Back to the timeline

While Mithos being healed Bardock who was free spending time trainings with the kids sometimes bothered him with their playful attitude. Some of them started imitating what Bardock do like Squating , Hanging up on the tree , push up , pull up , basic combat training like punches and kick , and of course all of that were done in his Super saiyan mode.

After several days Mithos Woke up and can do some light exercise. The machine still wasn't completely being made yet. that's why Mithos still needed several days to achieve Complete Heal . He watched Bardock changing albeit a little, The saiyan had a better future that what Mithos thought about when he sees that.

In the time for waiting the Teleport Watch Fully charged this month Kalan being Guided by Bardock to reach Super Saiyan mode and reached it almost immediately that made Bardock suspicious that Mithos could turn into a super saiyan from the start.

That also had him complicated feelings of proud and inferiority because Mithos learnt it more faster than him.

The best part was Mithos reached Super saiyan two in the last day before they're going to be back on their timeline.

" Sir Bardock , we can go back to our timeline now. When will we are going to depart?"

" N..... " Bardock who wanted to say Now was seeing the kids and people that taking care of them while they're here and he felt a bit reluctant to leave them behind.

" Do you have a way for bringing them with us? " Bardock whispered.

" I could made the tools but It will take a really long time, at least almost a 40-50 years to complete the mini tools and the Main tools Because this includes almost a million people , i don't think i can do more faster than that. "

" Sigh... Well then , let's depart tomorrow after we said our thanks and farewell. "

" Yeah, i also thinking the same think Mr Bardock."

" Yes , Drop That honorific. We don't need that as we're the only two survivors in this timeline and 2 of 6 Saiyan in that other world. "

" Okay , If you insist Bardock."

Super saiyan two was a secret from even Bardock That Mithos hide. Because the battle power still too low to make it known. Mithos thought that the original power he had before transformation needed at least a 500.000 to reveal the super saiyan 2.

The next day after they've made their farewell and thanks with some information that they're to leave the planet , Mithos Set the Main Watch to teleport them to the place and same time as they're being sent here.

But instead of being sent on that timeframe they're being sent on the 10 years after the incident. This made them see a despairing situation that can be seen with naked eyes.

All the city was destroyed , the smoke still there , fire still burning everywhere.

A Figure with green glowing hair could be seen a distances away...