Chapter 77:

After fantasizing about the marvel of a breeding farm, Yue Yang tackled the third trial, The Heaven hall.

When he entered in the all, he was greeeted by the gaze of demons and angels.

"Good, so much treasure that will finish in my hands."

Not wanting to lose time, he ordered to Duo Duo to exterminate the demons while the others will kill the angels.

The two groups were stunned in front of Yue Yang's moves. Those that come in the Heaven temple had to choose to battle with one against the others but this one chooses to fight them all.

"Foolish human, do you really think you can kill us all? Even with the help of one of us, you will have great difficulties but now...are you suicidal?"

"You lowlife, you want to kill us, the servant of God? Know your place!"

Without caring about the leaders who said their last speech, the little girls started to attack.

The demons shitted themselves when they saw DuoDuo summoning a sea of thorny flower and fleed in panic, in vain. Each one of them were caught and eated.

The angels weren't afraid of the little girls as they can fly high in the sky and the lolis no.

But their thinking changed quickly as the girls took their original form. A gigantic Dragon Turtle with a Vulcan in her back, an Ice Kirin, a Golden Crow, a girl dressed in flame with a crown on her head, and a prideful hundred-headed dragon covered in blue flames.

melting rocks, fire arrows, icicles, and flame feathers invaded the sky and taken down the stupidly prideful Angels.

Due to their large numbers, their extermination took some time but it was done.

Admiring the work of his little darlings, Yue Yang nodded his head. When they finished the last Angel and Demons, Yue Yang looted all he found, corpse, weapons, armor, metal scraps, building...the hall was in the cleanest time since it's creation.

His grimoire level up again and he was now Golden Ranked intermediate and his level increased, he was now a level 5 Grandmaster Beginner.

The reward were quite good but he was waiting for the one given for completing the three hall.


Da Xia empire, Ivy Academy.

"Hey, old fox!"

Yue Yang called.

"What is it, brat? Didn't you have to train the others?"

"Oh, that? I throw them in the new dimension of training that we developed before going to the second floor and complete the three halls."


"I completed the three halls."

"..." The vice principal was stunned, he knows already how cheated the young man in front of him was but that was still an impressive feat.

"Well, I need to go and see the principal." Yue Yang said with a smile.

"Stop! I forbid you!" Yelled the old man but,

"Like I care..." He answered while disappeared.


Yue Yang reappeared in the principal office where two girls that looked like each other were talking around a tea.

"Good! My two missing wives in the same place, I don't have to look for the second after that."

""Who is your wife!""

"You two!"


"What's wrong?"

"...Why are you here?" Asked Xue Wu Xia.

"Of course to kidna- invite you to participate at the training."


"As for you Wu Hen, I'll heal you!"

"...Don't joke around, healing me isn't something you can do even if you are a freak."

"Oy, oy, what wife can her husband a freak. Do you think I don't know your condition is like that because you experimented runes on your body? If it about runes then I can write a ten pages long love letter with them. Healing you will take a long time and some efforts but it's possible!"


"Who do you think you ask?"

"A pervert?"