Chapter 40: Princess get 2

-POV Yue Yu-

Today, she was walking on the first floor of Tong Tian Tower with her friend, the princess Qian Qian. They have heard of a wisdom fruit being on sale and they come to buy it for her beast.

They were only these two as they were very close and the rest of their team waited for them at their resting place.

As they walking, a man talked to her, inviting her to drink. She turned around to repulse him but when she sees his face she was stunned. It's was her third brother, her cousin. The boy she had to see being bullied by the other members of their family and who was so recluse, was now in front of her with a grinning face. He played a farce on her.

Before she could say anything, Her friend Qian Qian stroke at him with her first.

She feels like fainting as she watched with horror her weak little brother being hurt but that feeling disappeared when she see him catch the fist with one hand.

Not stopping at this, the princess continued to attack with a strike of her other hand but was thrown away.

Using the time before her friend come back, she checked if he was really her third brother and he was but what was paining her was that he didn't recognize the clan as his family anymore and didn't even call her big sister.

But then she learns something who interested her, he had a girlfriend. As she was about to question him, Qian Qian comes back and attacked him with her sword.

Yue Yu know the destructive power of Qian Qian sword but again, her little brother stunned her by blocking it with his forefinger.

She tried to calm the two but with Yue Yang word and Qian Qian personality, she failed.

Quickly this becomes a duel with a big bet on it.

Qian Qian takes the oath to become Yue Yang woman if she loses and Yue Yang had to give her the golden ranked beast egg that he showed to them if it's him who lose.

Their voice were realy high so the surounding people take a look at them.

The princess, well award that her strengh alone can't defeat him so she summoned her grimoire and stenghened herself with her gardian beast. At this moment she see something moving in her brother shadow but wasn't able to see what it was.

Then Qian Qian stood here, in front of Yue Yang without moving, her eyes have become black.

"Xiao San, what have you done, why sister Qian Qian id like that?" She asked him.

"Don't worry, it's just a little trick." He answered why walking toward the barbaric girl. When he was in front of her, he takes one of his swords and does a little cut on her neck, just to make a red line on it without hurting her.

"Voilà, i won!" He declared in front of all the public.

All were silent as they didn't understand what happened.

Without caring about them Yue Yang takes the princess and put her on his shoulders.

"Yue Yu, we go." The boy says to her.


In the INN Yue Yang have booked, in a room were Yue Yang, Yue Bing, Yue Yu and Yi Nan. The Three idiot were training as ordered by him and the useless dog was sleeping, absorbing the energy of the Inhate level 3 Demon hearth that his master gifted to him.

The princess Qian Qian was on a bed, still in that weird state.

"So, Xiao San, tell me what you have done to sister Qian Qian!" required the second miss.

"Yes, tell us. What have you done." Say Yi Nan.

Yue Bing was just looking at him with curiosity.

"Nothing much. I used my guardian beast. It's my shadow and can move in it. I made it infiltrate the shadow of the princess to say it...possess her? Well before I used some rune to transform it into an entity of pure mental energy so it entered her mind and sink her in an illusion." He explained.

"An illusion? What kind of?"

"Well...I'm not too sure...I should appear as her desired opponent."

"Desired opponent?"

"Yes, in the illusion she is fighting me who fight her like the opponent she had always wanted. Like someone insensitive by her attack, someone who overpowered her, someone who can fight with her for eternity, or even an opponent she can cut, again and again, something like that. It depends on her inner desire as I don't have any control over it. It's actually the first time I use it."

"Is that so...then when will she woke up?"

"If she understands she is in an illusion or if she forfeits as she thinks she is in our duel." Then he looked at the sleeping princess. "I think it would take time, look, it's like she enjoys what she sees."

As he says so, the three girls looked at her and see her moaning and blushing.

'How can this be? What is she seeing in it for her to become like this?'

' She clearly doesn't enjoy a fight but something else!'

'i wonder if it's really so pleasurable, I want to try.'

As the three were lost in their mind, the princess spasmed a few time before waking up.

She looked at the unknown ceiling before looking at her surrounding. There she sees Yue Yang.

"You bastard how dare you do molest this princess!" She yelled.

Yue Yu, Yi Nan, and Yue Bing were dumbfounded.

'Did the Xiao San/ Yue Yang/ Big Brother she sees in the illusion was molesting her? Did that mind that being molested is her inner desire?'

"He! Sister Yu, Yi Nan, why are you looking at me like that." The princess says as she recognized the two ladies who were looking at her with a weird face.


"Answer me!!!"