Easiest Escape in History 2

Sunless Village's Prison.

After waiting calmly for two extra hours, Brigan understood there was a problem preventing the food suppliers from arriving.

Deep in thought, he determined that the morning invasion was the cause and the delay would settle by waiting longer than the usual time.

As if to prove his conjecture correct, thirty minutes later, two depressed soldiers wheeled in trays of food. But unlike the prior batch of food, the plates served dishes that was unpleasant to the taste.

By this time, Brigan had his eyes closed, head perched on top of his folded arms, and legs crossed with the top one bobbling vertically. It presented a picture of one that was having leisure time, and there were no worries to be had.

But for the veteran prisoners, the majority began trembling after spotting one of the food suppliers. Some of the clueless ones also became frightened upon witnessing the reactions of so many scared adults.

'Who are these guys?' The collective mass thought while watching.

"Look at this brat! Easy-going despite being declared for execution tonight! He must be one of those freaks that relishes death. Come here brat, let this young daddy grant your wish!" One of the soldiers said as he fished out the keys to the holding cell.

"Hold on, what do you think you're doing?! He's in here because he has the ability to escape the beast leader! What do you think will happen when you open the door?!" The other yelled nervously.

"Your a born chicken newbie, you don't get it at all. Who runs this village? His Excellency Jehan, that's who! Even the beast leader don't dare show his face before our leader! Now, look at this brat with a death wish, he's a born masochist! He'll be receiving as much pleasure from this beating as I get from dishing it out. So relax, my judgment is always a hundred percent accurate!"

The tone of the first soldier's voice was full of annoyance and arrogance. But it was understandable since he was a soldier who had done this plenty of times in his numerous years of service.

Whenever there was a prisoner with the verdict being a death execution, he would volunteer to be the food supplier. After taking a visit to hand out the meals, those assured on this execution list would be found dead and accused of an inside killing from one of the cellmates.

In time, he even acquired a nickname from the remaining prisoners, the name being Inmate Slayer because the prisoners thought it was the soldier's life mission to slay every inmate.

"I'm not apart of this! I'm telling the captain," the second soldier stated, departing fast.

Shrugging at the retreating figure, the first soldier did not give chase. "Suit yourself! Not like it will matter, chicken!" The first soldier stated amused.

Shifting his head back to the holding cell, he inserted the key as his tongue ran across his bottom lip. The anticipation felt was unreal. He could not wait to start the beating. "Come, you will never forget this experience!" He said excitedly.

Click! Clang!

However, the moment the door swooshed open, Brigan seemed to teleport in front of the man as he grabbed the back of his neck down to meet his rising knee. "Delusion Killer!" He exclaimed, naming the attack.

Panic bore fruit as a frightening thought surfaced in the first soldier's mind, 'God Candidate!' Nonetheless, he still managed to pull his emotions under control before declaring his unwillingness. "You're the one dreaming! There are plenty of hidden God Candidates in the village! They just don't want to be forced serving His Excellency!"

After making this statement, a metal plate, acting as a head protector, appeared on his forehead.

Bang! Thud!

Despite its strong properties, it failed to provide a proper defense on impact. As for the soldier, he flew back hitting the cellar wall while his figure hung embedded into it. Thankfully, the God Weapon helped him to keep his life as he was only rendered unconscious.

"Hmm... I couldn't tell before because I was fighting that water rabbit, but my strength really did increase a lot!" He exclaimed as he reached out to grab a cell bar tightly.


Moving his hand away, he almost died of embarrassment right then and there. The reason being, looking at the cell bar showed a warped bar in its place.

Was not the prison made to contain God Candidates? Or was those candidates not False Demis, excluded from the equation?

Regardless of the matter, Brigan was still relieved to have freedom. He also made a side note to test all possibilities instead of overestimating the opposing side.

Giving the defeated soldier his gratitude, he bolted to the only existing entrance. Upon exiting, he caught another disturbance, the second soldier returned looking disheartened.

He assumed the news of the first soldier's action was not a secret to the higher rank guards. It also made sense since his procedures been going on for an extended period of length. Still, Brigan did not sympathize with the returnee. After all, they were enemies.

Feeling the sensation of eyes looking upon him, the second soldier turned his head to face the entrance. There, he spotted Brigan just standing there and waiting, as if he was waiting on him.

"What?! How you get o... No! What did you do to Brother Fifty Five?!" He hollered nervously.

Brigan ignored him. What he had to do first was disable the man. The lesser amount knew of his escape, the further he could do his own investigation. "I won't harm you greatly, but this will leave a bruise later." He calmly and quietly told him.

"What?! St..." He tried to say as he placed his hand in front of his face, a reflex with the act of hoping to protect oneself. Unfortunately, it proved to be little resistance against Brigan as he hit the back of the man's neck. "Wow, it really works like its shown. Sorry, but not sorry. You'll thank me later after I save you all." He finished just as calmly and quietly.

Hurrying along, the time did not pass great before someone was calling out to him. Spotting the shouter, it turned out to be a familiar person.

"What are you doing here?" Said the caller.

Looking at the person, Brigan was stunned as he saw them chased by many beasts.

It seemed that this time, the beasts had finally made it into the village in large numbers. The village was now in great danger.