Do You Have To Be So Secretive For A Proposal?

"Wait a moment." Ruan Danchen took Qi Chenglin's member card from the shop employee and stuffed it back at Qi Chenglin, then passed her own member card to the shop employee instead.

Qi Chenglin frowned slightly, but Ruan Danchen responded with a smile: "Give me a chance to get you a gift too."

Ruan Danchen's thoughts were simple. Qi Chenglin had always purchased various things for her. She did not want to be the one that was always on the receiving end. She had always thought of getting something as a gift to Qi Chenglin, not as repayment, but purely to show her love by sending her gifts. Unfortunately, she had no idea on what to gift.

Now that there's such a chance, she wanted to pay it out of her own pocket.