Chapter 68: You have to show sincerity when you invite me!

As Yue Yang looked at the too eastern goblin tribe soldier with disdain, In the skies.

As the black pillar of light linked with the middle of the black Runic Circle, another three figures of people appeared.

Two of them wore black robes. They had a big and tall figure, it seemed like they were at least three meters tall.

However, their huge bodies were as light as a feather as they floated in mid-air. The person in the middle who the two giants had been protecting was wearing a gold-colored robe. He wore a purple crown on his head and held a white jade scroll that had Ancient Runes written on it.

The gold-robed man was an elegant, handsome-looking middle-aged man with his eyes closed.

He floated in mid-air as he bowed towards the Soaring Dragon Continent, then he opened his eyes only to see the two members who were sent before, crushed on the ground by a human youngster.

He was lost. He had prepared a good speech to report the greatness of the Goblin Emperor to the humans but now...he didn't know what to do.

"Hey, you three, fall down now. If you want to talk, I will listen but if you want to fight I'll kill you." Say Yue Yang to them.

One of the men clothed in black answered, "What an arrogant human, do you think because you-" He didn't even end his sentence, Yue Yang appeared behind him without him noticing and was cut him half by Yue Yang sword strike.

"Who's next?"

"We will talk!" Say the golden clothed man, and he goes down.

"I give you one minute to explain your presence here."

Courteously cupping his hands, the man bowed toward the audience and said,

"Ladies and gentlemen, please forgive us for our uninvited visit. A month ago, a warrior from the Soaring Dragon Continent had recommended a talented youngster to our Emperor. Our emperor loved talented people, and he has specially ordered us to come to the Soaring Dragon Continent to invite these honored guests sincerely with our hearts, to come to our kingdom's Rainbow Palace Hall to gather for a while… "

"Inviting...hee~ Coming uninvited and being discourteous, that such a sincerity."

"Please pardon them, they are just soldier and don't know much about the usages."

"Well, not that I really care, just remember, I alone can act arrogantly when I am somewhere. Now, tell, who do you want to invite?"

the man slowly opened the white jade scroll in his hands and read each name aloud,

"Presenting our Emperor's orders, we invite these few honored guests to gather: Yue Clan Third Young Master Yue Yang, Yue Clan Seventh Miss Yue Bing, Feng Clan Feng Qi Sha, Xue Clan Xue Tan Lang, Yan Clan Yan Po Jun, Floating Mist Sect Junior Sect Leader Bai Yun Fei, Prince of Zi Jin Chu Feng Lei, Prince of Tian Luo Hua Zi Yu, Crystal Palace Dragon Ambassador Can Lan Yu… and last but not least, Da Xia Princess Qian Qian. A total of ten brilliant talented youngsters, please accept our invitation, our Emperor loved young talents like you guys, so he will definitely treat you as honored guests!"

"Well, sorry to disturb your plan but Bai Yun Fei his now a crippled and Chu Feng Lei his dead. Yue Bing can't go anywhere out of the house if I'm not with her and Princess Qian Qian is my woman."

"Oh, I see...It's unfortunate. Are you perhaps the Yue Clan Third Young Master Yue Yang?"

"It's me!"

"Can you accept the invitation of our emperor? He is really generous, for someone of your talent he would give a really good gift."

"Sorry but my schedule is busy. If you want to take rendezvous, you have to do it two months beforehand, and even so, you have to show sincerity... I only accept platinum ranked beast egg."

At this moment, all the people in the stadium puked blood. 'We have to present to you platinum ranked beast egg only to have a meeting with you?'