
She grabbed hold of the long metal weapon.

It came out of the ground with a hiss and the sound of being released. It was light, too light for a metal weapon.

There were gaps in between and long transparent tubes containing a blue liquid.Her fingers grazed over the weapons, the blue liquid glowed upon her face. There were three spots where the long vial of blue liquid was revealed. One was in the center, and the other two were surrounding it about half a meter away.

She placed her two hands on the two surrounding spots.

They fit.

"AHH!" She jumped back, letting go of the double-ended staff.

Her eyes opened, and there it was.

The staff floated in mid-air.

Except it wasn't.

On either end of the staff, the tips were gone. In its place were two long black wires. The tips were embedded into the two roots opposite of each other.

What happened?

Did she do that?

She looked down at her hands.

Both her pinkies were up.

She put them down.

She fell back, but the tips were no longer embedded in the roots of the tree.

The tips of the staff were in the shape of a four-sided pyramid. It was long and sharp enough to penetrate the skin with a light graze.

Curious, she lifted her pinkie again. The same thing happened.

And she placed it down.

She lifted up her indexes.

Placed her indexes down.

She did the same with each of her fingers, only to come with the same result.

Next, she tried four fingers at a time (two on each hand).

The same thing happened, except instead of embedding itself into the roots, they grappled onto them.

If her eyes served her correctly, they opened up only when returning.


She tried for six fingers, and nothing happened, looks like there were only two different functions.

But then again, it was stupid to fight with only your thumb and index holding on.

She performed a few moves she knew, which wasn't much because she focused mainly on sword, archery, and physical combat.

It looks like she'll need to start spear and staff.

She started training tirelessly with her new weapon, not caring for her screaming muscles and aching cramps.

Until she heard pounding.

Twelve legs, six people.

By the weight of their footsteps, they were large, but also very fast.

Her first instinct was to run and hide, scout the intruders, but with their speed and strength, that was near impossible.

She stayed behind a root and held her staff tightly.

She could handle 30 grown men, so she should be able to handle six abnormally large men, right?Except those six abnormally large men were three oversized wolves.

Okay, plan b, stay beneath the wolves, that should make it harder to attack her, right?

Looking at their size and height, it would be very possible seeing that they were about three times her height.

She tightened her grip on the staff until the point of the white knuckles.The terrified part of her told her to run, while a small percentage told her to stay and fight.

Her brain chose the overruling side, she used one hand to hold the spear and pointed one side up and the other down.

Her body prepared herself and raised two fingers.

And as if she was being slingshotted into the sky, she flew up, above into the gray skies.

Plan B was officially forgotten.

She underestimated the height of the wolves.

What she saw was them on all fours, and that was about 460cm (15ft), and the full height of wolf would be two times its shoulder height plus a few dozen centimetres (a few feet).Their heights should at least be 900 cm then.

Keywords: At least

At most 1200cm.

Just know that it was enough to reach her from the ground up.

She felt like an ant on a teenage tree with three overly curious wolves.

She screamed as they shook the tree.Their snarls were like thunder in her ears.

Eventually, they succeeded, and she found herself plunging to her death.


Gods, what is up with all the noise?

Was it supposed to be this noisy in heaven? Or was she in hell?

Her eyes opened just a bit.

Too bright! Way too bright! I woke up late today.

Gross! Her body felt all wet and sticky~! Ewwwww~

"She's up! Her eyes just moved!" This was followed by gasps of surprise and a presence moving to unnecessarily touch her face.

Who was that? Why were there so many people in her room?

She sensed no threat but still forced her eyes to adjust to the bright sun quickly. Luckily, somebody noticed the bright light and went to meet the sheer curtains.

She felt two others assist her in sitting up, one supported her while the other placed a pillow behind her back.

Once she was settled, she finally noticed that she was thoroughly soaked in her sweat."Is she alright?" Was that a male voice? What was a guy doing in the girls' dorms?

"How's my sister!?" This was followed by deep panting and the realization that there was more than one male in the girls' dormitory.

Someone handed her glass of water to drink from, she was dehydrated from all the sweating. You have no idea how nice it was to feel the cold refreshing water run down her throat.

Now that she was hydrated she opened her mouth, "I'm fine, it was just a nightmare," She heard a few releasing a breath. "Why are Angli and Second brother here?"

"That..." Angli opened his mouth first.

"I thought boys aren't allowed in the East wing,"

"That's right, which is why this is all an illusion, you never saw us here~~~," Long Ao grabbed the other boy's arm, and left.

A few of the students left after them having seen the drama end.

"What happened anyway? Why were there so many people? Was it because I woke up late?"After all, the amount of sunlight coming from the window was enough to prove that she had woken an hour or two later.

"You were sweating a lot, your nightmare...how bad was it on a scale of 1-10?" Xia Weixia asked her.

A/n: In case you forget, she is a second-year Chinese medicine student.

"Seven or eight, it wasn't too bad," She shrugged, "Did something bad happen?"

"While you were unconscious, you showed clear signs of immense fear,"

"Oh, well I don't know about that, but can I shower, I feel really gross,"

It was then that everyone finally noticed that she was drenched in buckets of sweat.

"So that was where the pleasant scent came from,"

"Where did it come from?"

"Her sweat,"


Out of the shower, and unimaginably starving, her first stop was none other than the kitchen.

Her muscles were unusually sore this morning, it was as if her aching muscles from last night woke up with her. But it was safe to say that the warm shower did wonders for her muscles, though still there, the ache was almost completely gone. She'll have to hold back for this morning's exercise.

When she arrived in the main wing, she found almost all her friends and a few close acquaintances waiting for her.

"Are you alright? I heard everything from ShiShi, but I want to hear from you too,"

"I'm fine Long Ao, just a nightmare,"

"You sure?"


"I'll let you go for now,"

"That's all I need, thank you very much,"

Next up, her little troupe surrounded her, hounding her with questions and hugs. Basically, her whole year, which consisted of only ten, including herself, came over. A few of Long Ao's friends came around as well, followed by a few sympathetic people.

They treated her as if she had experienced a real-life near-death experience, technically speaking, she did in her dream, but it wasn't like everybody had been there watching her in her dream.

Now that she thought of it, she never learned what had exactly gone wrong with her body while she slept. Fast and irregular heartbeat and excessive sweating were off the list, but what else?

"Li Yaorui?"

She let out a startled scream,

"You have got to stop doing that Senior Chuan,"

"A-ah, I'm sorry for scaring you...again,"

"It's fine Senior Chuan,"

"Please just go back to Chuan Si, you make me feel old when you call me senior,"

"Alright, then Chuan Si, what can I help you with?"

"Oh, I was just going to tell you that your necklace will be done soon,"

"Really! That's great, I can't wait to show it off when school starts," Chuan Si blushed a light pink. "I'm a bit hungry, so I'm gonna go grab a snack, do you want anything?"

"I'm good, you can go ahead,"

Before she could turn away, Chuan Si grabbed her arm with a little too much strength.

Her arm became both tense and sore when Chuan Si felt her tense up, he misunderstood and let go as if holding burning metal.

"I-I'm glad you're alright," And he rushed off before she could clear the misunderstanding.

"Darn, these muscles!" She hit her forearm exactly where Chuan Si grabbed her. That did nothing but make them hurt more, making her caress the spot to soothe it.

Meanwhile, a jealous friend-zoned man watched with a deadly look on his face.