Thunder Forest

Lou Mary ran faster as she was familiar with the place. She and the soldiers also expected that Lu Meili would not be able to continue running for long. That was because anyone who was chased for a long time would rest and would surely try to do their best to avoid or fight their pursuers. 

However, unlike Lou Mary, who was excited to fight with Lu Meili, the soldiers were not looking forward to any of it. 

It was always hard to deal with people who could use magic or spells like mages. Added to the fact was that an infamous woman was currently commanding them because of her arrogance, which made them displeased. 

"Move faster! Why are you all so slow and incompetent?' Lou Mary shouted to the soldiers with disdain. 

 Some of the soldiers silently frowned in annoyance as they cursed Lou Mary by themselves. Despite being disgruntled, they did not have a choice but to move faster as commanded, so it did not take long for them to finally catch Lu Meili.

 Dragon shifters were quick and agile beings who were good with hunting so they could easily track and see Lu Meili's silhouette. They immediately followed her tracks despite the trees and rocks she seems to use to lose them deliberately. 




The sounds of thunder were getting louder as they got closer to the first gate. Every rumble gives them chills that made them nervously gulp. 

Thunder Forest was a known dangerous place, especially for non-shifters. The low-level beasts would also lurk outside the Thunder Forest to look for food. 

It was just a good thing that dragon shifters were at the top of the food chain, and the beasts' instinct would keep them away from the soldiers. Then what about the outsiders? 

Because of the known fact about the forest, it was also a place that was used as one of the trials to become a captain. 

A strong shifter also used thunder as a way of increasing their defensive capability. If one was careless or not strong enough, death was inevitable. 

Since that was the case, they were all expecting Lu Meili to turn around and look for another way of escape. The moment she did that, they would all be there, more prepared to capture her. 

"There she is." One of them replied as some smirked knowingly. 

The soldiers continued to chase. Even Lou Mary moved faster to be able to get as close as possible to Lu Meili. 

However, to their surprise, as Lu Meili silhouette became more evident, she did not show any indication of stopping or resting. Not even any hint that she was planning to turn around. 




The howls of thunder kept them on guard until suddenly, Lu Meili's silhouette vanished! 

She seemed to have passed between the tall pillars that acted as the main entrance for the forest. 

The Thunder Forest was sealed with multiple layers, and a special pass was needed to enter even the first entrance gate due to its danger. Each seal was colored based on the level of risk. 

Blue, yellow and red. Red would be the most restricted due to its severe danger. Even if one were curious, they would not dare to even step foot on the area. 

It was surrounded by chains of talismans to make sure that no one could accidentally enter.

Soldiers were dumbfounded when they saw Lu Meili vanish and realized that she went ahead into the Thunder forest. When they got closer, they were able to notice that the chain on the designated main entrance of the forest was smoking, due to some of the burning talismans. 

"She's already inside..." One of the soldiers murmured. 

"She will surely die."


"She went ahead instead of turning back."

The soldiers murmured together when they stopped in front of the tall pillar entrance. 

"What are you still waiting for? Chase after her!" Lou Mary exclaimed in annoyance. 

"Ma'am, we are not authorized to enter." One of the soldiers responded thoughtfully. 

Aside from the thunder, it also rained intensively all year round. This would be an additional fact that made the place even more dangerous and, recklessly chasing someone within it was not recommended, even for powerful shifters.

There was not even a need to mention that the color of the now broken seal was blue, which was the lowest since they did not want to risk their lives. 



Before Lou Mary could react to the soldiers, a male shifter suddenly appeared in front of her, and he seemed to have fallen from the sky!