Building An Empire

Sometimes there are days when even the most happy of people can be overcome by their emotions and succumb to the darkness within their hearts. I am enjoying my new life as the Vampire God and everything but there are also times when I wonder what I would do if I wasn't the Vampire God and still got sent to this world? Would I still have had the same opportunities, or would I just end up failing miserably? Maybe I am not meant to know, but still it bugs me at night when I lay awake thinking about it. Therefore I am putting all of my energy into building this empire, this family with my new friends. With this I can look forwards into eternity and know that I have accomplished something great. Jelia, Shinji, and Yusuke are all of vital importance to me and I must make sure that they are well aware of that fact, because there is nothing worse than someone coldly drifting away from you and leaving you sitting alone at night with a shattered heart and soul. I can't lose these guys, because without them I would feel like I am nothing and have nothing.

To build an empire is a massive undertaking, and yet it is exactly what I have decided to do. An empire that shall span across the ages forevermore. That the name Nightblood should be on the tongue, and in the hearts and minds of countless people across this strange and exciting world that I have found myself in. I find myself wondering time and again; why did the system choose me and what is the true purpose of me being the Vampire God? Who truly benefits from this? Who is the puppet master in the dark cover of night? Are my decisions my own, or am I swayed by my nature as a God? Is there a supernatural order in this world with it's own restrictions, or am I truly free to do as I please? This and a thousand more thoughts travel throughout my mind as I sit down and begin my first steps towards building an empire.

After a long night of contemplation, I have yet to decide just how I want to begin building my empire. I already have allies but I'll need a lot more. I have a pretty sizeable group, but compared to the countless billions of people in the world it is so minuscule. Jelia is taking care of the recruitment and management aspects of Nightblood, so I feel like I am pretty much just a figurehead. Shinji and Yusuke are both my best friends since I came to this world. I also find myself wondering how those officers back in Brittania are doing, I mean those were some nice women who had great hearts and went above and beyond for me to live out my dream life. It's thanks to those women that I am where I am today and I will never forget their contributions for all of eternity. They are just the first of what is sure to be many people who will help in some way towards building my empire, but their contribution will always have the deepest impact on my heart. I mean Officer Yumi found me naked in the middle of a street during the middle of a busy day. There was a crowd of people and someone even freaked out and called for the cops. It was a very humiliating experience, and yet they didn't jump to conclusions and instead were understanding and quickly got me out of that hellish situation. I will have to remember to call Officer Yumi one of these days when I am free.

Back to the building of an empire; things aren't going to magically just stack up in my favor. I will need to build all kinds of connections both within the secular world, as well as that of the supernatural. I can't have one without the other. And so I need to decide whether to take a break from the supernatural side of the coin, and go for the secular world, or keep on sticking to the supernatural and gain more allies from that pool of people. It is a lot harder than you think to decide something that seems to be a simple decision because of the fact that it definitely isn't easy at all. However, in order to take a step forward in the building of my empire and in order to better understand the societal structure of this new world in a deeper level, I should first start out with the regular humans and worry about the supernatural races at a later date. After all I just got done subduing an entire army of darkness and converting them to my side, so I think that we are okay on that side of things at the moment.

Jelia is an incredible woman with an amazingly gorgeous body and that face is just too flawless. I know that I am an immature fool, and I don't know how to handle women very well, but even I am not stupid enough to not notice Jelia's feelings for me. It excites me to no end, and I intend to answer her feelings but now is not the time for all of that. I have much more pressing matters to attend to such as who are these people that Jelia told me about that are behind the army that was sent to our headquarters? What is their game plan, and what exactly do they want me dead for? Is my role in this world larger than what I had imagined? I mean I know I am a God now which is a massively big deal, but I never really thought about it before but I am in fact the God of an entire race of immortal beings. There will be those who seek after my power for selfish reasons, and those who simply see me as a threat to their power in this world. There will even be those who attempt to seduce me just so that they can secure a place in my realm. What can I say, ever since I became the Vampire God my sex appeal went through the roof and I am no dense idiot who doesn't notice all of the females around me practically foaming at the mouth when they look at me. Anyway none of that is important, what is important is that I need to decide now just who in the human world that I need to contact to begin building connections for my empire. This I will have to bring up with Jelia. Let's go find her.

After teleporting back to base from my dorm room back at the school, I sat in my throne and waited. Sure enough five minutes later Jelia came sprinting into the room with a broad grin across her face. After skidding to a stop in front of me, she then dropped down into a low curtsy and looked up at me with excitement clearly in her eyes. My libido began to act up at this moment and I managed to just barely calm myself down. She is just too damn sexy! Anyway I looked at Jelia and said, "Jelia I require your assistance. I need to build connections in the human world in order for our empire to reach the four corners of this world. I want the name Nightblood to be sung in every bar in the world, and national anthems dedicated to us to be sung in their schools. I have big dreams Jelia, however they are not in the least bit unrealistic. And so, it is up to you my lady to begin building those bridges for us as the face of our organization. I may be the leader, but you will be the spokesperson for me. I trust in you completely and know that you will perform this task to the highest of levels of completion. I believe in you Jelia. Now go." If Jelia was a rocket she would have blasted off at this moment. It is very clear that she is doing her absolute best to stop herself from pouncing on me and declaring her love for me. I sighed as I listened to her say stuff like, "For my Lord I'll do it all!", and "Victory or death!" man she is so overboard I swear. Oh well, I know without a doubt that I can trust her with this so everything will work out quite swimmingly. Anyway that's that taken care of, now to check on my buddies.

Teleporting back to the dorm room, I took a look around and realized that it was bad timing on my part because they were currently in the throes of passion and didn't even notice my presence. Shaking my head with a smirk on my face, I quietly left through the door and began to head to the school's canteen. Even though I won't be getting anything to eat, I can still interact with my fellow students while I am still a student here. However as soon as I entered the canteen, the loud room went instantly and deathly silent. When I looked up, I realized everyone was looking at me like they just saw a ghost walk through a wall. Some had fear, some revulsion, and other's were full of unbridled lust or excitement. After thinking about things for a minute, I realized what had happened. I have been so focused on other things, that I forgot about my debut concert and how I slaughtered those guys in front of countless thousands of people. That would have been recorded by many people, so now I was probably seen as a danger and a threat to the public safety. Surprisingly at that moment a teacher came up to me and said, "Clyde would you please report to the principal's office? She is waiting there for you. She has something of the utmost importance to discuss with you, so it is in your best interest to report to her on the double. Get moving pal." Nodding my head with a light sigh, I began to swiftly make my way to the principal's office in order to get things over with.

I'm now standing outside of the principal's office and right as I was about to knock, I heard a strangely familiar voice telling me to come in. So, without further ado I did, and who did I find sitting at the principal's desk but none other than Jelia Mooncrown! "Jelia what is the meaning of this? What are you doing in my school's principal's office?" Jelia gave me a very surprised look before saying, "My Lord didn't you know? I am this school's principal. I have been for the last 50 years. It is one of the most well guarded secrets about this school. It is one of my many covers that I have used over the centuries in order to blend into human society. Is it really so surprising to see me? After all how do you think I keep track of you all of the time and know when you are about to arrive at headquarters? I keep some of my people here to watch over you, so that should you ever require my services I am ready at a moments notice." Smiling at Jelia feeling impressed with her versatility and great social skills, I simply said, "Good job Jelia, you are amazing." However her response was over the top. She fainted. Laughing loudly, I walked over to her and gently prodded her awake. Sitting up looking confused, Jelia looked up to see my face and a great blush appeared on her face. Clearing her throat, she looked away with tears in her eyes and said slightly reproachfully, "My Lord, please don't spring an attack on me like that! I wasn't mentally prepared. But oh am I so, so happy to hear you say that to me! It means that there truly is hope for me after all!" Doing a victory pose and dancing around the room, Jelia then grabbed out a bottle of blood from the fridge and brought it over to me before pouring myself and her each a glass. She then proceeded to heat them up before serving them. Clinking our glasses together, Jelia and I looked each on in the eyes before both saying, "To the glory of Nightblood!"