Chapter 09: With a daughter in my hand...

"No. All i have is-"

Fei Wen Li suddenly remembered something.

"Oh yes, since your blood is similar to [God's Blood], perhaps it may be able to resurrect her…"

Empress Fei Wen Li raised a fair hand and summoned a rainbow colored pet's egg directly without using a Grimoire.

Looking at that rainbow colored pet egg, Yue Yang's heartbeat accelerated quickly.

'Hehe, finally, it's Little Wen Li turn to appear.'

"This is?"

"She is my Guard Captain. She died protecting me before I was sealed, and I had no way to resurrect her, so I could only turn her back to her former state! If your blood can resurrect her, then she could probably help you with small matters. But I cannot guarantee if she retained her battle experience!"

Fei Wen Li first bit her thumb and drew a strange rune on the surface with her blood, then gestured at Yue Yang to extend his hand towards her.

She cut open a small wound on Yue Yang's palm, then softly laid the shining rainbow coloured egg on the small wound.

That egg was like a little vampire frantically absorbing Yue Yang's fresh blood.

Yue Yang was almost sucked dry…

When Yue Yang was having a dizzy spell, a strong light suddenly arose, leaving behind an image of a demon serpent warrior that was over ten metres tall. The image disappeared in less than a second, as the light was sucked away quickby the Black Hole space.

The egg that had sucked enough fresh blood dissolved and disappeared, becoming a pattern of blood. It wriggled on Yue Yang's hand until it reached his chest, and an exquisite pattern of a demon serpent appeared on his skin.

The demon serpent pattern had its six arms raised high, each holding a different weapon. Its long serpent tail twisted and coiled around Yue Yang's waist and lower abdomen.

Before Yue Yang managed to see it clearly, that pattern moved as if it was brought to life, and flew out of his body in a path of rainbow coloured light in an instant. In an instant, it entered Empress Fei Wen Li's body.

"Goodness gracious!" Empress Fei Wen Li let out a sound of surprise, six arms all raised in unison, as if to block the rainbow coloured light from entering her body.

However, her a flash of hesitation appeared on her expression.

In the end, she stopped blocking and allowed the rainbow coloured light to enter her body.

Within the shining light and fragrance, a petite, small loli started to appear on the exquisite pattern of a demon serpent that Empress Fei Wen Li had on her lower abdomen.

This girl looked exactly like Empress Fei Wen Li, but she was her smaller version.

They had the same six arms and snake tail, but she looked a little young and inexperienced.

The body was about Yue Shuang size, and her height was about Yue Yang's waist.

The little loli demon serpent seemed like she was struggling to stand steadily. Her six arms extended and hugged Fei Wen Li's snake waist, but that head full of blond hair was looking back at Yue Yang. A sapphire-like big eyes stared at Yue Yang unblinkingly.

Yue Yang just continued looking stupefied.

' Oh God, how can such a cute thing exist in the world. It's bad, i'm going to transform into a Lolicon.'

"Heavens, after this little fellow was revived by your blood, it actually went as far as to come back to suck out my life energy…..I'm doomed, my body is doomed. I might even be unable to recover even after sleeping another 1000 years."

Empress Fei Wen Li began to tremble, her face pale and wan, as if she had just given birth. She was beyond exhausted, and beads of sweat had slowly formed on her forehead.

She practically didn't even have the strength to stand anymore.

Yue Yang noticed that her serpent tail had begun to blur, and gradually becoming like fog.

However, her six jade-like arms still refused to let go of the baby loli serpent demon. She continued to tightly hug it towards her, as if she were carrying her own darling baby.

"Please carry her, I can't take it much longer."

Empress Fei Wen Li summoned a large, sparkling and translucent grimoire. It looked like a crystal, and it constantly flashed with a bright glow, dazzling Yue Yang's eyes. Under his gaze, that 3 meter long and 2 meter wide grimoire had actually transformed into a mysterious, see-through crystal coffin.

Empress Fei Wen Li's expression looked beyond exhausted. It looked as if the smallest movement would completely drain all of her physical strength.

She took back the baby serpent demon loli into her arms, and lightly kissed it.

Then she once again passed it over to Yue Yang, gesturing for him to take it back.

The baby serpent demon loli was a bit hesitant, and appeared to be reluctant to leave. However, after seeing Yue Yang's stretched out arms, its six small arms shifted to tightly pull itself closer to his body.

Empress Fei Wen Li's body swayed slightly; her physical strength had seemed to reach its limit, barely able to keep her from falling onto the ground. She breathed heavily as her chest quivered.

"You should quickly leave, my life energy is almost gone. I must immediately go to sleep."

As she spoke, Empress Fei Wen Li's six jade arms suddenly flashed brightly, blazing like the sun itself.

An enormous shadow that was ten meters tall appeared behind her. Her six arms moved in unison, forming an unusual seal. Then she suddenly shattered into pieces with a bang, bursting into streams of stars.

Yue Yang felt a great force attack his body, pushing him back with an irresistible force. This gave Yue Yang the illusion of having crossed dimensions.

When Yue Yang opened his eyes, he discovered that he had actually already returned to the real world. Everything that had just happened seemed like a mere dream.

"Little girl come out" Called Yue Yang with a soft voice.

A rainbow light flashed.

Amidst the brightness and the fragrance in the air, the baby serpent demon loli gradually floated out from Yue Yang's body, becoming a real blood and flesh body. Its six arms were stretched open, like a small octopus, and tightly hugged Yue Yang's body. Its large, sapphire eyes looked unblinkingly at Yue Yang, looking like a shy child that had seen its father but didn't dare to call his name. It was extremely cute.

Mysterious Serpent Demon:Level 1 – Diamond Rank, Guardian Beast

Larva State, Sentient, Humanoid Beast.

Unlimited Vitality, Life Force tied to Summoner's.

Possesses a grimoire.

Binding Innate Skill: Innate skills can be simultaneously released during times of attack. Incorporeal binding chains can cause the target's body, consciousness, spiritual power, vitality, and spirit to be bound. Before the Binding is released, the target cannot budge. The bindings are dependent on the user's abilities and innate rank.

Currently, this Inherent Skill is level 1.

"Now that i have a daughter i can retire and live a happy no, it's no that...With a daughter in hand i can conquer the world...yes this must be that."

The little loli titled her head in front of Yue Yang's weird speech.

"So- You need a name don't you...I suppose Little Wen Li will do for now. If you don't like wait i free your mother and we will choose a better."

The baby don't answer but rubbed her cute face on his chest before returning in his body.

"Well i should go to the old man." Say Yue Yang as he leave his room.

At that moment, a young maid passed by and see him.

"KYAAAA! Young master, your clothes!"

"Euh!" Astonished, he looked at his body. He was naked.
