
Monu: Will you be my girlfriend?

Kaju: said no to both of his question.


kaju: Dont know

Monu: I can be the best boyfriend

Kaju: I dont know what to say

Monu: please dont break our friendship just give me one chance , keep talking to me and i m not expecting more.

kaju: ok

kaju and monu keep talking . Soon Kaju has an important cricket tournament and she went to another state .Although monu doesnot want that kaju should go away from him but he respects her profession and wanted her to get success in it.

kaju's tournament doesnot went well . She thought all this is happening because all her attention is in monu amd she is not focusing on her career. Next day she messaged monu that stay away from her because of him she is not doing well.

These words pinched monu a lot and its more heartbreaking than kaju's no.

kaju returned back from tournament . She doesnot want to go to practice session as monu will be there but she has no option and when she saw monu her heart melts and she realises that she was wrong, as nobody is responsible for your failure.

kaju didnot realise that for her words somebody else gonna pay a price. Few days back monu has promised her that he will quit smoking but kaju's statement forced him to go back into that darkness and he also didnot told kaju that he is smoking again .

One day a friend of monu came to kaju and asked did she knows about monu's smoking . kaju has seen this guy and sometimes he played with them , he is young around 15. kaju told him that he used to do smoking but now he quits. That guy told that no he still do .

kaju went into deep shocked , she couldnot believe his words, her thoughts were not in her control.

Is monu lying all the things he told to kaju, is it just a play for him . She is waiting for monu to come at practice and ask him about his smoking.