One boy, surrounded by five big grey shadowy figures.
Five figures, with their fingers pointed at that boy.
Five figures, with their teeth out. Glowing, even in the gloomy dark ambience.
Glowing, so much. Why? The boy wonder. Why in everything just that white figures are visible to him? Why, there is nothing beside those he can figure out with his teary eyes? Why?
It is evident the figures are smiling. At him. At that poor hopeless creature who can do nothing but ponder.
So many times it has happened. Every time the boy thinks he will fire up. Answer fire with anger. But, by the sheer number of presence, he is lost. Every time, that white figures loom large.
He hopelessly wander. He can't talk to his parents. Can't scream to the world. For that, he believes, only those white figures will multiply. So he just cries alone. Nothing seems to come to his rescue.
Evidently this boy goes into Depression. A severe despair.
At that time, this boy comes across another guy. A person, who embodies fight and struggle. A person, even when the world is trying to take him down, tries to climb up by sheer belief.
A person who doesn't know how to give up.
You know what that boy has been doing last night?
When his team was down and out, he believed. He believed in the person who was standing with his legs spread in front of the ball. The person who shut his eyes, shut down the world around and believed.
Few seconds later, the boy jumped up in joy. His parents wonder what happened to their ever quiet boy in the middle of that night.
Little did they know. The boy from their house has known to fight back. Known to believe in himself. And it's all due to a person wearing no. 7 on his back.
His idol, his hero, has taught him to deliver when it mattered the most.