Why Don't You Say This When You Let Me Consume A Full Bowl Of Preservatives Just Now?

Ruan Danchen's hands started to tremble under stress and just could not buckle up the seatbelt even after endless attempts. 

Just when Ruan Danchen became anxious, suddenly a clean and elegant hand with short and tidy nails came before her eyes, and Qi Chenglin grabbed her hand before she could react. His grip was strong and firm, and he guided her to buckle up her seatbelt. 

He then released her hand and started the engine, leaving Ruan Danchen's hand warm and numb. At that instance, she felt her hand was not a part of herself anymore.

Ruan Danchen curled her hand into a fist and hid it below her bag. She then turned her head towards the window and started to have palpitations.

Qi Chenglin took a peek at Ruan Danchen's face from the side, admiring her light makeup which made her fair and beautiful.