Her Lover, Her Saviour [1]

Southern China

Hunan Province

In the high mountains of Zhangjiajie, the mountain tops were ridden with vibrant green leaves and the morning mist. The tree leaves did a great job of hiding whatever laid on the ground.

Now, I know what you're thinking.

This author here is gonna describe some shabby shed which no one knows about.

Well, this author is here to tell you, no.

But, you were right about one thing, I'm taking you to a shabby shed...just kidding!

I'm going to take you to a luxurious underground mansion which a few select people do know about.

See! This kind of author didn't lie!

Down four floors, straight-six meters, then take a left, walk another 6, and take a right, there you will find a twelve-foot steel door with a puzzle for a lock.

Inside the room, past all the security measures is a bedroom fit for a queen, a caged queen.

The bed was a big as it could be, a walk-in closet to the left and a next-door a bathroom with a pool for a bathtub.

The sheer white curtains of the canopy bed waved as the winds from the fans cooled the room.

The whole room was baby proofed and loaded with hidden cameras from every angle.

On the bed laid a small figure curled up beneath the blanket, it's hair fanned out on the pillow next to it.

Silently, the carved wooden doors opened, and the heavy sounds of boots on cold tiled floors entered, disrupting the peaceful silence the room brought.

Another pair of footsteps followed, faster, more urgent than the relaxed individual ahead of it.

With a flick of a hand, the doctor moved up to examine the girl. He kneeled next to the bed and took her pulse with two of his fingers. The doctor retracted his hands and wrote some notes in his notebook before proceeding to examine the patient's complexion, eyes, and injuries.

Carefully the blanket was peeled back to reveal bandages upon bandages. They were replaced with new ones, while the bruises and scars were coated in a thick layer of ointment.

"She'll wake up today young master," He bowed his head to the young man, "By the time I have finished creating the healing tonic, she will be awake,"

"Dismissed," The doctor bowed and left soundlessly.

The young man walked to the other side of the bed and removed anything potentially harmful on him, including his shoes. He climbed onto the soft bed and pulled the small figure to his chest, he laid there with both arms enveloping his beloved, breathing in her scent.

A little while later, a buzzing in his ear woke him up. It was an incoming call, he answered.

"The tonic is completed, would you like me to bring it over young master?"

The young man took a long glance at the small girl in his arms. At some point, she had turned over and buried herself into his chest. Her breathing was even, and her lips pouted.

"I'll meet you outside,"

"Understood," And with that, the call was ended.

The young man carefully and gently retracted his arms from the girl, earning a small frown in the process.

Clad in socks, the young man walked to the doors and left with nothing but a small click of a lock.

While he was gone, the petite girl struggled to find the previous warmth from before. She wiggled around until she settled for the spot where the young man had laid.

Her nose inhaled the remnants of the young man's masculine smell.

The bed of clouds supported her weight as she drifted back into her deep slumber.

A click of a lock and the girl was pulled back from the edge of a neverending void.

She felt herself being hoisted up into a sitting position, her body leaned on the source of warmth she had found before.

"Good morning Rui'er," A faint whisper of gentleness grazed her ear.

Her eyelids flickered and rested once more.

"Time to get up," Another flicker of the lashes, this time longer than the last.

"Open wide," Her lips made contact with something cold. But the steam rising up from its contents said otherwise.

She inhaled the sweet heavenly scent of the unusual medicine. Medicine was supposed to be bitter, right? So why did this one smell so so so divine!

Yaorui complied and opened her mouth to allow the tonic through to her stomach.

"Good?" a hum and three nods answered the young man's question.

"My family, how are they?"

"We couldn't find them, I went to London for a business trip and wanted to surprise you, Aishi told me you guys would be at Big Ben, by the time I arrived, gunshots went off, all I could think about was finding you. It was too late when I sent my people to look for them there, they were already gone, don't worry, I already have a team on the lookout for them."

By then, Yaorui was wide awake, she jolted up, and shocks of excruciating pain ripped through her body.

"Be careful Rui'er, you suffered from a lot of serious injuries you aren't fully healed yet," She whimpered and curled up in an attempt to rid herself of the pain. "Here, drink the rest of the tonic, it should help the pain,"

Yaorui obediently finished the tonic and returned to laying on her back.

When she woke up the next morning, Samuel was no longer there beside her. She looked to the side and saw a note next to the tonic she was fed yesterday.

While she drank her medicine, she read the note that was left behind.

'Take of yourself and don't do any vigorous movements, make sure to drink the medicine. Love Samuel'

Speaking of which, she forgot to ask Samuel where she was, oh well, she'll ask him later.

Having finished her tonic, she carefully slipped out from underneath the sheets and settled her little feet on the cold tiled floor.

It wasn't until she left the warmth the curtains on her princess bed that she realized that the only thing covering her torso were bandages. She had shorts on, but her arms and legs were littered with cuts and bruises.

She started exploring the room, a corner of it was dedicated to comfort with a fireplace, shelves filled with books, and some cushioned seating. One corner was mainly for storage, while the other had a variety of makeup products neatly placed on the oversized vanity.

Inside the walk-in closet was a wide assortment of clothing and accessories. There was a floor to ceiling mirror in the back.

Somehow compelled, Yaorui walked closer to the mirror. She was a mess, yet she somehow still looked as elegant and beautiful as she did all dressed up.

Her face was free of eyebags, that was no surprise considering how much she had slept.

The bandages were clean, so she assumed that it was alright to look beneath them.

She went to the bathroom and managed to find a first aid kit containing another roll of bandages. It was enough so that she could look beneath the bandages on her torso.

Back in the walk-in closet, Yaorui stood before the grand mirror and took a deep breath as her hands reached to unwrap the bandages.

Underneath her skin was as pale as jade and offered a faint glow below the chandelier.

As her hands kept moving, she couldn't help but notice the fact that her skin showed no signs of trauma, everything seemed good as new.

The clean white bandages fell to the floor in a pile, and Yaorui was left standing there with a spotless torso.

Confused and a bit alarmed, she moved to undo the other bandages, not bothering about the fact that her upper body was bare.

Again, nothing.

Her skin showed no signs of having been harmed in any way what so ever. The cuts and bruises that littered her arms and legs were the only exceptions.

She was fine.

Her body was perfectly fine.

So why did it hurt when she jolted the other day?

Unless...the tonic was the cause.

Too little will make her feel immense pain. But would happen if she only had a bowl? Yesterday she fell back asleep, but today she up and about.

Then there was the other possibility, she was asleep long enough for her wounds to heal. But even then, shouldn't there be a scar?

Of course, the tonic could have been legendary and healed her overnight.

Speaking of which, how long was she asleep?

All of a sudden, she felt a sensation as if a knife was being stabbed right into her head.

And then she remembered.

Samuel hired the gunmen.

"Rui'er! Where are you?!"