Seven Dead Men

"W-what is this again?"

He pictured another sword, and he watched the frozen water morph into exactly what he imagined, even the handle changed to match the image in his mind.

His necklace pulsed against his chest, where it hung, matching the pace and rhythm of his heart.

The glow of his sword caught the eyes of the other wolves and Li Yaorui, drawing them in.

"Looks like you found your weapon, Xiao Long!" Li Yaorui informed herself and himself, "Congratulations,"

"A waterbender, impressive. Although fire is the most destructive, water and air are silent killers," The golden wolf spoke, "Since water is related to the moon, Josie, my mate will train you," He pointed to the silver wolf.

All Sun Long could do was nod, the sword in his hand retracted, the frozen water melting instantly and soaking into the ground.

For the rest of the night, Li Yaorui assisted him and got him familiar with the wolves and surroundings. She offered tips, pausing her training for his and sending looks to the golden wo-, Ryder when he was even a little bit offensive.

"Remember, you'll come back tomorrow night when you sleep, Cole and Ryder will lead you to another spring to relax before we wake up. See you soon,"

Li Yaorui smiled and left with Josie, going in the opposite direction as Ryder and Cole were leading him in.



"Ahhhhh! Fvck you, Minghao! Why'd you touch my leg!?"

"We're late dumbass, get outta bed,"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I got it," He groaned and got out of bed, messing up his hair and stretching his muscles.

Last night's dream was weird. Why did his senior show up in his dream?

"Hurry up!"

"I heard you the first time!"

Upon entering the central wing, he saw his senior sister sitting with her friends and unofficial boyfriend. He looked down at himself to make sure he wasn't shirtless like last night and let out a breath of relief when he saw his striped shirt and jeans on.

His eyes kept lingering as he joined his group of friends.

As always, Li Anshi, sat next to Xun Shouhan immersed in her laptop typing furiously. If his memory served him right, she was the youngest sister of his senior sister.

Speaking of his senior sister, he found his eyes finding her once again. Except this time, he was met with her gaze and the scorching glare belonging to her unofficial boyfriend. Sun Long transferred his gaze to the boyfriend and prayed that he could see that Sun Long wasn't getting ideas about his lover.

Wait, Li Yaorui never had a reason to just randomly look at him...does that mean?!

He locked eyes with her again, she nodded, confirming his thoughts.

Looks like he'll be having tough nights ahead of him.


Yaorui's POV

From where she sat, Yaorui had a good view of her sister and her crush. Their interactions were a bit disappointing, but she wasn't complaining. At least not openly.

Out of the corner of her eyes, she notices Sun Long mingling within the group. She held her gaze on him until he turned his gaze to her, connecting their eyes. She hoped that it would be enough to convince him that it wasn't a dream last night.

Instead, his eyes stray to Angli, who was sitting next to her.

Yaorui watched Sun Long shy away before returning her gaze with bulging eyes, she nodded and watched his expression morphed.

She nearly burst into laughter.

Angli gave her a weird look, and she returned to her phone.

With the first semester coming to an end, she had lots to review and study.

Her phone was buzzing with reminders and messages from both her friends and teachers. As fate would have it, she had a free block today to work on her impending work.

The life of a student is much too hard!

"Do we have any matches to watch today?"

"No, we have one tomorrow,"


"Lan Yue,"

"This will be interesting, alright, I'll put it in my schedule,"

At seven-forty-five, she and Precious rounded up everyone for a headcount before leaving for the breakfast hall.

The school seemed to really like giving them tasks in the morning, so they have learned to head to breakfast early and eat as much as possible.

"Guys? I think I'm coming down with something, can we head back and have breakfast at the team house?" Lan Yue gripped her stomach and bent over.

Her sister bent down next to her while Xin Weixia (Chinese medicine doctor) moved to check her pulse. "Let's head back, the house is closer than the hospital,"

"Looks like we'll be busy this morning," Jian Nu spoke the thoughts of the chefs and kitchen assistants as they ran back to prepare their first meal of the day.

Sheng Rong followed behind them closely since someone~~ was unwilling to let go of her hand.

When they arrived at the team house, everybody got busy performing their daily meal duties.

A team of people set the table while others grabbed the plates and bowls for the kitchen team. Others with nothing to do went to work on their projects or get in some training outside.

They had turned the backyard into a mini gym. A team of people, including herself, built an add on to their team house where they stored workout equipment and rings. The roof of the gym was where they had their barbeque parties, occasionally they would invite other teams to join them and sometimes even their teachers.

They spray-painted some of their lawn with different colours to mark fields and courts like in the gymnasium at school but smaller.

The gardeners had their own area as well as the whole forest to themselves. Everything from the shrubs to the tiles to the koi pond was all done by them, and they did amazing. They were kind enough to even hang swings on a few of the sturdier trees.

Their team made plans to hold a party soon to celebrate the end of the semester.

"Xiao Rui!" Angli called her from behind.


Angli stopped in the middle of his tracks, "What did you just call me?"

"LiLi? What? You gave me a nickname, now I'm giving you one, LiLi~~~,"

"Your head doesn't hurt?"

"No, why would it?"

"No reason, anyways, I have big news,"

"What is it?"

"It's not good news, 7 dead Russians hanging on the door to the dining hall,"

"Seven!? Are you sure?"

"Lan Yue just posted, she was the first to do so,"

"Lan Yue?"


"Do you know where she is!?" Her voice was slightly panicked, and her hands were gripping Angli's arms.

"No? What is going on?"

"I'll tell when it's time,"

If her gut was right, Lan Yue has unlocked one of her powers, she wasn't sure, but her guess was that Lan Yue could tell the future. That would explain her earlier nausea.

If only she had telepathic powers.

She ran off to look for Lan Yue, Angli followed close behind her.

"Xiao Long! Have you seen Lan Yue?"

"No, she left earlier for the bathroom,"

"When you see her again, I need you to fill her in on everything,"

"On the wolves?"


"Did she?"



"Future visions,"

"Awww man, I want that!"

"Xiao Long,"

"I will do what you want senior sister,"

Yaorui lowered her hands, she didn't even know what she was doing. She looked over her shoulder at Angli, who sported a worried look. The fastest way out of the embarrassment was to feign illness or run.

She rolled her eyes back and let her body go limp, knowing full well that she'll land on the hard hardwood floor. Using the military strategy, she knocked herself out to make it more believable.

When she woke up, she was lying on the couch, surrounded by her friends.

"What happened?"

"You started yelling at Sun Long about Lan Yue and something else, then fainted right after,"

"How long have I been out for?"

Angli flipped his wrist to look at his watch. "Six minutes and 34 seconds,"

"What were you talking about with Sun Long,"

"You'll guys will know when its time,"

"Better hope you guys dream the right dream,"

"What was that, Sun Long?"


Angli glared at him for a few more seconds before returning his attention back to her.

"How do you feel?"

"I feel fine,"

"BREAKFAST MY HUNGRY BABIES!" Ysa shouted from the kitchen.

She removed the blanket covering her legs and stood up. Just as she was about to take her first step, two arms snaked around her waist and knees, and before she knew it, her feet were swinging uselessly in the air.

"Hu Angli, what are you doing!"

"According to Xia Weixia, you fainted from low blood sugar, I'm will carry you until you stop fainting from low blood sugar,"

"I'm not diabetic Angli, nothing will happen,"

"Says who?"

"Says the medical professionals,"

"Medical professionals who? You're underweight anyways,"

"Xia Weixia, am I underweight?"

"Technically speaking, for someone your age and height, yes,"

Angli gave her an "I told you so," look and plopped her down at the dining table.

"Dig in, Xiao Rui,"

Their meal time went, as usual, polite chaos.

"Dear brother, could you please pass me the pepper?"

"Dear sister, who eats toast with pepper, I would strongly advise you to revoke your previous statement,"

"Dear brother, I am never wrong and will ignore your kind suggestion,"

It was a silly tradition they had come up with to ensure maximum appetites during their meals.

"Dear our baby," Duan Shen, a fifth year studying surgery called out to Lan Yue, the youngest on their team, "May you tell us how you were able to release the article of seven dead men when we have never been to the dining hall?"

"Dear ShenShen, would you like to explain the pink stuffed unicorn found in your room,"