Overall Findings

Lu Meili could see how the man intently stared at her. It would be understandable if he was still hostile or upset for being bound like a beast. However, the way he was staring made her uncomfortable. Did he figure something out?

Regardless, she had decided to just ignore his stare and act detached, like everything was just business. "Now, tell me what is wrong with you?" Lu Meili asked feigning indifference.

"Can you move closer?" He asked instead of answering. His voice was rough and tight. Probably because he was trying to suppress his beast that is already on the surface, "I promised that I wouldn't bite," he added to eagerly to make her feel suspicious.

"I prefer to stay here." Lu Meili stated as she stood next to the bed, her attention was back on his prick that seemed to have miraculously become hard enough. Reaching curiously, her fingers wrapped around his erected length, 'what turned him on?' she wondered in astonishment at his unpredictability.

He felt so warm on her palm, add to the tiny spark that she felt whenever their skin touched, Lu Meili found the feeling nice.

Before she could curiously touch further, she heard him groan, "Sweet huntress, that is not enough," He uttered sounding as if he was in pain. "Please do not torture me…" He begged.

"Torture?" Lu Meili asked in confusion and immediately removed her hand from his hardness. Even with her curiosity, she still did not want her donor to be in pain.

"Not enough? How many women then do you need?" she then asked with indifference, referring to the number of women that should be on the sex tutorial.

If he probably got this hard because of the females being intimate, she believed that he could maintain it for a long time until she got the specimen that she needed and immediately leave the beast planet.

"How many?" he asked, "Is this why you tied me up? I am a pureblood dragon shifter and my sexual appetite is not easily satisfied. Please understand. This is normal for us to sleep with women, but they are nothing special. It is just a normal thing to lose some stress and to relax. But- " He explained sounding so worried as he continued ranting about his insatiable stamina.

"Stop. That is enough. So five is still too few?" Lu Meili asked brows wrinkled deep ignoring the slight pang of pain in her heart after his rants. Not waiting for him to speak again, she commanded her NanoGen, "Lulu replace the scene with hundreds of females."

"Yes, master. Initializing search, largest lesbian orgy in X quadrant." Lulu responded with its robotic voice.

Lu Meili nodded as it was probably the best choice if they were looking for hundreds of females. Though she has siblings that enjoy such pleasures, Lu Meili was not really interested in group sexual activity.

"Lulu, add Q quadrant." She suddenly suggested since there is a planet on that quadrant that is famous for divinity rituals that involve sexual sacrifices. One of her martial sisters was a regular tourist on that planet and Lu Meili was most of the time the one who is responsible to bring her back home.

"Understood master." The image on the virtual screen then was replaced with a loading bar. Then quickly images flashed continuously confirming that a search was being done.

"Wait! Stop!" The man on the bed shouted, his eyes closed, his body rigid as he clenched his fists tightly. He was breathing so hard, that it made her frown.

"Lulu stop." She said before sitting on the bed next to him to check what was wrong with him. Touching his chest to feel his beating heart, she was able to confirm that he may not be on best of health, with the way his heart beats so erratic.

"Yes, master. Search canceled."

"Scan the donor's physical stats. Check for any health issues." Lu Meili commanded, watching the man carefully. He was now watching her intently, eyes flickering with emotions that she did not want to understand.

The virtual screen slowly morphed into a triangular blue light that slowly moved to the man's body. Lulu's scan started from his foot going slowly up his body.

As the scan proceeded, her eyes followed the light's movement. He was dark-skinned, just like most dragon shifters who enjoyed being under the sun. They were also the type to not care about their nudity, proud with the physical advantages that their race was blessed with.

She knew that her sisters would have drooled and loved to be in the presence of such perfection. He could pass as someone who is well muscled in all the right places.

The man for her could be considered handsome, coming from her who traveled almost to all open areas of the space and seen all species of the male genome, that is a serious compliment. She still couldn't get over the fact that he liked many women. How she hated sharing.

Lu Meili eyes held his gaze for more than a second before following the blue light's trail until it disappeared after scanning his fists that were still on top of his head.

"Blood pressure, normal. Sugar count, normal. Body temperature, abnormal. Heartbeat, abnormal." Lulu's health report broke her line of thoughts. "Overall findings, abnormal for humans. Normal for horny dragons."