Pure Love Is The Greatest Feeling (Thanks For Waiting)

Jo leaped to their ship with moon walk. The pirates were stunned for awhile, then they snapped back after the captain commanded them to shoot. Jo walked on the air, dodged the bullets like dancing.

When Jo landed on the pirates ship, he immediately threw his wooden stick to the pirate captain.


It perfectly nailed to the pirate captain heart. Jo didn't like to bullshit and beat around the bush. The pirate captain looked at him like seeing a ghost, but suddenly he smiled. His chest suddenly melted and the wooden stick fell to the floor. Jo frowned, he knew that his opponent was Devil Fruit user. Then he used observation haki and instantly knew who he was.

He was Caribou, the pitiful pirate that get caught by Luffy crew when they wanted to sail to fishman kingdom. His power was mud, Nomi something. Jo had already forget the real fruit name. He was not avid fan after all.

Jo shook his head and walked to Caribou. Every pirate crew near him would be punched and kicked until no one except Caribou stood straight.

"I don't expect that will meet you here, Caribou. You are really unlucky." After saying that, Jo used haki and punched his stomach.

Caribou could not do anything. He didn't expect that his Devil Fruit ability was useless to his opponent punch. Finally he fainted without knowing what the reason of his defeat.

Of course, the reason of his lost was Jo punch!!

After placed Caribou inside wooden barrel and tied it tightly, Jo navigated the ship to near his own ship.

"Nami! Miyuki! help me to carry the goods! We get a great haul!!" Jo shouted from the Caribou ship.

Jo picked two wooden plank and placed it as a bridge. When Nami and Miyuki arrived at the treasure room, Nami shouted loudly.

"Ha! It's money! Gold! Treasure!" Nami shouted happily.

Miyuki also excited. She really never saw many treasure and money like these. She finally knew why many people wanted to be a pirate. The haul was really very lucrative. Beside the treasure, they also got several maps and a box that contain strange banana with weird pattern.

"Uncle, do you know what fruit it is?" Nami asked while showed the box to Jo.

"Hm, it is Devil Fruit. When you eat it, you can get strange ability like Luffy or Buggy. Do you want to eat it? When you eat it, the sea will reject you. Even you have godly swimming skill, it will be useless when you eat the Devil Fruit." Jo explained.

"Ugh, Then what ability this fruit will be granted to me?" Nami asked again.

"Dunno. No one able to determine the exact ability of the fruit. They appear randomly, no tree for them. You can get super strong ability like tremor ability of Edward Newgate, or pitiful ability like Buggy. Life is gambling after all." Jo answered with smile.

"If Nami don't want the fruit, I want!" When Nami still hesitated, Miyuki said from behind.

"Are you sure?" Jo asked her confirmation.

"I'm sure. Not like Nami who has Navigator skill, I'm just a mediocre military doctor with mediocre skill. Captain will dump me out if I don't have any useful skill. Please captain, give it to me!" Miyuki said with full of determination.

Jo didn't immediately answered, he turned his head to Nami and asked, "What about you?"

Nami shook her head.

"I don't want to lose my swimming ability. Miyuki can eat it."

Jo nodded and gave it to Miyuki.

"Eat it thoroughly. No spill out. The taste is bad, very bad. But you must endure it. And there is no useless ability or skill, but only useless user." Jo said to Miyuki with gentle smile.

Miyuki immediately ate it. Her face looked very funny. It was understandable, the Devil Fruit taste was very strange based on Anime Jo watched before. Then slowly, in miyuki head appeared a pair of animal ears. Then on her buttock, appeared nine fluffy tail like fox. Jo instantly understood what Miyuki got. She got Zoan type Devil Fruit. Although Jo never watched or read on Anime and Manga, Jo knew that the Devil Fruit Miyuki ate was Fox type, Nine Tail one.

But somewhat Jo felt that Miyuki became more beautiful. He tried to focused on Miyuki again and confirmed that Miyuki became more charming than before. Her charm level was increased. Beside that, her appearance that similar to fox spirit cosplay really made him happy.

Back to main topic...

After Miyuki stabilized her body, Miyuki said all her ability to Jo and Nami. Just like all Zoan Type, she could transform to three shapes. First was her human self, second was her half fox mode, and third was full fox mode. Beside she got body enhancement on her muscles and eyes, she also got several skill that related to moon. Currently she could only used moon slash.

"From now until we arrived at Logue Town, you will train your new power and familiarize your own power. Understand?" Jo gave his command.

Miyuki nodded vigorously. She really grateful to Jo and Nami. Just six months, and she got a powerful Devil Fruit. She knew that she was Mythical Zoan, Nine Tail Fox. And her power not only these.

After Miyuki back to sleep, Jo slipped to Nami navigation room.

"Uncle, what are you doing here?" Nami asked nervously.

When Jo walked toward her one step, she backed one step. Jo smiled slightly and disappeared from Nami sight. Then he appeared behind her and hugged her small waist. She wanted to shout, but she couldn't. Jo palm had already on her mouth.

"Little cat, you dare to peep my blissful moment, you need to be punished." Jo said softly on her earlobe. The sensation of his breath on her earlobe made her body shiver. Her eyes pleaded to stop, but Jo didn't care about it and he enjoyed his moment with Nami.

Then he licked Nami neck. Like got electric shock, Nami jerked but then her body became limp. She gave up upon her struggle. As the winner, Jo let go her mouth. Jo unscrupulously caressed her bountiful breasts. Nami could only enjoy his loving touch. When she turned her body, she cling on Jo neck and kissed on his lips.

"Uncle, you must take responsibility for me..." Nami said softly. Her pink blush added her charm.

"Of course, if you want a child now, I will gladly give you my seeds." Jo teased.

"Uncle you jerk." Nami just complained and hammered her slim hand to Jo chest.

Jo smiled and withdrew his intention to release his virginity. He really regard pure love as the greatest feeling. He would not force his women to sex with him just because of his urge. Nah, if he did that, his soap would be useless.