Two types of laws

Yes, Wu Jiao believed that everything boiled down to the benefits. What was the point to stay on a planet that would not make their businessmen earn any profit?

However, what Wu Jiao had said only applied to the normal or small-time businessmen and merchants.

Of course, it would take the destruction of a planet before they decided to evacuate, after all, wars and political struggles could be turned into a profit. That was if the main boss wanted to.

Wu Jiao looked at the elders' faces and she was happy to see that they seemed to understand what she was implying. "We only have one life after all. Since our people are what dragon country citizens call outsiders, it would be a difficult decision to risk it."

"Also when we decide to establish our business in a country they could not have so many complicated rules that are mostly unfavorable to. If not why would we bother going there or staying there?" she added dismissively.