The Serpent from the Rocks

"King, I am here for my reward," Omega said as he kneeled.

"Yes, of course, me and my counselor have talked about this a lot and with her consent, I present to you your reward for slaying the Jhen Morhan, the hand of my daughter," Graen said as he got up.

What? seriously? Omega didn't know what to say, that's why it wasn't ready, she couldn't walk.

"Now then it is your choice to accept, but I think she loves you too," Graen said as he laughed. Omega hadn't realized he was blushing.

"I accept to have the hand of your daughter and I am thankful of it," Omega said as Naomi walked towards him.

"Now, cooks start to prepare the feast, there is a marriage today!" Graen shouted. As the cooks were busy preparing the feast, the gong of the palace was rung and Omega was in his room preparing his cloth for their marriage. Naomi was already dressed and was practicing the dance, she was doing her part but when she was done she was waiting for Omega to arrive. When the sun had set, the townspeople were celebrating the marriage and in the palace the ceremony had commenced and then the dance began, Naomi lead the dance as they moved swiftly together and in coordination.

"You dance well," Omega whispered into Naomi's ear as they dance.

"Thank you, I practiced all afternoon," Naomi responded.

The next day had arrived and as Omega and Naomi were talking when suddenly they were interrupted by a servant.

"You presence is requested by the king."

"We'll be there."

As Omega and Naomi arrived in the throne room there was someone talking to the king.

"Ah, Omega and Naomi, this hunter was looking for you," Graen said as he saw them arrive.

"I am Benji, the chief hunter of the Moga village," The hunter said as he introduced himself, "Our village has been attack by the hunter killer, the Dalamadur, he has sent for the killers of the Jhen Morhan and I had received news that you were here,"

"I, I mean we would be glad to go help," Omega said.

"Of course," Naomi said.

"I will meet you when you are ready."

Omega and Naomi went to their rooms and packed their stuff, and met Benji by the gates of the town. They left soon after and they were on their way to the Moga Village. They left the desert and entered in a large plain. The land was flat and it went on and on, there seemed to be no end.

"Is it flat the whole way?" Omega asked.

"Yes until we get to the Dalamadur's peak," Benji said, "We haven't been able to get to the Dalamdur's Lair since it attacks when we enter its territory and we used our resources repelling it and we can't continue."

"Wow, really?" Naomi asked, "Why can't you bring more?"

"Well, the area around is barren wastelands so moving men across is tiring and you can only bring a certain amount, so we can't bring huge amounts," Benji replied.

After a couple hours of walking, they saw smoke trails coming from a barracked village.

"Here we are this is the largest town still standing, this is the main city, Moga village," Benji proclaimed as they walked towards the city. They arrived at gates of the city. Benji shouted a phrase and the guards opened the doors. They were greeted by a large crowd. Benji lead Naomi and Omega through the city to the town square. He lead them until the chief's home.

"Chief, I have brought to you the hunters you called for," Benji said as he kneeled in front of the chief.

"Thank you, Benji," The Chief said, "So you are the hunters who killed the Jhen Morhan, am I correct."

"Yes, sir," Omega said as Naomi nodded.

"Thank you for accompanying Benji all the way here, there will be a feast for your arrival, you can tour the village and rest or see the blacksmith."

"Thank you sir," Omega said.

Together Naomi and Omega walked around the impressive yet small town. They walked until they arrived to the blacksmith. He sold very different armors from which Naomi and Omega chose armors that allowed them to be agile but still very tough. Naomi had taken an armor made of Plesioth Scales and Omega took an armor made of Diablos scales and horns. They decided to go to the town square and when they arrived the townspeople recognized them and they bowed down as they passed.