How Old?

As I lounge in my hospital room, I'm wondering how I'm going to meet my parents. I can't just say "Hey Mom, Dad, how are you doing? Also who are you?" I hold my head in my hands and run my fingers through my hair for what seems to be the millionth time. Sighing, I look out the window. I spend a few minutes watching the leaves of nearby trees rustle in the wind before drawing my attention back to the issue at hand. How do I tell them? How do I live with them? Do I even live with my parents. Wait... How old am I !?! I'm getting upset at myself for the constant repetition in my thoughts, but now I am genuinely curious about my age. After a short debate, I decide to get my mind off things by asking a nurse about my age. Standing up from the hospital bed proved to be a challenge and I felt as graceful as a toddler doing so, but in the end I managed to get up (without falling, mind you). After taking my first few wobbly steps I can confidently say I'm good at walking. The cold tile feels comforting and my feet make small noises with each step I take as I pad across the room. I almost forget to bring the IV drop with me and just barely catch the thing before it crashes to the ground. Flimsy medical equipment, I scoff. Dragging the IV drip along with me, I open my room door and look out into the corridor. I am greeted with the same decoration as my room, white and simplistic with chairs between every few room doors. As I spot a nurse walking down the corridor, I almost think it's Nurse Tracy until I realize the hair. No way would I forget that crazy color. I fully step out of my room and close the door quietly. The nurse having noticed me walks up with a smile. "Need anythin' ?" She tilts her head and I notice her slight accent. "May I see my medical record Ma'am ? " I ask after her prompting. "O' course sweetheart" she replies enthusiastically " I'm afraid I don't 'ave your specific document, but you can ask the ladies at the front desk. Elevator is down that way after the doors on the lef'. "She points to the right side of the corridor. " Need anythin' else hun? " she shoots me another beaming smile. "No, thank you miss" I respond and start walking towards the direction she pointed me in, making sure to hug the right wall. "it's Tris". I pause and look back at the nurse, assuming she's talking to me because besides us, this corridor is completely spare. "You'r too formal for me. No more 'Miss' or 'Ma'am'. Call me Tris from now on, okay lad? " she tells me sternly. "Yes ma— Tris..." I catch myself mid sentence. "Good" she nods at continues walking down where she originally wanted to go before I stopped her. Was I being too formal? I push through the set of doors at the end of the corridor. After punching in the elevator button for the first floor, I lean against the wall handle and get a good look at myself in the elevator mirror. Silvery, shaggy hair drapes over a pale, tired looking face with a button nose and deep-set grey eyes, thin lips and if I focus, a small thin scar on the upper right side of my lip. My mouth rests at a slight frown and I give off an overall unapproachable and cold look. I try smiling to make myself seem more friendly and I look pissed. I grimace, (this time for real) looks like positive faces aren't my forte. The elevator reaches the bottom and I take note of the floor I started on so I can go back later. When the doors open I step out and find myself greeted with a sign System labeling different places. I look for the one marked 'front desk' and make my way down the hallway. When I get there I notice the three receptionists at the desk. Two of them are dealing with other customers, so I walked up to the third one. Just from his expression I could tell he did not to be here. "What do you want?" He said in quite possibly the most aggravated tone I have ever heard. "I'd like to look at my medical records, sir." Tris might have told me to be less formal but I doubt this guy would want to be called anything else right now. He raises an eyebrow. "Can you say that louder?" He says in a suggestive tone. He must've had a hard day. Undeterred I ask him "May I look at Medical Records, sir? ". He stares at me, then says "Sure". He looks at his computer and proceeds to type something on it, ignoring me. I don't know what to do so I just stand there like an idiot. Thankfully, one of the other receptionists, clearly more pleasant than the first, finishes her other task. "You can leave your name with us and we'll have a nurse send them back to your room, it may take awhile because we have a lot of records." She says in a chipper tone. I guess that's it. Way easier than I thought it would be. "My name is Finley Morrigan" I say in what I'm starting to think is my default tone, quiet. "Great, we'll send it up to you in a minute!" The receptionist claps her hands and I'm loosing energy just standing next to this ball of sunshine. I nod my head and retrace my steps back up to my room to continue watching my new favorite show, Star Kids.