Growing Up , Begining Of The Training

It has been a month since Tatsuya was born , his days were spent eating and sleeping. He learned that he was born before the Second Shinobi World War and was in the same generation as the Legendary Sannin , he was very excited since he would be able to battle against Hanzo , and his rival would be the Sannin. He would also have time to become strong enough for the main story event.

His father was one of the elder of the Uchiha Clan , he was also a rare genius of the clan who became a genin at the age of 9 a chuunin at 12 and jonin at 14 , he was now a special jonin level ninja.

His mother was the daughter of the previous clan's head and was also a genius kunoichi , but after becoming pregnant she chose to stop to take care of him.

-2 months later-

It has been 3 months since Tatsuya was born in this World , he could only crawl for now but he began to meditate at the start of the third months to try to make some light chakra control exercises , at start he couldn't make it but he was after all a genius when it came to martial arts in his previous life so after 10 or so failure he made it and could make is yet fully set meridian a little more supple which will make it easier to control his chakra in the future , but he was after all a baby so he was exausted after only a few try and went to sleep.

-6 months later-

It was the ninth months since he was born , he had made his meridian as supple as it could be and was able to control his chakra like someone who trained for 3 to 4 years , but as he progressed it became harder to improve as he was near his physical limit , to improve he had to do physical training but it was not possible before being at least three.

He began to walk at 7 months and to speak at 9 so he was already considered as a genius by the clan thus they began to prioritise the ressource distribution , he was already the son of an elder , his mother was the sister of the clan head so he was already pretty wealthy.

-3 months later-

It has been a year since he came to this World and it was thus is first birthday ,the clan decided to host a banquet with the other clan of the village.

In the main hall of the uchiha's main residence was a gathering of people , young and old , on the stage , there were 4 people present , they were the head of the Uchiha Clan , Hyuga clan , Senju Clan and the third Hokage who were presiding the ceremony , in the corner were the youth of this generation , there were the young princess of the senju clan , Tsunade , Orochimaru , Jiraya and the others of their génération , they were all at least 2 years old.

When Tatsuya came in , all the noise stoped and all the gaze turned to him , he became the focus of the room , he was tall for his age , with a friendly disposition , handsome black haired and black eyed with a sharp face , he was slightly tall for his age and walked in with great confidence.

His parents were on each side of him and they went to the main stage together.

They paid respect to the three clans head and the Hokage and his parents let him go on top of the stage.

His uncle , the Uchiha clan's head began his speech:"Welcome everyone and thanks for comming for the birthday of my nephew , now that the main guest is here we can begin to celebrate!!!" he gave a slight push to Tatsuya then thanked everyone:"Everyone thanks for comming for my birthday" his immature voice made him really cute and a lot of lady laughed with their mouth behind their hand.

His uncle then told him:"You Can go play with the other youths if you want now."

"Thanks uncle i'll go now"

He then went to the other kids and began to chat with them.

"Hey , i'm Tetsuya nice to meet you all."

The first to respond was Jiraya as he was the most social of the bunch.

"Nice to meet you to!" he said as he placed his arm around his shoulder and went to introduce him to the others 1 per 1 , at the end of the banquet he made friend with everyone of them and was especially close with the Sannin.

When he wake up the day after he continued his life as usual while starting to run around the Uchiha's estate to start training his body without damaging it.

-2 years later-

Since he was now three he began to exercise his body a lot more to build a strong fondation since chakra was the fusion of mental and physical energy since his mind was already very strong if his body was strong to his chakra would soar.

-1 year later-

Since the time weren't peaceful children were allowed to attend the academy a lot earlier si usually they began at the age of 4.

He also chose to start at 4.

When he arrived in his classroom for his first day , he saw that he was in the same room as his friends and thus went to speak to them , they were surprised to see him here and they then chatted till the sensei came in the classroom.

He presented Tatsuya to the rest of the classroom saying that since the village knew his ability he was allowed to the 2 years class skipping direclty the first year.

The class started and began with the competition in taijutsu , ninjutsu of the year start.