you to prepare for your tour," With those words, he turned his back and left Aishi to herself.

"Okay, see you later," Aishi smiled as she watched Samuel walk off into his vast mansion.

One month.

She had a month to do what she had wanted to do for the past half-year.

With the assurance of her charms and her looks, Aishi turned away with a smile on her face.


Li Yaorui's POV

After they had finished their tour of the countryside, they visited a small town and had their lunch at a humble bakery. The bakery was run by a loving couple who had two little helpers in the kitchen waddling around.

The treats were to die for, and so was their hot chocolate.

It had been a long time since she had last had hot chocolate.

Maybe she could sponsor the couple's bakery.

One thing was for sure, she was coming back for some more hot chocolate someday.

After another hour of eating lunch at the bakery and walking around a bit as well as taking pictures. Their family boarded their ride and turned back towards the city.

The first place they went to after entering the city once again was the Tower Bridge.

Neil took plenty of photos for them, and they even managed to watch the bridge rise and fall.

Their next stop was the observation wheel.

They all took turns getting on the Ferris wheel with Neil so that they would all have a photo of themselves at the very top of the Ferris wheel.

Of course, all the couples went together and took pictures of them kissing at the top.

Her brother was petty enough to remind her that Samuel wasn't there with her.

But she had the last laugh since she managed to get a perfect view of the sunset and the city in her photo, she even managed to get Neil to take a picture of them both.

Yaorui was a hundred percent sure that their designated photographer was quite dizzy after the last ride with her.

Their last stop of the day was none other than Big Ben.

They somehow managed to find a pretty good parking spot right across from the towering building, as well as a perfect shooting location.

There were many tourists since it was summer vacation, and the area was crowded. They chose to either stand by in front of Big Ben or next to it on the bridge.

Her family decided on the bridge because it offered a wider variety of views and angles.

Their plan was to stay until Midnight just to witness the first bong of the next day. It wasn't a good strategy if you wanted to travel all over, but they all shrugged it off and said, why not?

As compensation, they let their photographer and tour guide off for the day with pay.

To past the time, her family relaxed and chatted by the Thames river, which the bridge they stood on overlooked.

Eventually, it was finally 11:59 pm, and their family found themselves quietly counting down silently together.

But instead of a bong from the Giant clock tower, they heard a gunshot.

Immediately their family went into battle mode.

Weapons of all sorts were pulled out of nowhere, and they stood ready and alert as they circled together.

"I'm getting too old for this b*llcrap," Her grandmother announced.

"Looks like I'll beat you this time then, sister," Her other grandmother proudly called out.

"Hah! In your dreams!"

"We'll see,"

At that moment, a rain of bullets came down on them, and they immediately scattered in all directions.

"THEY'RE COMING FROM ALL DIRECTIONS!" It was the last words she heard her aunt scream before her body plunged into the icy waters of the Thames River.

That was good news.

She thought.

It meant she could shot in all directions and have a good chance of hitting someone. That is...if she didn't only carry close-range weapons.

It was too dark for her to see, but she could feel bullets jet through the water close to her.

She swam underneath the bridge, where it was much darker than before she relived her lungs of the burning sensation.

Yaorui had to somehow make it out of the river without getting noticed or shot, but knowing that most people were smart enough to wear night-vision goggles when performing a crime in the dark, her chances were low.

But she took her chances anyway.

When climbing out of the water, she made sure to check her surroundings and stick closely to the sides. Her skin exploded with goosebumps the moment she stepped out from the surprisingly warm waters and into the nighttime breeze.

The soft breeze wasn't enough to freeze her dripping attire, but it was enough to send a powerful rush of adrenaline coursing through her veins.

The weight of her drenched clothing seemed like nothing, but still, she wrung them the best she could to make her moves more agile and swifter.

With her darts, daggers, stars, and a wide array of poisons and concoctions, she prepared herself for battle.

She came across a group of late goers by the side of the lake. All of them looked surprised to see a 14-year-old climb out of the lake carrying a bunch of weapons.

Yaorui checked to see if they were all alright, they were just frightened, none injured.

She told them to stay put before fleeing the scene.

As discreetly as possible, she climbed back onto the bridge was instantly met with another flurry of bullets.

From where she was hiding, she tells that there weren't any dead bodies nearby, which means that nobody was most likely killed. The cars also suffered minimal damage, whereas the spot where her family stood was a puddle of metal bullets.

From these facts, she could safely assume that the shooters are targeting someone or everyone from her family.

Just then, bullets came whizzing in her direction. She quickly hid and aimed her dart gun at the roof of the British Parliament building. The detailed walls made it tough for her to spot her target and get a clear shot, she did not want her family to be punished for vandalizing the building.

She shot her shot and saw a black line falling from the parliament. A sniper gun. Bull's eye.

The dart gun was silent, so she didn't have to worry much about giving away her spot. But there was no telling if any of the target's colleagues were nearby.

Yaorui made her way across the bridge to the other side of the Thames River, opposite the parliament building. Before rounding the corner, she checked for any other shooters.

Unfortunately, a total of ten snipers sat ready in position against the wall lining the river.

Swift as the wind, she swung her arm and instantly, ten needles shot out and hit there target square in the neck. The snipers were out in a second.

The bodies fell like dominos.

"Drop all of your weapons!"

In an instant, Li Yaorui was encircled by dozens of men in black holding guns.

This was bad.

She only had three darts left and ten needles, they weren't enough for her to defeat all of them.

Yaorui shot out her arm, releasing her last batch of poisoned needles and used her other arm to throw her five stars at her nearest enemies. Fifteen people abruptly dropped dead in front of their comrades.

Before the others could react, she covered her face with her dripping scarf and threw down a tear gas and stink bomb.

Her escape was quick but not quick enough.

About a minute later, she heard voices and the sounds of heavy footsteps coming in her direction at a fast pace. Her drenched clothes prevented her from running any faster.

All of a sudden, she felt herself being hit on the neck, and her body went limp without a second thought.

Just like that, she was out cold.


A pack of a dozen or so strong-looking men gathered in the alleyway in which Yaorui was tugged into.

The young man holding her was smiling, at first glance, it looked like a sweet and happy smile.

The leader of the pack reassessed the young man's expression and saw that obsession had clouded his mind, his indicating that the young man had a psychopathic desire for the young girl in his arms.

A pang of guilt hit him.

"Job well-done boys,"

"Thank you,"

"The rest of the family?"

"They should all be returned to their respective hotel rooms now, it'll be too late by the time they realize what happened to their young miss,"

"You did a lot of work today," The young man handed the leader of the pack a black card, "Feel free to spend as much as you want today,"

"Thank you," The others echoed after their leader before leaving the young man alone with the girl.

And just like that, the pang of guilt was gone.