Ymma's Diary Entries 4 - 6

Entry 4:

The land grows harsher as our convey grows further from the convent. With each passing second I feel as though we are going to be ambushed. The fern-line is so thick that hiding Mantae would be an easy feat. My guardians are stalwart beside me, for which I am glad, but they do make for dreary conversational partners.

I can only hope and pray to the Hyrmn that my husband and children are safe. A speaker's duty is the most important in the convent, therefore it carries the biggest burden. The hive we ascend is responsible the largest I have seen in my travels, which carries its own problems.

The larger a hive, the wider the disparity of social standing grows. My convent is humble and sturdy, but cannot stand against an invasion, nor does it provide any amazing resources.

For as weak and pitiful as others may seem them, I would not trade it for the world.

Entry 5:

It is more worrisome that we have remained on our path unhindered then it is if we were ambushed. Not a single attempt has been made for ours, or specifically, my life. If we were able to fend off sporadic attacks, then it would be an indication that they were not serious.

Receiving nothing, however, is a bad omen. We have seen signs of Mantae moving among the ferns, but each track simply disappears into the brush without a trace. I do condone the acts of violence, but I will not lie down willingly for the scythes to claim mine head. We shall explore these missing tracks, and find whatever creature has set its sights upon us.

Entry 6:

An entire forest of... hives.

They are tiny, miniature versions of them, but undeniably the same structure. It is fascinating, like nothing I've ever seen. Whilst still taller than myself, they are a far cry from the majesty of our own home.

It is here that we have found the tracks of our would-be ambushers. The system has alerted us that this area is a 'dungeon'. though I do not know what it means by this. Any attempts to return to our previous route are foiled, as the way back is shrouded in some kind of magic, preventing us from moving.

Our only hope is to move forward, find these ambushers, and question them. I do not doubt that this is dangerous, and could very well be a trap, but the thought of walking amongst a forest of hives is simply too exciting!