Truth or Dare with the leader

Bluestar : hi !I'm your host for today !Today we'll be playing TRUTH OR DARE!*dramatic pose* Hey Firestar I told you to play the music whenever I do this!* strikes pose aggain *

Firestar: *whimpers*

Bluestar: Bad boi no cookies!

Firestar: *grovels* please anything but the cookies!

Bluestar :Fien now listen to my order!

Firestar: *ducks head in shame*

Bluestar: Let's do this again. Action!

Okay so the truth or dare contestants are.....*drumroll* Yellowfang! Jayfeather!Ashfeather!Crowfeather!Nightpelt!Breezepelt!

Firestar: *clears throat*They are voted as the grumpiest cats in the history of cats! *mutters* according to Bluestar anyways.

Breezepelt: What the *beep* am I doing here

Bluestar: *singsong voice* Manners! This show is kid friendly!

Jayfeather: *appearantly not listening* * beep* * beep* * beep* * beep* * beep* * beep* * beep* * beep* * beep* * beep* * beep* * beep* * beep* * beep* * beep* * beep* * beep* * beep* * beep* * beep* * beep* * beep* * beep* * beep*

Bluestar: *clamps Jayfeather's mouth with tail* Well let's begin! Everyone sit in a circle, no pushing!

Everyone except for Bluestar: *grumbles*

Bluestar:Okay so Jayfeather first!Then clockwise direction!

Jayfeather: *flips coin cause cats totally can do that without fingers* Truth now what the *beep* do I *beep*do ?

Bluestar: Answer a question!So from catagram- half-moon or stick

Jayfeather : First, I don't have a crush

Crowd: Half- moon ! Half- moon ! Half- moon !

Jayfeather: *blush cuz cats can do that* stick

Crowd: awwwwwwwwww

Yellowfang: Dare.

Bluestar: *whispers* admit that you are Brokenstar's mother to the whole if star clan and all the clans

Yellowfang: Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nopeNope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nopeNope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope

Bluestar: If you're not gonna do it I will . For starclan's sake do it for the cookies!

Yellowfang : Nope No—

Bluestar : Brokenstar is Yellowfang's mother's brother's sister's father's grandchild

Everyone :*racking their bee brains*

Bluestar : whateva  Okay so now it's Crowfeather!

Crowfeather: Truth.

Bluestar: ok! *sly grin* you know that once upon a time there was a Crowfeather who fell in love with Feathertail and when she died he moved on to Leafpool and had kits but they were in different clans so bye bye and he mates Nightcloud and had kits

Nightcloud: *hisses* How dare you!*chases after Crowfeather *

Crowfeather: GTG *runs away and steps on Jayfeather's stick accidentally *

Jayfeather : Nooooooo *joins in the chase*

Yellowfang: FOR DA COOKIES!*joins in the fun*

Bluestar: um... that concludes today's episode! *Nervous Laughter* bai! *Slinks away* Leaving Breezepelt confused